WordBox version 1.2 (18Aug98) INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------- 1. Create \WordBox folder in your \System\Apps folder. 2. Unzip WordBox.zip 3. Copy all files EXCEPT spell.sis to the newly created \WordBox folder. 4. Install spell.opx by using the EPOC installer. You can do this either via your windows desktop/PsiWin by double clicking the.sis file, or directly from your psion by using the Add/remove icon on the System control panel. 5. Run WordBox from your EXTRAS bar. 6. Peace and love spread throughout the world... FILE LISTING (14 files) ----------------------- Click.snd Dwop.snd GameOver.snd ListBox.opo readme.txt spell.sis SuperTot.snd Tot.snd Twang.snd UhOh.snd WordBox.aif WordBox.app WordBox.hlp WordBox.mbm REGISTRATION ------------ WordBox is a labor of love, and as such registration is free! Which means there is no registration required! Enjoy! Have an exclamation mark, on me! You can also send requests or questions directly to the author via email: kevins@phonet.com WordBox is Copyright © 1998 Twin Feats Software & Kevin G. Smotherman All rights reserved. ========================================================= KNOWN BUGS ---------- 1. Bottom-most element in bottom-right most high score listbox does not display unless screen is tapped or key is pressed. This appears to be an OS bug. 2. Sometimes toolbar button's text clears some of the pixels in a rectangle around the text. This appears to be an OS bug. ---------------------------------------------------------- CHANGELOG --------- Version 1.0 (5Jun98) 1Jun98 Pausing the game then unpausing caused a partial overwrite of the last word status displayed. Version 1.1 (19Jun98) 7Jun98 Malformed elapsed time on Words display for untimed games. 8Jun98 Before opening spell.opx, WordBox now checks the Spell application and mimics the user dictionary setting found there. 9Jun98 Removed PenSensitivity setting control from NewGame dialog (it's still in prefs) 12Jun98 On the Cancel Player dialog, the MOVE player to last up option was not resetting the new current player's time correctly. 15Jun98 Words are now passed to the spell checker as all upper case. This allows spell checking of words that are in the dictionary capitalized. Version 1.2 (18Aug98) 18Aug98 If WordBox was powered off mid-game for more than 32767 seconds (9.1 hours), it would crash when the S5 was powered back on. 18Aug98 New spell.opx from RMR software installed that fixes the infamous crash if the user dictionary was non-existant or empty. --------------------