AWELE Version 1.01 for PSION Series 5 ====================================== author : Maurice TALAZAC : INSTALLATION : ============= 1) Turn on your Series 5, press the System icon (bottom left of the screen), press the Menu key, under 'Tools' select 'Preferences', make sure that there is a tick next to 'show system folder' and click on 'OK'. 2)Go into either C:\System\Apps\ 3)From the menu, under 'File' select 'Make new folder' name it "Awele". 4)Copy all the files except README.TXT into this directory. They are: - Awele.aif : pilot file. - : principal file. - Icone.mbm : file of icon of extra bar. - Img.mbm : file of icons of option bar. - Tableau.mbm : file of the board game. - Titre.mbm : file of the welcome screen. 5)Pressing the 'Extras' button (bottom right of screen) will now reveal this programs icon, select it to begin. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: ===================== All the functions are fully accessible with pen or keyboard. Follow the instructions on the screen. To answer message-boxes with the keyboard, type the first letter of the answer : for example , type "N" for "Next". THE GAME: ========= AWELE is a very old game existing in all Africa, with different names : WARI, MANCALA, JUKURU, MBERE, SOMBI, DEKA, etc... It is for Africa what Checks are for Europe, and Go for Asia. Symbolizing the cycle of seeds and harvests, it it has a interesting originality in strategy , but also of culture, particularly in permanent redistribution of an acquired advantage. THE RULES : ========== Are described with the heading "rules" in the option bar. THE PROGRAM : ============= Writed in OPL, adapted for the one for SERIES 3 that I published in the french magazine "Poche Computers" n°3. SHAREWARE : =========== This software is complete, without any limit or nag-screen. To encourage this way, and if you are satisfied , you can send a contribution to the author (£10 or $15) by cash or postal check made out to his name, at his address : Maurice TALAZAC "Les Cyclades" 5 Allée de la Désirée 13009 MARSEILLE FRANCE I'll be pleased to receive any comment by e-mail, at WARRANTY DISCLAIMER: ==================== THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND . THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE PRODUCT AND DOCUMENTATION REMAINS WITH RECIPIENT. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR OTHER DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT OR THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT.