Wall 2.10 Shareware Last modified: 4-Nov-2002 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.10 Import/export hiscore list and level records New icon More sounds Bugs corrected: - debugging information after the end of the game is removed - the number of balls are limited to maintain performance - the ball in Level 3 was not "crazy" - timer stops at once when all balls are destroyed - clearing the hiscore list also clears level records 2.00 Rewritten sound engine (with mixing), more sounds New bonus type (multiball) Improved graphics 1.30 Color support and modified start screen for S7 and netBook Improved graphics Minor bugs corrected: - bonus display problem when a bonuskiller is caught - keyboard support 1.20 Improved graphics and performance 3 difficulty levels (2 available in the trial version) 1.10 Revo is supported One new level and another level is replaced (Crazy!) Improved performance Minor bugs corrected: - display problem when more than 5 bonuses are active, - problems with the through bonus 1.01 Minor bugs corrected: - third level time set to 2:00 - game end after the last level (registered version) - the ball rebounding from the paddle looks more realistic - the ball will not bounce horizontally for ever Help file was updated to reflect the change of registration 1.00 First Release ------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION - On a PC with PsiWin: From the Windows Explorer double click the .sis file, this will automatically install Wall onto your machine. If that doesn't work right click the My Psion icon and click the Install New Program option. If you do not have the Install New Program option then download setup.exe from Psion's site install it and try again. - On a EPOC machine Tap the .sis file to install, if this does not work then you do not have the Add/Remove utility, in this case download instexe.exe from psion's site and copy it to your machine and try again. - If installing on drive D:, the time required to exit the program is much more than if installing on drive C: ------------------------------------------------------------------- UPGRADING Upgrading from a previous releases is very simple just install the new version over the old version. Please note that the high score list will be reset. ------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPORTED HARDWARE Psion Series 5mx, Revo, Revo Plus, Mako, Series 7, netBook Ericsson Mc218 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2001-2002. Viking Informatics Ltd. www.vikinggames.hu