EasyMbm for Epoc. Copywrite Richard Wakelin Jan 1999 EasyMbm is unrestricted shareware, price £10. Please see online help for details. Product description .................... EasyMbm is a visual bitmap manager and picture viewer for the Epoc32 platform. EasyMbm will run on a Psion Series 5, Geofox1 and the Wins emulator. Main features ............. Up to four files can be opened at once in separate multi bitmap windows. Windows can be re sized, tiled and cascaded. Bitmaps can be dragged and dropped from one window to another, from any position, to any position in a file. Bitmaps can be zoomed, flipped and rotated. Selected areas can be copied by dragging with the pen and pasted to other files. Installing EasyMbm ................... If you are using a recent copy of Psiwin then double click easymbm.sis to install EasyMbm to your connected machine, otherwise copy easymbm.sis to your machine and install from there. If installing to the emulator copy easymbm.sis to any folder install while using the emulator. Program files .............. The following files will be installed. EasyMbm.app EasyMbm.aif EasyMbm.mbm EasyMbm.hlp bmp.mbm All these file are ESSENTIAL except for EasyMbm.hlp and must not be interfered with. Other temporary files will also be created from time to time and these will be cleared up by the program as needed. Contact address ............... Please send bug reports or suggestions to rgw@cix.compulink.co.uk or richard@rwakelin.freeserve.co.uk Visit www.rwakelin.freeserve.co.uk for more software. end.