APP Advent4D, &04baff1e CAPTION "Advent4D", 1 ICON "Advent4D.mbm" ENDA REM Adventures in 4 Dimensions REM Version 8.0 (9/26/98) REM Written by James L. Dean ( REM This program may be distributed or run without payment to its author. DECLARE EXTERNAL INCLUDE "SYSTEM.OXH" EXTERNAL AddLine:(strText$) EXTERNAL cmdBackward_Click: EXTERNAL cmdCarry_Click: EXTERNAL cmdDown_Click: EXTERNAL cmdDrop_Click: EXTERNAL cmdEast_Click: EXTERNAL cmdForward_Click: EXTERNAL cmdHelp_click: EXTERNAL cmdNorth_Click: EXTERNAL cmdQuit_click: EXTERNAL cmdSouth_Click: EXTERNAL cmdUp_Click: EXTERNAL cmdWayOut_Click: EXTERNAL cmdWest_Click: EXTERNAL GameUpdate: EXTERNAL Initialize: EXTERNAL nCellIndex%:(nX%, nY%, nZ%, nT%) EXTERNAL nConnectedIndex%:(nRoom%, nDimension%, nDirection%) EXTERNAL nRandomNumber&: EXTERNAL TerminateHelp: EXTERNAL WayOut1: CONST BUTTONWIDTH%=90 CONST BUTTONHEIGHT%=24 CONST LINEHEIGHT%=18 CONST INVENTORYWIDTH%=60 CONST nRooms%=100 CONST nRoomsTimes8%=800:REM 8*nRooms% CONST nMaxCells%=256:REM max (INT((2*FLT(nRooms%))**(1.0/FLT(i%)))+1)**i%,i%=2,3,4 CONST nTreasures%=15 CONST True%=-1 CONST False%=0 PROC Initialize: GLOBAL bEuclidean% GLOBAL bInitialized% GLOBAL nDimensions% GLOBAL strGameNumber$(8) GLOBAL bVisited%(nRooms%) GLOBAL nAddIndex% GLOBAL nGuardRoom%(nTreasures%) GLOBAL nMoves& GLOBAL nReplaceIndex% GLOBAL nRN&(8) GLOBAL nRNPartialSum& GLOBAL nRoom1% GLOBAL nScore% GLOBAL nTCoordinate% GLOBAL nTreasureRoom%(nTreasures%) GLOBAL nVisited% GLOBAL nWeaponRoom%(nTreasures%) GLOBAL nXCoordinate% GLOBAL nYCoordinate% GLOBAL nZCoordinate% GLOBAL bConnected%(nRoomsTimes8%) GLOBAL bRoomUsed%(nRooms%) GLOBAL bTreasureCarried% GLOBAL nCell%(nMaxCells%) GLOBAL nWidth%(4) GLOBAL strDescription$(nRooms%,255) GLOBAL strGuard$(nTreasures%,255) GLOBAL strPendingMsg$(255) GLOBAL strTreasure$(nTreasures%,255) GLOBAL strWayOut$(255) GLOBAL strWeapon$(nTreasures%,255) GLOBAL bBackward% GLOBAL bCarry% GLOBAL bDown% GLOBAL bDrop% GLOBAL bEast% GLOBAL bForward% GLOBAL bNorth% GLOBAL bSouth% GLOBAL bUp% GLOBAL bWest% GLOBAL gHeight% GLOBAL gWidth% GLOBAL gLineWidth% GLOBAL idBackward% GLOBAL idCarry% GLOBAL idDown% GLOBAL idDrop% GLOBAL idEast% GLOBAL idForward% GLOBAL idHelp% GLOBAL idNorth% GLOBAL idQuit% GLOBAL idSouth% GLOBAL idUp% GLOBAL idWayOut% GLOBAL idWest% GLOBAL nHelpThread& LOCAL bDirectionFound% LOCAL bFinished% LOCAL bSpace% LOCAL bUpdate% LOCAL bWeaponRoomFound% LOCAL bWidthsFound% LOCAL chkEuclidean% LOCAL nCellNum% LOCAL nConnection% LOCAL nCoordinate%(4) LOCAL nCoordinateNext%(4) LOCAL nDimension1% LOCAL nDimension2% LOCAL nDirection1% LOCAL nEvent&(20) LOCAL nKeyEnd% LOCAL nKeyIndex% LOCAL nKeyLength% LOCAL nKeyStart% LOCAL nMaxWidth% LOCAL nRoom2% LOCAL nTreasure1% LOCAL nVolume% LOCAL radDimensions% LOCAL Response% LOCAL strLine$(255) ESCAPE OFF bInitialized% = False% nHelpThread& = 0 nDimensions% = 3 bEuclidean% = True% strGameNumber$ = "1" chkEuclidean% = bEuclidean% radDimensions%= nDimensions% - 1 DINIT "Adventures in 4 Dimensions" DTEXT "","Return all the treasures to the entrance while visiting all the rooms." DEDIT strGameNumber$,"Game Number",8 DCHOICE radDimensions%,"Number of Dimensions","2,3,4" DCHECKBOX chkEuclidean%,"Euclidean space" DBUTTONS "Ok",%O Response% = DIALOG bEuclidean% = chkEuclidean% nDimensions% = radDimensions% + 1 nKeyLength% = LEN(strGameNumber$) nKeyStart% = 1 bSpace% = True% WHILE (nKeyStart% <= nKeyLength%) AND bSpace% IF MID$(strGameNumber$, nKeyStart%, 1) = " " nKeyStart% = nKeyStart% + 1 ELSE bSpace% = False% ENDIF ENDWH IF bSpace% strGameNumber$ = "1" nKeyStart% = 1 nKeyEnd% = 1 ELSE nKeyEnd% = nKeyLength% bSpace% = True% WHILE (nKeyEnd% > 0) AND bSpace% IF MID$(strGameNumber$, nKeyEnd%, 1) = " " nKeyEnd% = nKeyEnd% - 1 ELSE bSpace% = False% ENDIF ENDWH ENDIF nKeyIndex% = 1 WHILE ((nKeyStart% <= nKeyEnd%) AND (nKeyIndex% <= 8)) nRN&(nKeyIndex%) = 1 + Asc(MID$(strGameNumber$, nKeyStart%, 1)) nKeyIndex% = nKeyIndex% + 1 nKeyStart% = nKeyStart% + 1 ENDWH WHILE (nKeyIndex% <= 8) nRN&(nKeyIndex%) = 16411 nKeyIndex% = nKeyIndex% + 1 ENDWH nRNPartialSum& = 0 nKeyIndex% = 8 WHILE nKeyIndex% > 1 nRNPartialSum& = nRNPartialSum& + nRN&(nKeyIndex%) IF nRNPartialSum& >= 32771 nRNPartialSum& = nRNPartialSum& - 32771 ENDIF nKeyIndex% = nKeyIndex% - 1 ENDWH nReplaceIndex% = 2 nAddIndex% = 1 strWayOut$ = "" strTreasure$(1) = "a complete set of superman comic books" strGuard$(1) = "giant" strWeapon$(1) = "dagger" strTreasure$(2) = "a bag full of gold coins" strGuard$(2) = "ferocious lion" strWeapon$(2) = "axe" strTreasure$(3) = "a large blue-white diamond" strGuard$(3) = "grizzly bear" strWeapon$(3) = "mace" strTreasure$(4) = "a four ounce emerald" strGuard$(4) = "Tasmanian devil" strWeapon$(4) = "sword" strTreasure$(5) = "a platinum crucifix" strGuard$(5) = "crocodile" strWeapon$(5) = "staff" strTreasure$(6) = "a string of pearls" strGuard$(6) = "giant crayfish" strWeapon$(6) = "silver bullet" strTreasure$(7) = "a ming vase" strGuard$(7) = "troll" strWeapon$(7) = "hand of glory" strTreasure$(8) = "an oriental rug" strGuard$(8) = "boa constrictor" strWeapon$(8) = "trident" strTreasure$(9) = "a pile of rubies" strGuard$(9) = "harpy" strWeapon$(9) = "sling shot" strTreasure$(10) = "a previously undiscovered Rembrandt painting" strGuard$(10) = "cobra" strWeapon$(10) = "blow gun" strTreasure$(11) = "an ounce of human interferon" strGuard$(11) = "singularly large leech" strWeapon$(11) = "pike" strTreasure$(12) = "a stack of silver bars" strGuard$(12) = "rabid Doberman pinscher" strWeapon$(12) = "cutlass" strTreasure$(13) = "a set of ivory tusks" strGuard$(13) = "colossal cockroach" strWeapon$(13) = "spear" strTreasure$(14) = "an ancient Greek statue" strGuard$(14) = "giant rat" strWeapon$(14) = "stileto" strTreasure$(15) = "a small amount of radium in a lead container" strGuard$(15) = "titanic toad" strWeapon$(15) = "magic wand" strDescription$(1) = "the entrance to a large network of caverns." strDescription$(2) = "a spherical room." strDescription$(3) = "the hall of bones. Dinosaur bones are