WAR IN ANCIENT TIMES EXPANSION I: HANNIBAL In the days of the fledgling Roman republic, before Rome gained absolute supremacy, one of her major rivals was the maritime state of Carthage. Rome had beaten Carthage in the First Punic War, but with the genius of one man, Carthage was about to make a comeback. That man was Hannibal. This expansion requires that War In Ancient Times is installed on your system. The game and other materials are available from the War In Ancient Times web site: http://ancient.snigfarp.karoo.net/ SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS The game requires an EPOC handheld computer to run. It is known to be compatible with the following models: * Psion Series 5 * Psion Series 5mx * Psion Revo * Psion Revo Plus * Diamond Mako * Ericsson MC218 * Psion Series 7 * Psion Netbook * Geofox One INSTALLATION You can install this game either using PsiWin or on the EPOC machine itself. In either case, follow these steps: 1. You should have received War In Ancient Times Expansion I: Hannibal as a ZIP file. Inside this is an SIS file; extract the SIS file from the ZIP. This can be done using WinZip on a PC, or RMRZip on the handheld. 2. Double click on the SIS file on the PC or the handheld. Follow the on screen instructions to install the package. 5. Now you should be able to run War In Ancient Times from the Extras bar. To access the Hannibal campaign, select "Open Campaign" from the Campaign menu, and select Hannibal from the list.