Colour Icons for use on Psion S7 / netBook / netPad =================================================== by Martin Guthrie February - April 2003 Introduction ------------ This zip file contains a number of replacement colourised (or colorized if you prefer!) .aif files for some of your favourite EPOC (ER1-5) programs. These files are not the complete programs and will not - by themselves - do anything (so no free software here!). If you already have a particular program however for which there is a replacement .aif file, then you can use this file to replace the existing .aif file on your machine so that you'll see a colour program icon on your Extras bar(s). Installation ------------ Find the installation folder for the application in question (let's for example call the application 'MyApp'). This would normally be in c:\System\Apps\MyApp\ or d:\System\Apps\MyApp\ depending upon whether you installed to the c: or d: drive. Now simply copy the replacement .aif file to this location to replace the original one. After a couple of seconds, the icon on the Extras bar will automagically become colour! ;-) NB: If you've installed the program (e.g. 'MyApp') to d:, there may still be a folder at c:\System\Apps\MyApp\ - but chances are this will just contain a MyApp.ini file (and/or other stuff). But you need the MyApp.aif file on d: all the same... Multiple Choices ---------------- Sometimes there will different versions of the same icon available (usually where two people have sent me their versions of that particular icon). In these cases I've re-named the 'Application.aif' file to be 'Application.aif1', 'Application.aif2', etc. (e.g. Macro5.aif1, Macro5.aif2). Just rename the adjusted file back to its original 'Application.aif' name before you use it. Some more complex installations ------------------------------- Where there's a little more explaining to do and/or colour patch files for the application itself (e.g. RMRZip, Tomeraider), I've put these into separate zip files together - in some cases - with their own ReadMe.txt files. Read them. In one or two cases, the application .aif file is named slightly differently to how it shows on the Extras bars. E.g. TomTom's Route installs to an application folder called 'EnRoute', Citymaps installs to a folder called 'Street', etc. Don't worry about this - just copy the .aif file to the installation folder that the program uses and everything will be fine. Other Stuff ----------- In just a few cases I have 'enhanced' an icon - rather than just colouring it appropriately (I hope). Usually this is simply a case of masking it correctly where the original author didn't do so (usually because the app. might pre-date colour machines and it wasn't quite so important on greyscale machines). Of course, the respective authors retain all the copyright to their applications. These replacement application icon files (aif) are just add-ons that you can install if you wish. I make no claims whatsoever to the original artwork (unless of course it happens to be one of my own applications!). If you feel strongly about one or more of your icons having being adapted and included here please let me know and I can remove it. Acknowledgements ---------------- I am indebted to a number of people who have given up their time to create and contribute colour icons and/or colour patches to this collection. Specifically I'd like to thank:- Tony Cabot Michael Degn Markus Heinermann Simon Johns Ralph Sprenger Egon Widmer Enjoy! Martin