Snake is (C) Palmscape & Dave Mager, 1999. Version 1.01 - June 1999 INSTALLATION: ------------- contains three files, snake.sis, pscape.sis and systinfo.sis. All three are required by Snake. Installation assumes you, by now, have SIS installation abilities. If you do not, please email me at and I will be glad to send you a file-by-file version of the program. SNAKE .SIS - contains the actual game and can be safely installed on the C or D drives. PSCAPE .SIS - An installation file containing the essential shared Palmscape files. SYSTINFO.SIS - is an OPX by RMRSoft, required by Snake. You MUST install all three of these SIS files onto your Psion. You may mix installation locations (Drive C or Drive D) safely, however. To install a .SIS file: 1) Copy all three files to anywhere on your EPOC machine, and then double tap each in turn. 2) Connect your EPOC machine and double click on each file in turn. Simply follow the on screen instructions. VERSION HISTORY: ---------------- Thanks to everyone who has sent in comments and suggestions. Still no-one has found a bug! 1.01 - Released by Palmscape. Slightly amends the keyboard handling. 1.00 - First public release. DISCLAIMER: ----------- Although this application works perfectly well on our machines we do not guarantee that they will on yours. Use of the software is entirely at your own risk, and no guarantee is either offered or infered. More information on Palmscape ============================= Palmscape are the market leaders in shareware development for the Palmtop community. We have a wide range of products available for your favourite PDA. For more information visit us online at or contact our office at: 44 Harpur Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 2QT Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1234 353970 Palmscape Development Team June 1999