======================================= METRO Version 1.2 GB Juillet 1998 pour PSION Series 5 ======================================= © Gabriel DARDENNE INTRODUCTION : ------------ This software gives you a lot of information about public conveyances. It includes a search-engine which draws up the Metro- or RER-routes (farestages 1 and 2) and tram routes (lines T1 and T2). This software is shareware. Although the realisation has been done with great care, the author does not take over responsibility concerning information, especially the ones dealing with time and fares. In fact the different sources of information (plans, guides, Minitel and so on) contain contradictory information. On the other hand not all of them could be tested because of the high number of possible routes. Nevertheless the reliability of the data is acceptable because several corrections have already been made. It would be nice if you can tell me about mistakes (there certainly are still some...) to improve following versions. Thanks for your help. WARNING : ------- A few pogrammers will be shocked and others will be disappointed. Indeed, this version for S5 relies on version 4.1 of S3a/S3c and Siena palmtops. The conversion took me about two months. So, the specific features of the S5, especially the touchscreen, are not supported (except the menu). But it is promised that the following versions will bit by bit support the functions. FICHIERS : -------- METRO_GB.APP METRO_GB.AIF METRO.DA1 METRO.DA2 METRO.DA3 METRO.DA4 METRO.HLP METRO.UTI and README.TXT (this document) REGISTRATION.TXT INSTALLATION : ------------ Copy the files listed below into the directory \SYSTEM\APP\METRO_GB of your disk C or D. This directory will also contain your registration file (for those people who have already registered). The icon METRO will automatically be added into one of the menubar called EXTRAS. LIST OF FUNCTIONS : ----------------- 1) METRO : - ROUTE : The search and the detailed presentation of routes (text, detail and plan) is possible if you enter a starting- and an arrival-station. This is the main function of the program. This function can be used for the 13 lines of the Metro, the 4 current lines of the RER (farestages 1 and 2) and the lines T1 and T2 of the tram. It would not be wise to enter the whole name of the station, but only a few letters. Then the program proposes a choice of all the names which contain the entered list of letters. The spelling of the names is not always identical (hyphens, abbreviations...). If only one station belongs to the entered list of letters, the program continues without demanding confirmation. * If it is a direct line, you will get the answer very fast. If you enter for example LYON (for gare de Lyon) and CHATEL (For Châtelet Les Halles) Search-time: 3 seconds. * Also if a change has to be made the search-time remains short. Try OPE (Opéra) and NORD (Gare du Nord) Duration: 9 seconds. For ORL (Porte d'Orléans) to ITAL (Place d'Italie) 4 seconds are sufficient. The graphical display of the shortest route enables you to repeat the search with 2 connections (key D). This is only of interest if the route shown makes a detour. In this case there are probably shorter routes. Maybe the search takes more time: e.g.: OPERA - GARE DU NORD, 27 seconds. * Routes which needs two connections: e.g.: BOTZ (Botzaris) and PLA (Laplace), searchtime 6 seconds. If the number of the found solutions increases, the searchtime gets longer. The bar shows the progress of the search. * In the case of more than two changes the automatical search is not possible and a message indicates you that no route has been found. The program proposes you to cut your route into two pieces with one more connection. Don’t forget that 95% of the routes are possible with less than 3 changes. Try PELLEPORT and BROCHANT. The program proposes you to search successively for PELLEPORT-JAURES than for JAURES-BROCHANT. If the progam finds solutions, ALL the possible routes will be given (with a maximum of 49 solutions) in estimated increasing duration time. The shortest route (time) will be dislayed. You have the possibility to navigate through the given solutions and view them on the map of Paris (key P) or view the list of the crossed stations (key S). You can save one or more solutions (key E) to consult them later. Direct access to a solution, called by its number, is possible with key N. Why ALL the solutions are proposed ? The answer is quite simple: the computer examines anyway ALL the possibilities to find the time of duration. But nothing forces you to consult absurd duration- times...