everywhere." strDescription$(4) = "a subway tunnel. Don't touch that third rail!" strDescription$(5) = "a railroad tunnel. A whistle wails in the distance." strDescription$(6) = "an elfin quiche factory. The elves are out mowing spinach." strDescription$(7) = "an abandoned Plymouth plant. Beware of Road Runners and Barracudas." strDescription$(8) = "an abandoned Dodge plant. There is a Dart embedded in the North wall." strDescription$(9) = "a mouse's nest. You'd best exhale; this is a small room." strDescription$(10) = "a giant crayfish hole. An immense chicken neck is hanging from a rope." strDescription$(11) = "an abandoned coal mine. Beware of methane." strDescription$(12) = "the hall of winds. Presently, the wind is from the south." strDescription$(13) = "a stove pipe!" strDescription$(14) = "a totally darkened room. Although you can see nothing, the sound of dripping water echos from the walls." strDescription$(15) = "an industrial waste site. Hold your breath and don't touch anything." strDescription$(16) = "the warehouse for an extremely popular brand of home computer. Tacky plastic enclosures abound." strDescription$(17) = "a hobbit's bedroom. The hobbit does not look pleased!" strDescription$(18) = "a troll sewerage processing plant. The air quality is not good." strDescription$(19) = "a rabbit hole. There is a jar of marmalade on a shelf in the wall." strDescription$(20) = "the giant's oven. Fortunately, it hasn't been used for years." strDescription$(21) = "a hobbit's drying room. Tobacco leaves abound." strDescription$(22) = "a large circular room. It is dark in here." strDescription$(23) = "the Crystal Palace. Quartz crystals cover the walls." strDescription$(24) = "the Emerald Room. Green crystals cover the ceiling." strDescription$(25) = "a curtained room." strDescription$(26) = "an air conditioning duct!" strDescription$(27) = "a giant kiln. Smoke stains the walls." strDescription$(28) = "the Hall of Mists. Wisps of white vapor rise from the floor." strDescription$(29) = "an Aztec pyramid. A mummy lies in the northwest corner." strDescription$(30) = "the Room of the Eternal Flame. A large natural gas flame burns in the center of the room. Coming from the west wall you can barely hear the words, 'Fee Fye Foe Fum'." strDescription$(31) = "the Giant's store room. You are surrounded by old rugs, books, chairs, etc." strDescription$(32) = "the Leprechaun's Treasure Room. Unfortunately, the leprechaun's treasure was stolen years ago." strDescription$(33) = "a large tiled room. A girl is inquiring after a rabbit. Feel free to ignore her." strDescription$(34) = "a former nuclear test site. There is a large pile of rubble in the center of the floor. The walls are streaked with a multitude of colors." strDescription$(35) = "a drainage system holding tank. Either it is no longer used, or it hasn't rained in a long time; the room is dry." strDescription$(36) = "Mayor Schiro's bomb shelter." strDescription$(37) = "a room with a waterfall. It is not very impressive; it looks like someone left a water faucet running." strDescription$(38) = "an abandoned Neanderthal home." strDescription$(39) = "a volcanic chimney. The air is getting warmer." strDescription$(40) = "a pit full of snakes. Let's get out of here!!!!" strDescription$(41) = "a salt dome." strDescription$(42) = "Eleanor Roosevelt's privy. Wendall Wilkie buttons cover the wall." strDescription$(43) = "Napoleon's wine cellar. German wines line the shelves." strDescription$(44) = "the space behind the giant's bathroom wall. Large razor blades litter the floor. Step lightly." strDescription$(45) = "the room where all old toe nail clipping come to rest. Used corn pads litter the floor." strDescription$(46) = "the Den of the Horta. The walls are covered with a sticky fluid. Don't touch it; it is extremely corrosive." strDescription$(47) = "a damp room. A small creek runs into a crack in the West wall." strDescription$(48) = "what appears to be a NOPSI manhole." strDescription$(49) = "the cafeteria of Mammoth Cave. The aroma of rancid corned beef assails your nostrils." strDescription$(50) = "a small room with a large table. On the table is a bottle that says, 'Drink me.'" strDescription$(51) = "a Confederate States of America bank vault. Once worthless currency papers the walls." strDescription$(52) = "an abandoned subway station." strDescription$(53) = "a mine shaft. In the distance you can hear seven high pitched voices singing, 'Hi Ho, Hi Ho, ...'" strDescription$(54) = "a Minuteman missile silo." strDescription$(55) = "the giant's mouse trap. Fortunately, you are small enough to escape." strDescription$(56) = "Adolph Hitler's summer bunker." strDescription$(57) = "a dwarf work site. A sign says, 'Under construction. Enter at your own risk.'" strDescription$(58) = "the giant's refrigerator. Dwarf bodies hang from hooks." strDescription$(59) = "the Dragon's Lair. Slightly melted suits of armor litter the floor." strDescription$(60) = "a nuclear waste depository. The walls glow faintly." strDescription$(61) = "Millard Filmore's tomb. It is dull." strDescription$(62) = "an abandoned corridor of the Strategic Air Command Headquarters. A graffito reads, 'Beware of Bat Guano.'" strDescription$(63) = "a gnome's workshop. Half-completed whoopee cushions line the tables." strDescription$(64) = "the Mummy's Tomb. You've triggered some mechanism and the ceiling is slowly descending." strDescription$(65) = "the Underground Gourmet's retreat. Twinky and King Don wrappers are piled knee deep." strDescription$(66) = "a Hoola Hoop warehouse. The words 'Shoop Shoop' echo from the walls." strDescription$(67) = "the first circle of hell. The living are not allowed here." strDescription$(68) = "the hall of the pixies. The furniture appears to have been made from cradles." strDescription$(69) = "a sulfur mine. Molten sulfur churns in a nearby pit. It is becoming difficult to breath." strDescription$(70) = "a fairy mushroom farm. Brilliantly colored mushrooms cover the floor." strDescription$(71) = "an