PsiFrac 1.0 (c) 1999 Holger Leerhoff Alle Rechte vorbehalten. All rights reserved. eMail SHORT DESCRIPTION PsiFrac is a Freeware fractal generator for the EPOC OS. It was tested on the Psion Series 5 "classic", 5mx pro and on the R5 emulator. In my opinion it should run on any EPOC platform - if you install this software on other machines, please drop me a note. There is no support for the larger screen of the Geofox yet, so only half the screen will be used. I will add support for this in one of the next releases. LANGUAGE As I am not a native speaker, the language might seem odd or may even be wrong on some places. It would be great if you could report any spelling and grammar mistakes to me - thank you! There is no English online-help yet. I will translate the German one ASAP. HISTORY - 1.0 (13.09.'99): - computing / drawing fractals is now about twice as fast as in 0.9 - added algorithm for Julia sets - support of pen for choosing areas - added toolbar icons - printing now possible - pictures can be saved as MBM files - 0.9 beta (05.09.'99) - first public release LICENSE AGREEMENT Please read the following license agreement prior to installing this program. By installing, using or distributing the program, you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. This software is provided "as is". I take no responsibility or liability for any damage, loss of data or any other problems that might be caused by the use of this software. The use of this software is entirely at your own risk. This software may not be altered in any way. Reverse translation is not allowed. I do agree with the distribution of the software package via the Internet as long as no fee is charged for it. For distribution on other media, written permission must be obtained from the author.