===================================== Shanghai V 1.1 for the Psion Series 5 ===================================== This is my first release for the Series 5, I hope you like it, more titles to follow soon... Shanghai is a classic game, remove matching pairs of Mah Jongg tiles until all 144 have been removed from the board. With high quality graphics, speech, and sound effects. ================== CHANGES FROM V 1.0 ================== Various minor bugs fixed, program can now be shut down from the system screen whilst running (but not if left at a dialog or menu, as this is aparently impossible to achieve when writing in OPL), program now keeps track of the most number of tiles removed, or if layout has been completed, the best time taken, for each of the first 30 levels, Shanghai can now be registered via REGNET, instructions in program. ==================== UPGRADING FROM V 1.0 ==================== Delete your current Shanghai directory, and replace with the new one, the Psitech5 directory need not be touched. =============== FUTURE VERSIONS =============== I hope to release a version with multiple tile sets, apart from adding variety, it will also help those that find the current tile set a little hard to see. =================== INSTALLING SHANGHAI =================== Turn on your Series 5, press the System button (bottom left of the screen), press the Menu key, under 'Tools' select 'Preferences', make sure that there is a tick next to 'show system folder' and click on 'OK'. You are now ready to install Shanghai. Copy the folder called 'Shanghai' into C:\System\apps\ Copy the folder called 'Psitech5' into C:\System\ If you allready have a 'Psitech5' folder, due to installing another of my programs, then just copy the contents of Shanghai's 'Psitech5' folder into your existing 'Psitech5' folder. It is possible to install Shanghai onto a Memory card, i.e. device 'D' although at the time of release I have not been able to test this, so if you experience problems, install to 'C'. Pressing the 'Extras' button (bottom right of screen) will now reveal the icon for Shanghai, select it to run Shanghai. If you have difficulty installing Shanghai, re-read and follow carfully the above instructions, you have probably put the files in the wrong place. =========== HOW TO PLAY =========== Instructions on how to play are included in the program, just press 'Menu' when Shanghai starts. Until registered only tile layout 1 is available, this is a fairly easy layout, and it is not too difficult to remove all the tiles, though don't be surprised if it takes a few attempts, the other tile layouts vary in difficulty (they are not progressivly more difficult), try experimenting with different strategies, in general, I think you will find the best method is to first find all available pairs, and then work out which pair if removed, would leave you with the most free tiles to choose from for your next move. I am sure with time you will find more complex strategies than this, but it's a good place to start. You may ocasionally find a tile set where it is not possible to remove all the tiles. ================== ABOUT REGISTRATION ================== In it's unregistered state, it is intended that you just get an idea of whether you think the program is worth registering, and although play is restricted, I am sure you will agree that it is better than purchasing a program after only see a screenshot on the back of a box, as with most commercial software. Full instructions on how to register are given within the program, please note the the program will be registered to your Series 5 (by useing your Series 5's unique ID), not to you, this has the disadvantage that should your series 5 be stolen or eaten by a shark, etc. then you would need to register the program again for your new machine, one advantage is that should you sell your Series 5, it is OK to leave the program on the machine. The aim of this type of registering is to minimise software piracy. Recently a number of registration codes for various Psion programs were posted on the Internet, thousands of people could then use these codes to register their programs free, destroying the programers income. This form of registration should minimize the liklyhood of such problems occurring, and I urge other programers to adopt this practise. I know that if your Series 5 were to be stolen, or damaged beyond repair (for most repairs I would expect that your Series 5 would keep it's unique ID), the thought of having to register the same program again is not nice, but by using this method of registration I can keep the cost of registration down. Purple Software's Chess costs 50 pounds, registering Shanghai 4 times at 12 pounds would still cost less than this. To be fair to all, there will be no exceptions to this, so even if your your Series 5 blows up the day after registering, re-registration would be required in order to use Shanghai on a new machine, This may sound mean, but it saves me time (if I have to send out multiple registration codes for one registration, the fee ends up just covering the time spent doing this, and I have nothing for the time spent creating the program), it also stops people from pretending their machine has been damaged, and getting a free registration for a friend or relative. I am not questioning any individuals honesty, but using a system of registration not open to abuse, which therefor helps to keep the cost of registration low. ================= IF YOU FIND A BUG ================= Please report in as much detail as possible any bugs you find, but before doing so please check my homepage http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/B_Vaughan/ and make sure that you are using the latest version of this program, as the bug may have already been fixed. ============= FINAL COMMENT ============= I hope that you will encorage me to write lots of new programs by registering. I am currently programing full time for the Psion range of computers, and can only continue with your support. Many thanks, Ben Vaughan.