MCQ5 v2.00 CONTENT: 1) Description 2) Installation 3) Opening MCQ5 Files 4) Beginning the MCQ 5) Editing MCQ5 Files 6) Listing Questions 7) Test statistics 8) Registration 9) Tips 10) Author 11) Thanks! 12) Future Enhancements? 1) Description MCQ5 v2.00 for the Psion Series 5 By Dr. Nick Tan © UK 1999 ( •A Multiple Choice Question programme to store and test yourself on questions. You can set up files, in which you can type your own questions, stems and answers and then run a mini-quiz to test yourself (or others!). •I cannot accept any responsibility for damage to your Psion (or life!) by using this programme. Use at your own risk! •The unique Uid& for this programme is 906897. •You may freely distribute this programme as long as all files are kept together in and the copyright remains mine (Dr. Nick Tan). •"Coolbar.opo" is the property/work of Jason Kneen ( •Reverse translation is strictly forbidden! •Files included in Coolbar.opo MCQ5.aif SysRam1.opo MCQ5.mbm MCQ5help (this word file) MCQ5.hlp Readme.txt Medicine-001 2) Installation 1) The following can be put into "\System\Apps\MCQ5\" on either C: or D: drives - •"" •"MCQ5.aif" •"MCQ5.mbm" •"MCQ5.hlp" •"MCQ5help". 2) Put "Medicine-001" anywhere in your "\Documents\" folder on any drive. 3) Put the following into "C:\System\Opl\" folder •"Coolbar.opo". 4) If you don't already have it, put into "C:\System\Opx\" folder •"SysRam1.opx". 5) MCQ5 should now appear on extras bar. 3) Opening MCQ5 Files 1) Tap on "File" toolbar button, then "Open File" on pop-up menu or start via Menu. 2) Find the MCQ5 File you want to open. 3) Press ENTER when finished. 4) Beginning the MCQ 1) Tap on "Begin" toolbar button or start via Menu. 2) You'll be asked how many questions you want to attempt. 3) You'll then be presented with a question. Press ENTER. 4) Chose your answers from the box for each stem. Press ENTER. 5) The answers will appear as well as your guesses. The following will appear next to your guesses: [©] if your answer is correct, [X] if your answer is incorrect, and [-] if you passed that stem. Press ENTER to continue. 6) To end MCQ, press ESC when given the option. 7) The questions are marked Medical School Negative marking!! So be careful with simply guessing! •Correct Answer = +1 •Incorrect Answer = -1 •Pass = 0 5) Editing MCQ5 Files 1) Tap on "Edit" toolbar button or start via Menu. 2) A screen will appear which shows the first question and answers of the file, along with a large number of option buttons. 3) Choose your option by typing the letter in brackets for that option button or by tapping on the button. 4) When "Adding", "Copying" or "Editing" questions, you are given the option to prevent questions being further edited - be careful using this option because once questions are marked "Non-Editable", they will not be editable after "Finish"-ing. 6) Listing Questions 1) Tap on "View" toolbar button, then "List Questions" on pop-up menu or start via Menu. 2) The first 10 questions are listed. 3) Tap on the buttons or press the letter in [ ] to see the [N]ext 10 questions or [F]inish. 7) Test Statistics 1) Tap on "View" toolbar button, then "Test Statistics" on pop-up menu or start via Menu. 2) The first 5 tests are listed showing statistics for each test as well as information on when each test was taken. There is also a "Total" column for showing the overall totals for ALL tests. 3) Tap on the buttons or press the letter in [ ] to see the [N]ext 5 Tests, [D]elete a test, or [F]inish. 8) Registration •Registration costs £10 (cash or cheque) or US$20 (cash only). •Please send money to: Dr Nick Tan, 10 Chatham Street, London, SE17 1NY, UK. •You will need to send me your Unique ID Code & the Name you want to register with. •See "Register" under Menu for more details. 9) Tips •If you have the old ROM 1.00, there is a bug in the random number generator. Therefore in the MCQ quiz, the first question picked will always be number 1! There is nothing I can do about this, apart from advise you to get the ROM update. •You can share MCQ5 Question files with friends. Just send the Question file via Infra-red, and they can open it by double-clicking on it! •If you have a question with less then 5 stems in it, you can leave the N/A-True-False bit for the other stems on N/A, and those stem won't be included in the scoring. •By clicking on the clock-face, you can access Info-panels on your Psion. (Contact Jason Kneen for updates to Coolbar! - See "Thanks!") 10) Author Psion 5 version by Dr. Nick Tan '99. Web Site: 11) Thanks! To: •Alan Richey for RMREvent. •Jason Kneen for Coolbar v0.9b1 ( 12) Future Enhancements! Depending on user feedback - so get e-mailing to let me know what you think should be added or changed! Possible suggestions? •Ability to choose whether or not to have negative marking. •Ability to transfer questions from one file to another. Okay that's all! Best wishes, Nick