ice cave. Along the western wall, a brontosaurus is defrosting." strDescription$(72) = "the giant's stove. Fortunately, the giant now owns a microwave oven." strDescription$(73) = "the rib cage of a long deceased whale." strDescription$(74) = "a room with six walls. The walls appear to be made of wax. A loud buzzing noise can be heard." strDescription$(75) = "the tomb of a Pharoah. It has obviously been visited by others; the tomb is in a state of total disarray." strDescription$(76) = "a coal bin. There is a fossilized fern stump here." strDescription$(77) = "a diamond mine. It is uncomfortably hot here." strDescription$(78) = "the bottom of an oil well. The walls are slick." strDescription$(79) = "the lowest level of Project Mohole. The funding bubble burst before the earth did." strDescription$(80) = "the giant's cesspool. Fortunately, the giant was connected to the city sewerage system years ago." strDescription$(81) = "an eighteenth century sewer. The walls are crumbling brick. Small alligators snap at your feet." strDescription$(82) = "the lair of a giant trapdoor spider." strDescription$(83) = "a giant gopher tunnel." strDescription$(84) = "a shell -- the sole remains of a prehistoric turtle." strDescription$(85) = "a small chamber. The walls are made of earth. The air smells of formic acid. A strange squeaking noise can be heard in the distance." strDescription$(86) = "a chamber of columns. The stalagmites and stalactites join here." strDescription$(87) = "a service tunnel. Ducts, pipes, and cables are everywhere." strDescription$(88) = "a gas tank below an abandoned service station. No smoking!" strDescription$(89) = "a huge dark chamber. To one side, a dark, muddy river moves sluggishly. A sign written in ancient Greek says, 'Ferry out of order.'" strDescription$(90) = "a small chamber. It is brightly lit by a peculiar lichen growing on the walls and ceiling. The floor is rocky and steeply sloping. Nearby, a cold, clear creek boils into the floor and out of sight." strDescription$(91) = "the nest of a very large pack rat. There are discarded aluminum Christmas trees, broken steel utility poles, and other shiny, worthless items here." strDescription$(92) = "a dungeon. An iron maiden, a rack, a piano, and other machines of torture can be seen." strDescription$(93) = "the hall of bats. Thousands of bats hang from the ceiling. Watch your step; the droppings are quite deep in places." strDescription$(94) = "a hobgoblin's hideaway." strDescription$(95) = "an electrical substation. A transformer is humming loudly. Nearby, cables crackle with high voltage." strDescription$(96) = "the 'gold' room. The walls are covered with iron pyrite." strDescription$(97) = "a room with one of Dracula's emergency coffins. The Count is out." strDescription$(98) = "a saltpeter mine. To one side there is a huge wooden evaporation vat. Small crystals of saltpeter cause the walls to sparkle." strDescription$(99) = "the basement cafeteria of a local hospital. Some say that there has been nothing edible here for years." strDescription$(100) = "a troll arsenal. Kegs of gun powder surround you." nConnection% = 1 nRoom1% = 1 WHILE nRoom1% <= nRooms% bVisited%(nRoom1%) = False% nDimension1% = 1 WHILE nDimension1% <= nDimensions% nDirection1% = 1 WHILE nDirection1% <= 2 bConnected%(nConnection%) = False% nConnection% = nConnection% + 1 nDirection1% = nDirection1% + 1 ENDWH nDimension1% = nDimension1% + 1 ENDWH nRoom1% = nRoom1% + 1 ENDWH nMaxWidth% = 1 + INT(FLT(2 * nRooms%) ** (1.0 / FLT(nDimensions%))) bWidthsFound% = False% WHILE NOT bWidthsFound% nDimension1% = 1 nVolume% = 1 WHILE nDimension1% <= nDimensions% nWidth%(nDimension1%) = nMaxWidth% - MOD&:(nRandomNumber&:, 2) nVolume% = nVolume% * nWidth%(nDimension1%) nDimension1% = nDimension1% + 1 ENDWH IF nVolume% > nRooms% bWidthsFound% = True% ENDIF ENDWH nDimension1% = nDimensions% + 1 WHILE nDimension1% <= 4 nWidth%(nDimension1%) = 1 nDimension1% = nDimension1% + 1 ENDWH nRoom1% = 2 WHILE nRoom1% <= nRooms% nRoom2% = 2 + MOD&:(nRandomNumber&:, (nRooms% - 1)) strLine$ = strDescription$(nRoom1%) strDescription$(nRoom1%) = strDescription$(nRoom2%) strDescription$(nRoom2%) = strLine$ nRoom1% = nRoom1% + 1 ENDWH nCellNum% = 1 nXCoordinate% = 1 WHILE nXCoordinate% <= nWidth%(1) nYCoordinate% = 1 WHILE nYCoordinate% <= nWidth%(2) nZCoordinate% = 1 WHILE nZCoordinate% <= nWidth%(3) nTCoordinate% = 1 WHILE nTCoordinate% <= nWidth%(4) nCell%(nCellNum%) = -1 nCellNum% = nCellNum% + 1 nTCoordinate% = nTCoordinate% + 1 ENDWH nZCoordinate% = nZCoordinate% + 1 ENDWH nYCoordinate% = nYCoordinate% + 1 ENDWH nXCoordinate% = nXCoordinate% + 1 ENDWH nXCoordinate% = 1 nYCoordinate% = 1 nZCoordinate% = 1 nTCoordinate% = 1 nCoordinate%(1) = nXCoordinate% nCoordinate%(2) = nYCoordinate% nCoordinate%(3) = nZCoordinate% nCoordinate%(4) = nTCoordinate% nRoom1% = 1 nRoom2% = 1 nCell%(1) = 1 WHILE nRoom1% < nRooms% bDirectionFound% = False% WHILE NOT bDirectionFound% nDirection1% = MOD&:(nRandomNumber&:, 2) + 1 nDimension1% = MOD&:(nRandomNumber&:, nDimensions%) + 1 IF bEuclidean% IF nCoordinate%(nDimension1%) + 2 * (nDirection1% - 1) - 1 >= 1 IF nCoordinate%(nDimension1%) + 2 * (nDirection1% - 1) - 1 <= nWidth%(nDimension1%) bDirectionFound% = True% ENDIF ENDIF ELSE bDirectionFound% = True% ENDIF ENDWH bConnected%(nConnectedIndex%:(nRoom2%, nDimension1%, nDirection1%)) = True% nCoordinateNext%(1) = nCoordinate%(1) nCoordinateNext%(2) = nCoordinate%(2) nCoordinateNext%(3) = nCoordinate%(3) nCoordinateNext%(4) = nCoordinate%(4) nCoordinateNext%(nDimension1%) = nCoordinate%(nDimension1%) + 2 * (nDirection1% - 1) - 1 IF (NOT bEuclidean%) IF nCoordinateNext%(nDimension1%) < 1 nDimension2% = 1 WHILE nDimension2% <= nDimensions% nCoordinateNext%(nDimension2%) = nWidth%(nDimension2%) - nCoordinateNext%(nDimension2%) + 1 nDimension2% = nDimension2% + 1 ENDWH nCoordinateNext%(nDimension1%) = nWidth%(nDimension1%) ELSE IF nCoordinateNext%(nDimension1%) > nWidth%(nDimension1%) nDimension2% = 1 WHILE nDimension2% <= nDimensions% nCoordinateNext%(nDimension2%) = nWidth%(nDimension2%) - nCoordinateNext%(nDimension2%) + 1 nDimension2% = nDimension2% + 1 ENDWH nCoordinateNext%(nDimension1%) = 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF nCellNum%=nCellIndex%:(nCoordinateNext%(1), nCoordinateNext%(2), nCoordinateNext%(3), nCoordinateNext%(4)) IF nCell%(nCellNum%) < 0 nRoom1% = nRoom1% + 1 nCell%(nCellNum%) = nRoom1% ENDIF nRoom2% = nCell%(nCellNum%) bConnected%(nConnectedIndex%:(nRoom2%, nDimension1%, 3 - nDirection1%)) = True% nCoordinate%(1) = nCoordinateNext%(1) nCoordinate%(2) = nCoordinateNext%(2) nCoordinate%(3) = nCoordinateNext%(3) nCoordinate%(4) = nCoordinateNext%(4) ENDWH nTreasure1% = 1 WHILE nTreasure1% <= nTreasures% nTreasureRoom%(nTreasure1%) = 2 + MOD&:(nRandomNumber&:, (nRooms% - 1)) nGuardRoom%(nTreasure1%) = nTreasureRoom%(nTreasure1%) bWeaponRoomFound% = False% WHILE NOT bWeaponRoomFound% nWeaponRoom%(nTreasure1%) = 2 + MOD&:(nRandomNumber&:, (nRooms% - 1)) IF nWeaponRoom%(nTreasure1%) <> nTreasureRoom%(nTreasure1%) bWeaponRoomFound% = True% ENDIF ENDWH nTreasure1% = nTreasure1% + 1 ENDWH nVisited% = 0 bInitialized% = True% gWidth% = gWIDTH gHeight% = gHEIGHT gLineWidth% = gWidth% - 3*BUTTONWIDTH% - gTWidth("W") bFinished% = False% DO GameUpdate: bUpdate% = False% DO GETEVENT32 nEvent&() IF nEvent&(1) = &408 IF nEvent&(3) = idBackward% IF bBackward% PRINT CHR$(7); cmdBackward_Click: bUpdate% = True% ENDIF ELSEIF nEvent&(3) = idDown% IF bDown% PRINT CHR$(7); cmdDown_Click: bUpdate% = True% ENDIF ELSEIF nEvent&(3) = idEast% IF bEast% PRINT CHR$(7); cmdEast_Click: bUpdate% = True% ENDIF ELSEIF nEvent&(3) = idForward% IF bForward% PRINT CHR$(7); cmdForward_Click: bUpdate% = True% ENDIF ELSEIF nEvent&(3) = idNorth% IF bNorth% PRINT CHR$(7); cmdNorth_Click: bUpdate% = True% ENDIF ELSEIF nEvent&(3) = idSouth% IF bSouth% PRINT CHR$(7); cmdSouth_Click: bUpdate% = True% ENDIF ELSEIF nEvent&(3) = idUp% IF bUp% PRINT CHR$(7); cmdUp_Click: bUpdate% = True% ENDIF ELSEIF nEvent&(3) = idWest% IF bWest% PRINT CHR$(7); cmdWest_Click: bUpdate% = True% ENDIF ELSEIF nEvent&(3) = idCarry% IF bCarry% PRINT CHR$(7); cmdCarry_Click: bUpdate% = True% ENDIF ELSEIF nEvent&(3) = idDrop% IF bDrop% PRINT CHR$(7); cmdDrop_Click: bUpdate% = True% ENDIF ELSEIF nEvent&(3) = idQuit% PRINT CHR$(7); bFinished% = True% cmdQuit_click: ELSEIF nEvent&(3) = idHelp% PRINT CHR$(7); cmdHelp_Click: ELSE IF nEvent&(3) = idWayOut% PRINT CHR$(7); cmdWayOut_Click: bUpdate% = True% ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IF nEvent&(1) = &404 IF LEFT$(GETCMD$,1) = "X" TerminateHelp: STOP ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF UNTIL bUpdate% OR bFinished% gClose idDrop% gClose idWayOut% gClose idCarry% gClose idBackward% gClose idDown% gClose idSouth% gClose idEast% gClose idWest% gClose idNorth% gClose idUp% gClose idForward% gClose idQuit% gClose idHelp% UNTIL bFinished% TerminateHelp: ENDP PROC nCellIndex%:(nX%, nY%, nZ%, nT%) EXTERNAL nWidth%() LOCAL nResult% nResult%=nT%+nWidth%(4)*((nZ%-1)+nWidth%(3)*((nY%-1)+(nX%-1)*nWidth%(2))) RETURN nResult% ENDP PROC nConnectedIndex%:(nRoom%, nDimension%, nDirection%) LOCAL nResult% nResult%=nDirection%+2*(nDimension%-1)+8*(nRoom%-1) RETURN nResult% ENDP PROC nRandomNumber&: EXTERNAL nAddIndex% EXTERNAL nReplaceIndex% EXTERNAL nRN&() EXTERNAL nRNPartialSum& LOCAL nResult& REM Each pseudo-random number is the modulo sum of the REM previous eight pseudo-random numbers. A prime modulus REM makes it likely that the pseudo-random numbers will be REM uniformly distributed. To speed computation, a partial REM sum of 7 of the 8 previous pseudo-random numbers is maintained. REM For a given set of initial values nRN&(i), i=0,1,2,...,7, REM this random number generator should produce the same sequence REM of random numbers, no matter what interpreter it is run under. DO nResult& = nRNPartialSum& + nRN&(nAddIndex%) IF nResult& >= 32771 nResult& = nResult& - 32771 ENDIF nRNPartialSum& = nResult& - nRN&(nReplaceIndex%) IF nRNPartialSum& < 0 nRNPartialSum& = nRNPartialSum& + 32771 ENDIF nRN&(nReplaceIndex%) = nResult& nAddIndex% = nReplaceIndex% nReplaceIndex% = nReplaceIndex% + 1 IF nReplaceIndex% > 8 nReplaceIndex% = 1 ENDIF UNTIL nResult& <= 32767 RETURN nResult& ENDP PROC WayOut1: EXTERNAL bEuclidean% EXTERNAL nCoordinateNext%() EXTERNAL nDimension1% EXTERNAL nDimensions% EXTERNAL nWidth%() LOCAL nDimension2% IF (NOT bEuclidean%) IF nCoordinateNext%(nDimension1%) <= 0 nDimension2% = 1 WHILE nDimension2% <= nDimensions% nCoordinateNext%(nDimension2%) = nWidth%(nDimension2%) - nCoordinateNext%(nDimension2%) + 1 nDimension2% = nDimension2% + 1 ENDWH nCoordinateNext%(nDimension1%) = nWidth%(nDimension1%) ELSE IF nCoordinateNext%(nDimension1%) > nWidth%(nDimension1%) nDimension2% = 1 WHILE nDimension2% <= nDimensions% nCoordinateNext%(nDimension2%) = nWidth%(nDimension2%) - nCoordinateNext%(nDimension2%) + 1 nDimension2% = nDimension2% + 1 ENDWH nCoordinateNext%(nDimension1%) = 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDP PROC cmdWayOut_Click: EXTERNAL bConnected%() EXTERNAL bEuclidean% EXTERNAL bRoomUsed%() EXTERNAL bTreasureCarried% EXTERNAL nCell%() EXTERNAL nDimensions% EXTERNAL nRoom1% EXTERNAL nTCoordinate% EXTERNAL nTreasureRoom%() EXTERNAL nWidth%() EXTERNAL nXCoordinate% EXTERNAL nYCoordinate% EXTERNAL nZCoordinate% EXTERNAL strPendingMsg$ EXTERNAL strWayOut$ GLOBAL nCoordinateNext%(4) GLOBAL nDimension1% LOCAL bDirectionFound% LOCAL bDirectionUsed%(nRoomsTimes8%) LOCAL bPathFound% LOCAL nCoordinate%(4) LOCAL nDimension2% LOCAL nDirection1% LOCAL nDirection2% LOCAL nDirection3% LOCAL nDirectionsPossible% LOCAL nDirectionsUsed%(255) LOCAL nRoom2% LOCAL nTreasure1% LOCAL nTrial% LOCAL nWayOutDimension%(255) LOCAL nWayOutDirection%(255) LOCAL nWayOutHead% bPathFound% = False% strPendingMsg$ = "" IF (bTreasureCarried%) AND (nRoom1% <> 1) nCoordinate%(1) = nXCoordinate% nCoordinate%(2) = nYCoordinate% nCoordinate%(3) = nZCoordinate% nCoordinate%(4) = nTCoordinate% nWayOutHead% = 1 nRoom2% = 1 WHILE nRoom2% <= nRooms% bRoomUsed%(nRoom2%) = False% nRoom2% = nRoom2% + 1 ENDWH bRoomUsed%(nRoom1%) = True% nDirectionsUsed%(nWayOutHead%) = 0 nDirectionsPossible% = 2 * nDimensions% nDirection3% = 1 nDimension1% = 1 WHILE nDimension1% <= nDimensions% nDirection1% = 1 WHILE nDirection1% <= 2 bDirectionUsed%(nDirection3%) = False% nDirection3% = nDirection3% + 1 nDirection1% = nDirection1% + 1 ENDWH nDimension1% = nDimension1% + 1 ENDWH strWayOut$ = "" nRoom2% = nRoom1% nTrial% = 0 WHILE (nTrial% < 500) AND (nRoom2% <> 1) AND (nWayOutHead% < 255) nTrial% = nTrial% + 1 bDirectionFound% = False% WHILE (NOT bDirectionFound%) AND (nDirectionsUsed%(nWayOutHead%) < nDirectionsPossible%) nDirection1% = MOD&:(nRandomNumber&:, 2) + 1 nDimension1% = MOD&:(nRandomNumber&:, nDimensions%) + 1 nDirection3% = nConnectedIndex%:(nWayOutHead%, nDimension1%, nDirection1%) IF (NOT bDirectionUsed%(nDirection3%)) bDirectionUsed%(nDirection3%) = True% nDirectionsUsed%(nWayOutHead%) = nDirectionsUsed%(nWayOutHead%) + 1 IF bConnected%(nConnectedIndex%:(nRoom2%, nDimension1%, nDirection1%)) nCoordinateNext%(1) = nCoordinate%(1) nCoordinateNext%(2) = nCoordinate%(2) nCoordinateNext%(3) = nCoordinate%(3) nCoordinateNext%(4) = nCoordinate%(4) nCoordinateNext%(nDimension1%) = nCoordinate%(nDimension1%) + 2 * (nDirection1%-1) - 1 WayOut1: IF NOT bRoomUsed%(nCell%(nCellIndex%:(nCoordinateNext%(1), nCoordinateNext%(2), nCoordinateNext%(3), nCoordinateNext%(4)))) bDirectionFound% = True% ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDWH IF bDirectionFound% nRoom2% = nCell%(nCellIndex%:(nCoordinateNext%(1), nCoordinateNext%(2), nCoordinateNext%(3), nCoordinateNext%(4))) nWayOutHead% = nWayOutHead% + 1 bRoomUsed%(nRoom2%) = True% nDirectionsUsed%(nWayOutHead%) = 0 nDirection3% = nConnectedIndex%:(nWayOutHead%, 1, 1) nDimension2% = 1 WHILE nDimension2% <= nDimensions% nDirection2% = 1 WHILE nDirection2% <= 2 bDirectionUsed%(nDirection3%) = False% nDirection3% = nDirection3% + 1 nDirection2% = nDirection2% + 1 ENDWH nDimension2% = nDimension2% + 1 ENDWH nWayOutDimension%(nWayOutHead%) = nDimension1% nWayOutDirection%(nWayOutHead%) = 3 - nDirection1% IF nDimension1% = 1 IF nDirection1% = 1 strWayOut$ = strWayOut$ + "N" ELSE strWayOut$ = strWayOut$ + "S" ENDIF ELSEIF nDimension1% = 2 IF nDirection1% = 1 strWayOut$ = strWayOut$ + "E" ELSE strWayOut$ = strWayOut$ + "W" ENDIF ELSEIF nDimension1% = 3 IF nDirection1% = 1 strWayOut$ = strWayOut$ + "U" ELSE strWayOut$ = strWayOut$ + "D" ENDIF ELSE IF nDirection1% = 1 strWayOut$ = strWayOut$ + "F" ELSE strWayOut$ = strWayOut$ + "B" ENDIF ENDIF ELSE nDirection1% = nWayOutDirection%(nWayOutHead%) nDimension1% = nWayOutDimension%(nWayOutHead%) nCoordinateNext%(1) = nCoordinate%(1) nCoordinateNext%(2) = nCoordinate%(2) nCoordinateNext%(3) = nCoordinate%(3) nCoordinateNext%(4) = nCoordinate%(4) nCoordinateNext%(nDimension1%) = nCoordinateNext%(nDimension1%) + 2 * (nDirection1% - 1) - 1 IF (NOT bEuclidean%) IF nCoordinateNext%(nDimension1%) <= 0 nDimension2% = 1 WHILE nDimension2% <= nDimensions% nCoordinateNext%(nDimension2%) = nWidth%(nDimension2%) - nCoordinateNext%(nDimension2%) + 1 nDimension2% = nDimension2% + 1 ENDWH nCoordinateNext%(nDimension1%) = nWidth%(nDimension1%) ELSE IF nCoordinateNext%(nDimension1%) > nWidth%(nDimension1%) nDimension2% = 1 WHILE nDimension2% <= nDimensions% nCoordinateNext%(nDimension2%) = nWidth%(nDimension2%) - nCoordinateNext%(nDimension2%) + 1 nDimension2% = nDimension2% + 1 ENDWH nCoordinateNext%(nDimension1%) = 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF nRoom2% = nCell%(nCellIndex%:(nCoordinateNext%(1), nCoordinateNext%(2), nCoordinateNext%(3), nCoordinateNext%(4))) nWayOutHead% = nWayOutHead% - 1 IF LEN(strWayOut$) > 1 strWayOut$ = LEFT$(strWayOut$, LEN(strWayOut$) - 1) ELSE strWayOut$ = "" ENDIF ENDIF nCoordinate%(1) = nCoordinateNext%(1) nCoordinate%(2) = nCoordinateNext%(2) nCoordinate%(3) = nCoordinateNext%(3) nCoordinate%(4) = nCoordinateNext%(4) ENDWH IF nRoom2% = 1 bPathFound% = True% ENDIF ENDIF IF bPathFound% nTreasure1% = 1 nRoom2% = 1 WHILE (nTreasure1% <= nTreasures%) AND (nRoom2% >= 1) nRoom2% = nTreasureRoom%(nTreasure1%) IF nRoom2% >= 1 nTreasure1% = nTreasure1% + 1 ENDIF ENDWH nRoom2% = nRoom1% WHILE nRoom1% = nRoom2% nRoom2% = 2 + MOD&:(nRandomNumber&:, (nRooms% - 1)) ENDWH nTreasureRoom%(nTreasure1%) = nRoom2% strPendingMsg$ = " The pirate takes one of your treasure. As he leaves, he shouts the letters, '" + strWayOut$ + "'." ELSE strPendingMsg$ = " Nothing happens. Try again later." ENDIF ENDP PROC AddLine:(strText$) EXTERNAL gHeight% EXTERNAL gLineWidth% EXTERNAL gLineY% EXTERNAL strLine$ LOCAL bSpace% LOCAL c$(1) LOCAL i% LOCAL j% LOCAL nLen% LOCAL strWord$(255) nLen% = LEN(strText$) i% = 1 WHILE i% <= nLen% bSpace% = True% WHILE bSpace% AND (i% <= nLen%) IF MID$(strText$, i%, 1) = " " IF GTWIDTH(strLine$ + " ") > gLineWidth% gAt 0, gLineY% IF gLineY% <= gHeight% gPrintB strLine$, gLineWidth%, 2 ENDIF gLineY% = gLineY% + LINEHEIGHT% strLine$ = "" WHILE bSpace% AND (i% <= nLen%) IF MID$(strText$, i%, 1) = " " i% = i% +1 ELSE bSpace% = False% ENDIF ENDWH ELSE strLine$ = strLine$ + " " i% = i% + 1 ENDIF ELSE bSpace% = False% ENDIF ENDWH strWord$ = "" WHILE ((NOT bSpace%) AND (i% <= nLen%)) c$ = MID$(strText$, i%, 1) IF c$ = " " bSpace% = True% ELSE strWord$ = strWord$ + c$ i% = i% + 1 ENDIF ENDWH IF GTWIDTH(strLine$ + strWord$) > gLineWidth% gAt 0, gLineY% IF gLineY% <= gHeight% gPrintB strLine$, gLineWidth%, 2 ENDIF gLineY% = gLineY% + LINEHEIGHT% strLine$ = "" WHILE GTWIDTH(strWord$) > gLineWidth% j% = LEN(strWord$) WHILE GTWIDTH(LEFT$(strWord$, j%)) > gLineWidth% j% = j% - 1 ENDWH gAt 0, gLineY% IF gLineY% <= gHeight% gPrintB LEFT$(strWord$, j%), gLineWidth%, 2 ENDIF gLineY% = gLineY% + LINEHEIGHT% strWord$ = RIGHT$(strWord$, LEN(strWord$) -j%) ENDWH ENDIF strLine$ = strLine$ + strWord$ ENDWH ENDP PROC GameUpdate: EXTERNAL bBackward% EXTERNAL bCarry% EXTERNAL bConnected%() EXTERNAL bDown% EXTERNAL bDrop% EXTERNAL bEast% EXTERNAL