Conquête v1.34 Freeware, copyright by Claude Mettavant. February 1999 Installation ------------ Conquete is distributed as a self installing file Conquete.sis Install Conquete using the 'Install New Program' command in PsiWin 2.1 or newer. Just choose the final language and press OK. You must have software to copy the .SIS file to the EPOC machine, once copied tap the .SIS file icon to install. The following software can be downloaded from Psion's site: if you do not have up to date software on your PC or EPOC machine. Instructions ------------ The game is a classical conquest and strategy game where the goal is to conquer the whole planet whilst eliminating the opponents. (Much akin to the board game Risk). You can play on 117 countries. At the beginning of the game, you get troops to attack and occupy the conquered countries. The game is self explaining and is stylus playable. An on-line Help file will give you all necessary details. About money ----------- This program is freeware. This means you can use it without having to pay any fee. I nevertheless keep the cpyright on the source code and the graphic design. Please do not modify anything without asking permission. Legal questions --------------- You are encouraged to distribute the program to your friends around you. Feel free also to distribute it on floppies, CDRoms, or any other way, insofar as the original archive is not modified in any way. For any distribution, please contact me as I wish to be sure you get the latest version. Please do not ask more than the usual transport and distribution charges. The program must not be reversed or decompiled. The source code will be available when the program gets its final touch. Warranty -------- NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED IS GIVEN. USE THIS PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISKS. Thsi is a freeware program, and I consequently do not offer any warranty nor any technical support although I never refuse any help). Programs used ------------- MilleBornes source code, Opl32 and its toolsls, OPL User Guide from Psion Software, PsiWin2, WinPic3x Acknowledgements ---------------- Mainly a big thank to Fredéric Botton who offers to anyone the source code of its superb game program : MBornes5? This is an encouragemen to embark on... Thank to RMR Software who freely proposes RMREvent (including source), interesting complement. Thank to Internet which allow a large programs diffusion, guides, reference work ... And at least, a big thank to Gérald Aubard, webmaster of Le 5ème Site who translated this program in english. Contact ------- Phone : 06 07 19 84 30 Snail mail : Claude Mettavant 67d avanue Anatole France F-10 000 Troyes France Have fun ! Claude :-)