Dice5 (a Yahtzee clone) for Psion Series5, Revo & Osaris Copyright 2003 by M.J. Kemps email: epoc.freeware@hccnet.nl Dice5 is FREEWARE and may be used and distributed freely on a non-commercial base. Revision history: 25-02-2003 Release v1.02 - "Change" changed to Chance in confirm score window. 07-02-2003 release v1.01 - Status window somtimes didn't show when starting new game - fixed. - "Change" changed to Chance in Lower half scoresheet. 06-02-2003 initial release v1.0 Files: All files MUST be in the \system\apps\dice5 directory on any drive. These files must be installed: Dice5.app Dice5.aif Dice5.mbm Dice5.fnt These files are optional and can be deleted if you wish to save memory: Dice5.hlp (help file) Dice5.snd (Dice5 sound) DiceRoll.snd (Rolling Dice sound) Both Sound files can always be deleted on the Osaris (The Osaris can't play them). These files are created by Dice5 and can be deleted to set defaults: Dice5.ini (Preferences and players names) Dice5.high (Highscore table)