bEuclidean% EXTERNAL bForward% EXTERNAL bNorth% EXTERNAL bSouth% EXTERNAL bTreasureCarried% EXTERNAL bUp% EXTERNAL bVisited%() EXTERNAL bWest% EXTERNAL gHeight% EXTERNAL gLineWidth% EXTERNAL gWidth% EXTERNAL idBackward% EXTERNAL idCarry% EXTERNAL idDown% EXTERNAL idDrop% EXTERNAL idEast% EXTERNAL idForward% EXTERNAL idHelp% EXTERNAL idNorth% EXTERNAL idQuit% EXTERNAL idSouth% EXTERNAL idUp% EXTERNEL idWayOut% EXTERNAL idWest% EXTERNAL nCell%() EXTERNAL nDimensions% EXTERNAL nGuardRoom%() EXTERNAL nMoves& EXTERNAL nRoom1% EXTERNAL nScore% EXTERNAL nTreasureRoom%() EXTERNAL nTCoordinate% EXTERNAL nVisited% EXTERNAL nWeaponRoom%() EXTERNAL nWidth%() EXTERNAL nXCoordinate% EXTERNAL nYCoordinate% EXTERNAL nZCoordinate% EXTERNAL strDescription$() EXTERNAL strGuard$() EXTERNAL strPendingMsg$ EXTERNAL strTreasure$() EXTERNAL strWayOut$ EXTERNAL strWeapon$() GLOBAL gLineY% GLOBAL strLine$(255) LOCAL c$(1) LOCAL dblScore LOCAL gX% LOCAL gY% LOCAL nCoordinate%(4) LOCAL nDimension1% LOCAL nInventory% LOCAL nItem% LOCAL nRoom2% LOCAL nTreasure1% LOCAL nTreasure2% LOCAL nTreasuresCarried% LOCAL nTreasuresRecovered% LOCAL strTreasures$(255) IF (NOT bEuclidean%) IF nXCoordinate% <= 0 nYCoordinate% = nWidth%(2) - nYCoordinate% + 1 nZCoordinate% = nWidth%(3) - nZCoordinate% + 1 nTCoordinate% = nWidth%(4) - nTCoordinate% + 1 nXCoordinate% = nWidth%(1) ELSE IF nXCoordinate% > nWidth%(1) nYCoordinate% = nWidth%(2) - nYCoordinate% + 1 nZCoordinate% = nWidth%(3) - nZCoordinate% + 1 nTCoordinate% = nWidth%(4) - nTCoordinate% + 1 nXCoordinate% = 1 ENDIF ENDIF IF nYCoordinate% <= 0 nXCoordinate% = nWidth%(1) - nXCoordinate% + 1 nZCoordinate% = nWidth%(3) - nZCoordinate% + 1 nTCoordinate% = nWidth%(4) - nTCoordinate% + 1 nYCoordinate% = nWidth%(2) ELSE IF nYCoordinate% > nWidth%(2) nXCoordinate% = nWidth%(1) - nXCoordinate% + 1 nZCoordinate% = nWidth%(3) - nZCoordinate% + 1 nTCoordinate% = nWidth%(4) - nTCoordinate% + 1 nYCoordinate% = 1 ENDIF ENDIF IF nZCoordinate% <= 0 nXCoordinate% = nWidth%(1) - nXCoordinate% + 1 nYCoordinate% = nWidth%(2) - nYCoordinate% + 1 nTCoordinate% = nWidth%(4) - nTCoordinate% + 1 nZCoordinate% = nWidth%(3) ELSE IF nZCoordinate% > nWidth%(3) nXCoordinate% = nWidth%(1) - nXCoordinate% + 1 nYCoordinate% = nWidth%(2) - nYCoordinate% + 1 nTCoordinate% = nWidth%(4) - nTCoordinate% + 1 nZCoordinate% = 1 ENDIF ENDIF IF nTCoordinate% <= 0 nXCoordinate% = nWidth%(1) - nXCoordinate% + 1 nYCoordinate% = nWidth%(2) - nYCoordinate% + 1 nZCoordinate% = nWidth%(3) - nZCoordinate% + 1 nTCoordinate% = nWidth%(4) ELSE IF nTCoordinate% > nWidth%(4) nXCoordinate% = nWidth%(1) - nXCoordinate% + 1 nYCoordinate% = nWidth%(2) - nYCoordinate% + 1 nZCoordinate% = nWidth%(3) - nZCoordinate% + 1 nTCoordinate% = 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF gLineY%=LINEHEIGHT% strLine$ = "" AddLine:(strPendingMsg$) IF LEN(strLine$) > 0 gAt 0, gLineY% IF gLineY% <= gHeight% gPrintB strLine$, gLineWidth%, 2 ENDIF gLineY% = gLineY% + LINEHEIGHT% strLine$ = "" ENDIF strPendingMsg$ = "" nRoom1% = nCell%(nCellIndex%:(nXCoordinate%, nYCoordinate%, nZCoordinate%, nTCoordinate%)) IF (nRoom1% <> 1) AND (strWayOut$ = "") AND (MOD&:(nRandomNumber&:, 100) = 0) nRoom2% = 1 WHILE nRoom2% <= 1 nXCoordinate% = MOD&:(nRandomNumber&:, nWidth%(1)) + 1 nYCoordinate% = MOD&:(nRandomNumber&:, nWidth%(2)) + 1 nZCoordinate% = MOD&:(nRandomNumber&:, nWidth%(3)) + 1 nTCoordinate% = MOD&:(nRandomNumber&:, nWidth%(4)) + 1 nRoom2% = nCell%(nCellIndex%:(nXCoordinate%, nYCoordinate%, nZCoordinate%, nTCoordinate%)) ENDWH IF nRoom2% <> nRoom1% nRoom1% = nRoom2% strPendingMsg$ = " Yeowwww! A flock of bats grabs you, flies you through the caverns, and drops you." ENDIF ENDIF AddLine:(strPendingMsg$) IF LEN(strLine$) > 0 gAt 0, gLineY% IF gLineY% <= gHeight% gPrintB strLine$, gLineWidth%, 2 ENDIF gLineY% = gLineY% + LINEHEIGHT% strLine$ = "" ENDIF strPendingMsg$ = "" strWayOut$ = "" nTreasuresRecovered% = 0 nTreasure1% = 1 bTreasureCarried% = False% WHILE (nTreasure1% <= nTreasures%) AND (NOT bTreasureCarried%) IF nTreasureRoom%(nTreasure1%) < 0 bTreasureCarried% = True% ELSE nTreasure1% = nTreasure1% + 1 ENDIF ENDWH IF bTreasureCarried% IF MOD&:(nRandomNumber&:, (2 * nRooms%)) = 0 nRoom2% = 1 WHILE nRoom2% <= 1 nDimension1% = 1 WHILE nDimension1% <= nDimensions% nCoordinate%(nDimension1%) = MOD&:(nRandomNumber&:, nWidth%(nDimension1%)) + 1 nDimension1% = nDimension1% + 1 ENDWH nRoom2% = nCell%(nCellIndex%:(nCoordinate%(1), nCoordinate%(2), nCoordinate%(3), nCoordinate%(4))) IF nRoom1% = nRoom2% nRoom2% = -1 ENDIF ENDWH nTreasure1% = 1 WHILE nTreasure1% <= nTreasures% IF nTreasureRoom%(nTreasure1%) < 0 nTreasureRoom%(nTreasure1%) = nRoom2% ENDIF nTreasure1% = nTreasure1% + 1 ENDWH bTreasureCarried% = False% strPendingMsg$ = " A pirate jumps out of the shadows and takes your treasure. As he leaves, he says, 'Arggh! I'll hide me booty better this time.'" ENDIF ENDIF AddLine:(strPendingMsg$) IF LEN(strLine$) > 0 gAt 0, gLineY% IF gLineY% <= gHeight% gPrintB strLine$, gLineWidth%, 2 ENDIF gLineY% = gLineY% + LINEHEIGHT% strLine$ = "" ENDIF strPendingMsg$ = "" AddLine:(" You're in " + strDescription$(nRoom1%)) nTreasure1% = 1 nTreasure2% = 0 strTreasures$ = "" nInventory% = 0 nTreasuresCarried% = 0 WHILE nTreasure1% <= nTreasures% IF nTreasureRoom%(nTreasure1%) = 1 nTreasuresRecovered% = nTreasuresRecovered% + 1 IF nRoom1% = 1 strTreasures$ = " There's " + strTreasure$(nTreasure1%) + " here. " AddLine:(strTreasures$) ENDIF ELSE IF nTreasureRoom%(nTreasure1%) = nRoom1% strTreasures$ = " There's " + strTreasure$(nTreasure1%) + " here. " AddLine:(strTreasures$) IF nGuardRoom%(nTreasure1%) = nRoom1% c$ = LEFT$(strGuard$(nTreasure1%), 1) IF ((c$ = "a") OR (c$ = "e") OR (c$ = "i") OR (c$ = "o") OR (c$ = "u")) strTreasures$ = " It's guarded by an " + strGuard$(nTreasure1%) + "." AddLine:(strTreasures$) ELSE strTreasures$ = " It's guarded by a " + strGuard$(nTreasure1%) + "." AddLine:(strTreasures$) ENDIF ENDIF ELSE IF nTreasureRoom%(nTreasure1%) = -1 nInventory% = nInventory% + 1 