***************************************************************************** Speed Patch for PsiTris Freeware ***************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1999 FatCatz Freeware Version 1.00 Modified: 99/12/16 Table of contents 1. File contents 2. Introduction 3. Installation 4. What's new ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. FILE CONTENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The compressed file psisp100.zip contains 2 files; SpeedPatch.sis Readme.txt - This file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. INTRODUCTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a speed patch for PsiTris 1.5X. Running Speed Patch will update PsiTris so it can run at the correct speed on your machine. This version of Speed Patch will detect any of the following EPOC machines; Series 5 Geofox One Series 5mx Series 5mx PRO MC218 If you are not sure which machine you have install Speed Patch anyway and it will automatically set PsiTris to the correct speed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. INSTALLATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. You must have PsiTris 1.5X installed before running Speed Patch. 2. If you have a PC, you can install it using the 'Install New Program' command in PsiWin 2.1 or newer. If you have a Macintosh Computer, you can install it using Psion MacConnect. If you have another computer, you must have software to copy the .SIS file to the EPOC machine, once copied tap the .SIS file icon to install. The following software can be downloaded from Psion's site: http://www.psion.com if you do not have up to date software on your PC or EPOC machine. - PsiWin 2.1 - Add remove icon (for installing directly from a EPOC machine) - Epoc install (for installing from a PC) 3. Finally press Extras|Speed Patch, and follow the instructions. 4. When finished you _MUST_ uninstall Speed Patch via the Control Panel, tap the Add/Remove icon, select Speed Patch and finally press the Remove button. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. WHAT'S NEW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ v1.0 Initial release. For the latest version of PsiTris and the Speed Patch visit: Enjoy FatCatz