Aahhh v2.21 ŠNRG inc 1997 NRG inc. The guru for sliding block puzzles. Installation: Copy all files into the directory \System\Apps\Aaahh\ The Aaahh directory should contain Aaahh.app Aaahh.aif logo.mbm pix\ Butterrflies Message Migrane Topless babe Wobbly logo Boring legal stuff.. Neither NRG inc., nigel garnett nor any other party named in any file or program released with this distribution will be held responsible or culpable for any type of damage to person or property howsoever caused as a reult of the use or misuse of any of the data,software or files in this distribution. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! NRG inc. 06:38 14/12/1997