bTreasureCarried% = True% nTreasuresCarried% = nTreasuresCarried% + 1 nTreasure2% = nTreasure2% + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF IF nWeaponRoom%(nTreasure1%) = nRoom1% c$ = LEFT$(strWeapon$(nTreasure1%), 1) IF (c$ = "a") OR (c$ = "e") OR (c$ = "i") OR (c$ = "o") OR (c$ = "u") strTreasures$ = " There's an " + strWeapon$(nTreasure1%) + " here." AddLine:(strTreasures$) ELSE strTreasures$ = " There's a " + strWeapon$(nTreasure1%) + " here." AddLine:(strTreasures$) ENDIF ELSE IF nWeaponRoom%(nTreasure1%) = -1 nInventory% = nInventory% + 1 nTreasure2% = nTreasure2% + 1 ENDIF ENDIF nTreasure1% = nTreasure1% + 1 ENDWH IF LEN(strLine$) > 0 gAt 0, gLineY% IF gLineY% <= gHeight% gPrintB strLine$, gLineWidth%, 2 ENDIF gLineY% = gLineY% + LINEHEIGHT% strLine$ = "" ENDIF IF nInventory% > 0 strLine$ = " You're carrying the following: " ENDIF nItem% = 0 nTreasure1% = 1 WHILE nTreasure1% <= nTreasures% IF nTreasureRoom%(nTreasure1%) = -1 nItem% = nItem% + 1 IF nItem% = nInventory% AddLine:(" " + strTreasure$(nTreasure1%) + ".") ELSE AddLine:(" " + strTreasure$(nTreasure1%) + ",") ENDIF ENDIF IF nWeaponRoom%(nTreasure1%) = -1 nItem% = nItem% + 1 c$ = LEFT$(strWeapon$(nTreasure1%), 1) IF (c$ = "a") OR (c$ = "e") OR (c$ = "i") OR (c$ = "o") OR (c$ = "u") IF nItem% = nInventory% AddLine:(" an " + strWeapon$(nTreasure1%) + ".") ELSE AddLine:(" an " + strWeapon$(nTreasure1%) + ",") ENDIF ELSE IF nItem% = nInventory% AddLine:(" a " + strWeapon$(nTreasure1%) + ".") ELSE AddLine:(" a " + strWeapon$(nTreasure1%) + ",") ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF nTreasure1% = nTreasure1% + 1 ENDWH IF LEN(strLine$) > 0 gAt 0, gLineY% IF gLineY% <= gHeight% gPrintB strLine$, gLineWidth%, 2 ENDIF gLineY% = gLineY% + LINEHEIGHT% strLine$ = "" ENDIF WHILE gLineY% <= gHeight% gAt 0, gLineY% gPrintB " ", gLineWidth%, 2 gLineY% = gLineY% + LINEHEIGHT% ENDWH gX%=gWidth%-3*BUTTONWIDTH% gY%=gHeight%-9*BUTTONHEIGHT%+BUTTONHEIGHT%/2 gAt gX%,gY% gPrintB "Moves: " + NUM$(FLT(nMoves&), 9),2*BUTTONWIDTH%,1 gX%=gWidth%-3*BUTTONWIDTH% gY%=gHeight%-7*BUTTONHEIGHT%+BUTTONHEIGHT%/2 gAt gX%,gY% gPrintB "Treasures recovered: " + NUM$(FLT(nTreasuresRecovered%), 2) + " of " + NUM$(FLT(nTreasures%), 2),3*BUTTONWIDTH%,1 IF (NOT bVisited%(nRoom1%)) nVisited% = nVisited% + 1 bVisited%(nRoom1%) = True% ENDIF gX%=gWidth%-3*BUTTONWIDTH% gY%=gHeight%-8*BUTTONHEIGHT%+BUTTONHEIGHT%/2 gAt gX%,gY% gPrintB "Rooms visited: " + NUM$(FLT(nVisited%), 3) + " of " + NUM$(FLT(nRooms%), 3),3*BUTTONWIDTH%,1 dblScore = 25.0 * FLT(nVisited%) / FLT(nRooms%) + 75.0 * FLT(nTreasuresRecovered%) / FLT(nTreasures%) + 45.0 * FLT(nTreasuresCarried%) / FLT(nTreasures%) IF nVisited% > 5 * nRooms% dblScore = dblScore - FLT(nVisited%) / (5.0 * FLT(nRooms%)) IF dblScore < 0.0 dblScore = 0.0 ENDIF ENDIF nScore% = INT(dblScore) gX%=gWidth%-3*BUTTONWIDTH% gY%=gHeight%-6*BUTTONHEIGHT%+BUTTONHEIGHT%/2 gAt gX%,gY% gPrintB "Score: " + NUM$(FLT(nScore%), 3) + " of 100",3*BUTTONWIDTH%,1 gX% = gWidth% - 3*BUTTONWIDTH% gY% = 0 idHelp% = gCreate(gX%, gY%, BUTTONWIDTH%/2, BUTTONHEIGHT%, 1, $101) gButton "Help", 2, BUTTONWIDTH%/2, BUTTONHEIGHT%, 0 gX% = gWidth% - BUTTONWIDTH%/2 gY% = 0 idQuit% = gCreate(gX%, gY%, BUTTONWIDTH%/2, BUTTONHEIGHT%, 1, $101) gButton "Quit", 2, BUTTONWIDTH%/2, BUTTONHEIGHT%, 0 gX%=gWidth%-3*BUTTONWIDTH% gY%=gHeight%-BUTTONHEIGHT% gAt gX%,gY% idCarry%=gCreate(gX%,gY%,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,1,$101) IF strTreasures$ = "" bCarry% = False% gButton "Carry",2,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,1 ELSE bCarry% = True% gButton "Carry",2,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,0 ENDIF gX%=gWidth%-BUTTONWIDTH% gY%=gHeight%-BUTTONHEIGHT% gAt gX%,gY% idDrop%=gCreate(gX%,gY%,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,1,$101) IF ((nRoom1% = 1) AND (bTreasureCarried%)) bDrop% = True% gButton "Drop",2,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,0 ELSE bDrop% = False% gButton "Drop",2,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,1 ENDIF gX%=gWidth%-2*BUTTONWIDTH% gY%=gHeight%-9*BUTTONHEIGHT%/2 gAt gX%,gY% idNorth%=gCreate(gX%,gY%,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,1,$101) IF bConnected%(nConnectedIndex%:(nRoom1%, 1, 1)) bNorth% = True% gButton "North",2,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,0 ELSE bNorth% = False% gButton "North",2,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,1 ENDIF gX%=gWidth%-2*BUTTONWIDTH% gY%=gHeight%-7*BUTTONHEIGHT%/2 gAt gX%,gY% idSouth%=gCreate(gX%,gY%,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,1,$101) IF bConnected%(nConnectedIndex%:(nRoom1%, 1, 2)) bSouth% = True% gButton "South",2,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,0 ELSE bSouth% = False% gButton "South",2,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,1 ENDIF gX%=gWidth%-BUTTONWIDTH% gY%=gHeight%-4*BUTTONHEIGHT% gAt gX%,gY% idEast%=gCreate(gX%,gY%,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,1,$101) IF bConnected%(nConnectedIndex%:(nRoom1%, 2, 1)) bEast% = True% gButton "East",2,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,0 ELSE bEast% = False% gButton "East",2,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,1 ENDIF gX%=gWidth%-3*BUTTONWIDTH% gY%=gHeight%-4*BUTTONHEIGHT% gAt gX%,gY% idWest%=gCreate(gX%,gY%,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,1,$101) IF bConnected%(nConnectedIndex%:(nRoom1%, 2, 2)) bWest% = True% gButton "West",2,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,0 ELSE bWest% = False% gButton "West",2,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,1 ENDIF gX%=gWidth%-BUTTONWIDTH% gY%=gHeight%-5*BUTTONHEIGHT% gAt gX%,gY% idUp%=gCreate(gX%,gY%,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,1,$101) IF bConnected%(nConnectedIndex%:(nRoom1%, 3, 1)) bUp% = True% gButton "Up",2,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,0 ELSE bUp% = False% gButton "Up",2,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,1 ENDIF gX%=gWidth%-3*BUTTONWIDTH% gY%=gHeight%-3*BUTTONHEIGHT% gAt