Matchpix 1.1 - 24th December 2002 SHORT DESCRIPTION Matchpix is the classical Memory Game. A grid contains a number of shuffled pairs of identical numbers or pictures, that must be matched by revealing each time a couple of tiles. Several sets of pictures are included (Animals, Fruits, Tools). The size and scale of the grid can be choosen as long as it fits on the screen. The game maintains detailed statistics records with the best and average times and tries to solve the puzzles. WHAT'S NEW Version 1.1 (2002-12-24) bugfix for large grids on netbook Version 1.0 (2002-12-06) initial version COMPATIBILITY The program is developed and maintained on Revo and Netbook with OPL. It runs also on the Emulator and other Series5 machines. INSTALLATION Either from PC, launch directly Matchpix.SIS, or copy Matchpix.SIS to the EPOC-machine and start it. The installation program adds an icon in the Extras-bar. During installation, a set of picture files is also copied in the program directory. It is possible to delete some of these to save space if they are not desired. DISTRIBUTION The program MATCHPIX is plain vanilla freeware. It is provided "as is" with the usual legal irresponabilities. CONTACT (Patrick Hahn)