(e.g. the 23rd solution to go from the GARE DE L'EST to NATION, trough DENFERT. It makes even sense: when the RATP announces that traffic is interrupted on line "such and such". Then you just have to press the arrow-down key until you see the fastest route which does not use this line !! Elemetary, my dear Watson ! To go directly to the fastest or the longest route, use Fn+arrow (up or down). - REVIEW : This function makes it possible to review a route, put in memory before (key E, see before). The advantage of this search is the quicker access. Use the keys S and P (see before). This gives you the possibility to strore frequently used routes and to review them as often as you want (the maximum of routes is 28), without a long search. You can also delete a route. - LINES : Detail of all stations of one line, with the indication of possible connections. When you push the key P, the screen shows you the route on the map of Paris. You have the choice between all the metro lines as well as the sections of the RER-lines (Zones 1 and 2) and the tram-lines T1 and T2. - STATIONS : Informationsabout the 343 stations known to the program: all the metro lines from Paris as well as all the RER-lines (Zones 1 and 2) and the tram-lines T1 and T2. You will know the available connections. The asterisk after some station-names indicates a special feature (circle-line, double-line, etc...) The served places and monumets are shown as well. When you press the key P, the screen shows you the position of the station on the map of Paris. The stations on the outskirts are a little bit "pushed" vertically...the screen of the PSION is to small....!! A management of your personal notes added to the stations is possible with the key N. These notes are then displayed in the information of the stations. - MONUMENT, LIEU : MONUMENT, PLACE: A few hundred key words have been entered to make it possible to search the nearest possible station. One example: to go to the funiculaire de Montmartre enter FUNI (or NICULAI...) and the information of the nearest station ANVERS are displayed. You can see this place on the map of Paris when you press P. If more than one solution is possible (e.g.: MUSEE), they will be shown successively (Space-bar) and all the places will be visible on the map. Some stations have the name of the nearby monument. In this case start your search in STATION, because it is possible that the name is not repeated in the file of the mouments. - NOTES : A search by the content of the notes added by you to the stations (max. 28 stations) is possible with this point. 2) BUS : - LINES 20 TO 96 : All the lines from Paris are detailed with their features (time-table and days). Please pay attention, not all the numbers are used by the RATP... The majority of the lines are using one-ways and a lot of the stations are only served in one direction. Maybe there are a few errors in the given data, but the consulted plans were not very clear (your corrections are welcome for the future versions....). - PETITE CEINTURE (PC) : This particular line makes the turn from Paris on the external boulevards, the line works in both directions. The drawing is very simplified. - NOCTAMBUS : These are the 18 nocturnal lines. It is the same principle of display as for the normal lines. - MONTMARTROBUS : Very small, nice and anecdotal line but very useful to avoid a long way up. - BALABUS : Normal line with special fares, the line works an Sundays and public holidays. - STATIONS : The principle of this menu is a little bit different than METRO, because after you have entered a string of characters, all the concerned stations are displayed inclisive the used lines. It is in deed very common, that nearby stations have different names in the busses from Paris. That’s why the search for routes like in METRO is impossible for busses. There are few connections with absolutely same names. Try FRIED (for FRIEDLAND) for example. You will get FRIELAND-HAUSSMANN (line 22) or CH. DE GAULLE-ETOILE-VICTOR HUGO-FRIEDLAND (line 83). Also "ZA" will give you "Gare Saint-Lazare" and "Botzaris". 3) OTHER MEANS OF CONVEYANCE : - RER : This menu gives you the representation of the lines A to D, like for the busses, with farestages and connections with metro-lines. - STADE DE FRANCE : In this year of the World Cup, this information are certainly useful for foreigners. - PARIS-ORLY and PARIS-ROISSY : Text-screen mode, which gives you precious information about conveying possibilites to the airports West and South. Please pay attention if you have to take a plane, fares and times are given without guarantee (traffic jam, etc...). - TOURISM : Some ideas of walks concerning the theme of means of conveyances. - PLANS : What we still can expect in regard to the means conveyance of Paris. - USEFUL PHONENUMBERS : No comment. LIMITS OF THE PROGRAM : --------------------- - Certain lines are composed of features which made it complicated to program (loops and Y-junctions). The loops have been arbitrariliy eliminated and all the stations have been brought to the same line. These stations are marked by an asterisk which shows a special feature (only served in one direction, for example). The Y-junctions are treated as two different lines: a mean-line and a secondary-line which starts by the station where both lines are separated, this station will then be a connection. These two modifications don’t really change the reality of the things (a few stations and minutes more for a route or a change which in fact will not be one if you have chosen the right train). - Special feature of certain stations on circle-lines or on lines with Y-junctions (see above). Certain stations are a little bit complicated: connections with certain lines, but not with others. That is the case for "LES HALLES", CHATELET LES HALLES" and "CHATELET" which communicate all with different means... It’s also the case for "St-MICHEL", "St-MICHEL NOTRE-DAME" and "CLUNY" but also for "GARE DU NORD" and "LA CHAPELLE" or even "HAVRE CAUMARTIN", "AUBER" and "OPERA". These groups of stations are brought together in one station, even if you will have to do a longer change. NO-REGISTRED PROGRAMS: --------------------- As registered programs have advantages in contrast to non-registered versions (it’s a question of morality), the restrictions are listed up below: - the access to certain functions is not a permanent but a random access. This is the case for the search for the routes with 2 connections (Probability of access:1/4), also for the information about the lines and the stations (p.o.a.: 1/2) and the saving of your own routes. Also the metrolines and the RER have some restrictions. - a message will be displayed to remind you of the support of the development of shareware. SHAREWARE : --------- Let’s talk about.... The development of this program took me several months of research and tests. The conversion for the series 5 needed 2 months more. So, for the price of 2 ticket-books (48 FF a ticket-book, state: 1.2.98) you can use unrestrainedly all the functions and possibilities and also without the reminder-messages. Don’t lose your time hacking the code, it isn’t worth it and it’s forbidden anyway !! Send me a Euro-cheque of 100 FF (or cash), or the value of 130 FF in your currency (cash or as Euro-cheque) and you will receive your registration-code which eliminites all restrictions. This code works with all present versions (and future versions, if nothing oppeses it technically) To all those who trusted me and had themselves registrated for the Series 3a/3c or Siena, the registration-code is for free until 31st. May. for those who have now the Series 5. Please contact me ! DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PROGRAM : ---------------------------- It is allowed and even recommended to duplicate and distribute this program ! All the original and not modified files have to be distributed together. For registrated people: do NOT copy the file CODE_METRO !! This is your registration-file which contains your personal code. Because of my small technical equipment, I am just able to copy the program an normal PC floppydisks or flashdisks (everything to your charges). HISTORICAL OVERVIEW : --------------------- - Version 1.1 (for s3a/s3c) has been distributed in September 96. It included only information about metro and RER (Zones 1 and 2). The actual version is based on the same kernel. This program has been completed and improved until December 97 (Version 4.1). - This version 1.2 for Series 5 is adapted from previous versions and some details have been corrceted. The ergonomics of older versions, which a lot of people seemed to like, have been preserved. SOURCES : ------- A lot of maps, guides, minitel, books and various other documents (not to talk about the number of hours spent in public conveyances..). Unfortunately there still are contradictions between the different sources. The net as they are being presented will be updated in February 98. For METERO, you still have to wait for a new version... A few books for those who are interested: - "NOTRE METRO" by Jean Robert : "the bible", by the historian of the métro and the founder of the museum of "Transports urbains de Saint- Mandé". About this book, which I’ve read a few years ago : I am a potential buyer of a used copy, because it is out of print. (Please inform me if you know somebody who would sell it. Thank you...) - "LE PATRIMOINE DE LA RATP", FLOHIC Editions, very detailed and full of little anecdotes. - "LES AUTOBUS PARISIENS", by René Bellu, Jean-Pierre Delville, Editor - "L'AUTOBUS PARISIEN 1905-1991", by - Dimitri Van Boque, Editions Alcine. SPECIAL THANKS : -------------- Thank you very much to you, who use this program (especially to the numerous registered for series 3a/3c and SIENA, who encouraged me to go on). The constructive criticism helped me again and again to eliminate errors and to make approvements (Michel Boudry, Jérôme Fresnay, Franz Eberhard,...). Its distribution by the different servers (Didier Cabuzel, Christophe Cordonnier, Gérald Aubard, Steve Litchfield, ...), but also on CD-ROM of PC TEAM (Frédéric Botton) and UNIVERS MAC and MICRO-MOBILE(articles by Pierre-Alain Buino) which have helped a lot to make this program known. Not to forget the encouragements (Laurent Plomb and many others). The belgian firm MICRO-AZUR, which helped by their consulting to accelerate the search for the routes a lot. I don’t forget my wife who supported me in my numerous talks about the subject of the metro... This program seems to be of interest for you, but you found one or more mistakes (not all possible routes could be tested !). So, please send me a little description of it or them. I will try to eliminate the mistakes with regard to the frequency of appearance. Nice journey (in thes metro, bus or RER of course...). Sorry, I don't speak english ! Translation done by Romain LIMPACH ---------------- Gabriel DARDENNE 21/55, rue Voltaire 92240 - MALAKOFF (FRANCE) e-mail : 106367.3112@compuserve.com