Invaders Version History ======================== V1.00 (08-Jun-1999) ===== + Complete! V0.99 (07-Jun-1999) ===== + Added final game sounds + Added error handling for missing files V0.98 (02-Jun-1999) ===== + Added Palmscape required/recommended amendments + Added in-game stats display + Re-wrote main loop timing code - more efficiency, no spurious IO calls + Faster keyboard response ! Fixed PAUSE code - now correctly accepts pen-taps and other system events ! Finally located and fixed bug that caused random game-stopping crash of APP V0.97 (17-May-1999) ===== + Amended some game sounds, added another one V0.96 (12-May-1999) ===== + Added High Score validation code and publishing details V0.95 (04-May-1999) ===== + Entire source code given a once-over and generally tidied up ! Deployed better sound effects and implemented better facilities for sound V0.94 (02-May-1999) ===== ! Help File completed ! Removed debugging information and keystrokes V0.93 (28-Apr-1999) ===== ! Amend mothership random score to bring it in line with the arcade version ! Fixed after-death actions (aliens were still shooting at you after you died!!) ! Pruned the images file for un-needed pictures V0.92 (22-Apr-1999) ===== + Limit of 5 waves for unregistered users, but highscore now unrestricted ! Tweaked menu system and in-game selection of options on menu ! Almost finished Invaders .HLP file ! Fixed APP not responding (by telling EPOC its busy) to System Screen close requests when in menu's or dialog's V0.91 (21-Apr-1999) ===== + Added High Score in-game functionality + Added full High Score save capability to INI file code V0.90 (18-Apr-1999) ===== + Added ability, as per arcade, for random mothership to move both left to right AND right to left! + Added High Score Table view (still unpopulated) ! Fixed bug where alien shots were being left on screen after death, occasionally ! Fixed occasionally distorted score display location, due to extra life code V0.89 (15-Apr-1999) ===== + Invaders now cleans up after itself leaving NO TRACE in memory after shutdown. In fact, it also does a general memory cleanup, often providing more available memory than before Invaders was started! + Extra Life now gained at 1500 points, as per arcade original ! Fixed bug whereby shots and mothership sometimes remained on screen following your death by aliens touching down ! Adjusted speed of shots upward to make gameplay speed more in line with original ! Modified shot speed code to allow for difficulty settings ! Fixed scoring - now based on original ! Now successfully closes helpfile, if launched from within Invaders ! Error handling during shutdown handled impecably now ! Alien death sound effect (minimalistic for speed) in place. Only a few more to go.. ! Fixed bug where the last alien shot didn't add to your points tally V0.88 (13-Apr-1999) ===== + Added integrated mothership random point score and display thereof + Base clearing now happens correctly during initial alien display to screen + Wave/Level based increases in difficulty are now handled properly ! Changed front splash screen for something looking 'slightly' better. Believe me, the last one was hideous! + Added very basic animation to splash screen intro V0.87 (09-Apr-1999) ===== ! Fixed bug with base display clearing - still needs work on initial alien painting to screen ! Fixed oversight about the score variable type - was an integer instead of a long integer! ! Fixed bug whereby upon death by shooting, the mothership and your shot remained on screen until APP was closed and restarted! + Modified alien speeds - now get faster quicker depending on wave number V0.86 (06-Apr-1999) ===== + Added better alien speed control routines + Started work on the DATA Help file - still bare but exists! ! Fixed alien shooting when close to top of the 5 bases - occasionally left a layer of the base in-tact. + Experiments in alien animation: WAY too slow, the game engine's not designed for this sort of thing, in Version 1 :-( - Removed alien animations in the interests of sanity. Have thoughts on how to implement in a VERY speedy fashion, for version 2.. V0.85 (02-Apr-1999) ===== + Added base clearing if/when the aliens got low enough to threaten their existance! = Tweaked the speed of the aliens/mothership/alien shot/your shot relationship. + Added a small animation to generate new ship in position ! Fixed APP *CRASH* that happened mainly in the WINS Emulator but also occasionally on the 5 - was caused by the GETEVENTC statement being called too often.. :-( + Death now happens completely, not just a textual message describing it! + SafeOPL32 V1.0 now used to protect modified registration validation routine plus selected others V0.84 (31-Mar-1999) (first released to person OTHER THAN myself (Martin Guthrie)) ===== + Hastily written mothership code; seems to work, might leave it alone! + Debug information added for various timing events, alien movements etc to allow for tweaking and new functionality provision Versions prior to 0.84 are undocumented but basically include: ============================================================== + Adaptation from and signification modifications to the Snake 1.01 code + Generate and display alien characters on screen + Generate and MOVE double-sized alien characters! (Yes, the actual arcade version had aliens HALF THE SIZE as these!) + Maintain aspect ratio true to the original, as best as possible. + Incorporate own ship with appropriate movements + Incorporate interaction (shooting the aliens, aliens shooting back) + Incorporate bases to protect your ship from alien shots (and vice versa!) + Include a scoring system. + Incorporate an event timer to provide core functionality (alien movement) - Remove event timer - timer resolution not small enough to cope with fastest desired movement! + Include sound capability with asyncronous routines + Lots of game logic (or illogic in some cases) worked out and implemented + etc etc etc.