gX%,gY% idDown%=gCreate(gX%,gY%,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,1,$101) IF bConnected%(nConnectedIndex%:(nRoom1%, 3, 2)) bDown% = True% gButton "Down",2,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,0 ELSE bDown% = False% gButton "Down",2,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,1 ENDIF gX%=gWidth%-3*BUTTONWIDTH% gY%=gHeight%-5*BUTTONHEIGHT% gAt gX%,gY% idForward%=gCreate(gX%,gY%,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,1,$101) IF bConnected%(nConnectedIndex%:(nRoom1%, 4, 1)) bForward% = True% gButton "Forward",2,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,0 ELSE bForward% = False% gButton "Forward",2,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,1 ENDIF gX%=gWidth%-BUTTONWIDTH% gY%=gHeight%-3*BUTTONHEIGHT% gAt gX%,gY% idBackward%=gCreate(gX%,gY%,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,1,$101) IF bConnected%(nConnectedIndex%:(nRoom1%, 4, 2)) bBackward% = True% gButton "Backward",2,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,0 ELSE bBackward% = False% gButton "Backward",2,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,1 ENDIF gX%=gWidth%-2*BUTTONWIDTH% gY%=gHeight%-BUTTONHEIGHT% gAt gX%,gY% idWayOut%=gCreate(gX%,gY%,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,1,$101) gButton "Way Out",2,BUTTONWIDTH%,BUTTONHEIGHT%,0 ENDP PROC cmdCarry_Click: EXTERNAL nGuardRoom%() EXTERNAL nRoom1% EXTERNAL nTreasureRoom%() EXTERNAL nWeaponRoom%() EXTERNAL strGuard$() EXTERNAL strPendingMsg$ EXTERNAL strWeapon$() LOCAL nTreasure1% strPendingMsg$ = "" nTreasure1% = 1 WHILE nTreasure1% <= nTreasures% IF nWeaponRoom%(nTreasure1%) = nRoom1% nWeaponRoom%(nTreasure1%) = -1 ENDIF nTreasure1% = nTreasure1% + 1 ENDWH nTreasure1% = 1 WHILE nTreasure1% <= nTreasures% IF nTreasureRoom%(nTreasure1%) = nRoom1% IF nWeaponRoom%(nTreasure1%) < 0 nTreasureRoom%(nTreasure1%) = -1 IF nGuardRoom%(nTreasure1%) = nRoom1% nGuardRoom%(nTreasure1%) = -1 nWeaponRoom%(nTreasure1%) = -2 strPendingMsg$ = strPendingMsg$ + " Your " + strWeapon$(nTreasure1%) + " overcomes the " + strGuard$(nTreasure1%) + "." ENDIF ELSE strPendingMsg$ = strPendingMsg$ + " You carry nothing to overcome the " + strGuard$(nTreasure1%) + "." ENDIF ENDIF IF nWeaponRoom%(nTreasure1%) = nRoom1% nWeaponRoom%(nTreasure1%) = -1 ENDIF nTreasure1% = nTreasure1% + 1 ENDWH ENDP PROC cmdDrop_Click: EXTERNAL nTreasureRoom%() EXTERNAL strPendingMsg$ LOCAL nTreasure1% nTreasure1% = 1 WHILE nTreasure1% <= nTreasures% IF nTreasureRoom%(nTreasure1%) = -1 nTreasureRoom%(nTreasure1%) = 1 ENDIF nTreasure1% = nTreasure1% + 1 ENDWH strPendingMsg$ = "" ENDP PROC cmdBackward_Click: EXTERNAL nMoves& EXTERNAL nTCoordinate% EXTERNAL strPendingMsg$ nMoves& = nMoves& + 1 nTCoordinate% = nTCoordinate% + 1 strPendingMsg$ = "" ENDP PROC cmdDown_Click: EXTERNAL nMoves& EXTERNAL nZCoordinate% EXTERNAL strPendingMsg$ nMoves& = nMoves& + 1 nZCoordinate% = nZCoordinate% + 1 strPendingMsg$ = "" ENDP PROC cmdEast_Click: EXTERNAL nMoves& EXTERNAL nYCoordinate% EXTERNAL strPendingMsg$ nMoves& = nMoves& + 1 nYCoordinate% = nYCoordinate% - 1 strPendingMsg$ = "" ENDP PROC cmdForward_Click: EXTERNAL nMoves& EXTERNAL nTCoordinate% EXTERNAL strPendingMsg$ nMoves& = nMoves& + 1 nTCoordinate% = nTCoordinate% - 1 strPendingMsg$ = "" ENDP PROC cmdNorth_Click: EXTERNAL nMoves& EXTERNAL nXCoordinate% EXTERNAL strPendingMsg$ nMoves& = nMoves& + 1 nXCoordinate% = nXCoordinate% - 1 strPendingMsg$ = "" ENDP PROC cmdSouth_Click: EXTERNAL nMoves& EXTERNAL nXCoordinate% EXTERNAL strPendingMsg$ nMoves& = nMoves& + 1 nXCoordinate% = nXCoordinate% + 1 strPendingMsg$ = "" ENDP PROC cmdUp_Click: EXTERNAL nMoves& EXTERNAL nZCoordinate% EXTERNAL strPendingMsg$ nMoves& = nMoves& + 1 nZCoordinate% = nZCoordinate% - 1 strPendingMsg$ = "" ENDP PROC cmdWest_Click: EXTERNAL nMoves& EXTERNAL nYCoordinate% EXTERNAL strPendingMsg$ nMoves& = nMoves& + 1 nYCoordinate% = nYCoordinate% + 1 strPendingMsg$ = "" ENDP PROC cmdHelp_Click: EXDERNAL nHelpThread& LOCAL bHelpFilePresent% LOCAL Response% LOCAL strHelpFile$(255) strHelpFile$ = CMD$(1) IF LEN(strHelpFile$) > 5 IF LOWER$(RIGHT$(strHelpFile$, 4)) = ".app" strHelpFile$ = LEFT$(strHelpFile$, LEN(strHelpFile$) - 3) + "hlp" ELSE strHelpFile$ = "C:\System\Apps\Advent4D\Advent4D.hlp" ENDIF ELSE strHelpFile$ = "C:\System\Apps\Advent4D\Advent4D.hlp" ENDIF IF EXIST(strHelpFile$) IF nHelpThread& <> 0 ONERR noHelpThread SETFOREGROUNDBYTHREAD&:(nHelpThread&, 0) ELSE noHelpThread:: ONERR OFF nHelpThread& = RUNAPP&:("Data", strHelpFile$, "", 0) ENDIF ELSE DINIT "Error" DTEXT "", strHelpFile$ + " is not present." DBUTTONS "Ok",%O Response% = DIALOG ENDIF ENDP PROC TerminateHelp: EXTERNAL nHelpThread& IF nHelpThread& <> 0 ONERR noHelpThread ENDTASK&:(nHelpThread&, 0) ENDIF noHelpThread:: ONERR OFF nHelpThread& = 0 ENDP PROC cmdQuit_click: EXTERNAL bInitialized% EXTERNAL nScore% LOCAL O% LOCAL Response% IF bInitialized% IF nScore% < 10 DINIT "You scored " + NUM$(FLT(nScore%),3) + " out of 100 points." DTEXT "", "Your score ranks you as a beginner." ELSE IF nScore% < 20 DINIT "You scored " + NUM$(FLT(nScore%),3) + " out of 100 points." DTEXT "", "Your score ranks you as a beginner." ELSE IF nScore% < 40 DINIT "You scored " + NUM$(FLT(nScore%),3) + " out of 100 points." DTEXT "", "Your score ranks you as a novice adventurer." ELSE IF nScore% < 60 DINIT "You scored " + NUM$(FLT(nScore%),3) + " out of 100 points." DTEXT "", "Your score ranks you as a seasoned explorer." ELSE IF nScore% < 80 DINIT "You scored " + NUM$(FLT(nScore%),3) + " out of 100 points." DTEXT "", "Your score ranks you as a grissly old prospector." ELSE IF nScore% < 100 DINIT "You scored " + NUM$(FLT(nScore%),3) + " out of 100 points." DTEXT "", "Your score ranks you as an expert treasure hunter." ELSE DINIT "You scored " + NUM$(FLT(nScore%),3) + " out of 100 points." DTEXT "", "Your score ranks you as a wizard; there is no higher rating." ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF DBUTTONS "Ok",%O Response% = DIALOG ENDP