******************************************************** Statistics for the Psion Series 5 v1.0 October 16, 1997 ******************************************************** Please read this file. I kept it short because most of the people don't like long manuals. INSTALLATION ************ 1) Make sure you can see the "System" folder (see "Preferences" from the System shell) 2) Create the folder of \SYSTEM\APPS\STATISTICS (on either C: or D:) 3) Copy (using PsiWin 2.0 or another method) all the files except of this manual into this new folder. 4) You're now ready to run STATISTICS! It's icon should appear on the Extras bar, so just click it! ABOUT THE PROGRAM ***************** If you are frequently using statistical functions and are not completely satisfied with the statistical capabilities of the Sheet application in Psion Series 5, then this is the right program for you. With Statistics you can easily analyse your data. You can find a more detailed description and some screenshots on my web page. The use of the program is very easy, but please do read the Help file (press CTRL-H inside the program). It will not only tell you how to use the program, but it also will teach you what the functions mean, and will give you some examples. The program has been fully tested and appears to have no bugs, but if you find any or have a comment/suggestion for future versions then I welcome your input e-mail on: csutora@usa.net Updates of Statistics (and my future programs) can be found on my web page at: http://members.tripod.com/~csutora/ WHAT'S NEW? *********** Additions since the beta release: * Full pen support for data entry/deletion/editing and scrolling. * Import data from Sheet! Calculate your results in Sheet, then just import the data directly into Statistics for analysis. Also works with Word or Data files, and all third party applications that support "copy to clipboard". * Minor modifications and fixes. REGISTRATION ************ Statistics for Psion Series 5 is a SHAREWARE program. Shareware means that you have a trial period of 20 days in which you test the program to see if you like it and want to use it. If you do want to keep it, you must register with me. Registration is very simple, and it can be done in two ways: 1. Send 15 US dollars or 10 UK pounds (or another foreign currency plus 10% extra for the exchange) in a good envelope to my home address. Please check my web page for my current home address, or see the Help file. Alternatively, if you are residing in the USA, you can send me a personal check or money order upon $15. If you want to receive your password via regular mail, include a self-addressed and stamped envelope as well. 2. You can register with you credit card through the excellent RegNet Service. Just go to their homepage dedicated to my program, fill in your details, and that's it! Secure forms are also available. Price with credit card payment: $22 (RegNet keeps almost $7 for the service). The web page is: http://www.swregnet.com/1354p.htm Soon after registration you will receive a password by E-mail (or snail mail if you send an envelope) for the name you supply. All you have to do then is to type exactly that name and password in the Preferences window. Registration will remove the "Nag" screen (Registration reminder). Also, registered users will receive an E-mail whenever a new version is available for downloading. Of course, you won't have to re-register for any future versions, they will be FREE. There is a small restriction in the unregistered version: the maximum number of X-Y pairs is 20 instead of 100 (but other than that the shareware version is also fully working!). IMPORTANT NOTE: *************** STATISTICS HAS BEEN HE EXTENSIVELY TESTED. HOWEVER, THE AUTHOR SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE IN ANY WAY FOR ANY DAMAGE THAT MAY OCCUR TO YOU, YOUR DATA AND/OR YOUR SYSTEM AS A RESULT OF USING OR TRYING TO USE THIS PROGRAM. Statistics and all associated files are Copyright (C) Peter Csutora 1997, All Rights Reserved. End of Readme.