3.23(005) Fixes: - Invoice cancel button on detail dialogs - Date range filter calculation - Print layout bugs - Export column editor bugs Enhancements: - Fractional time as alternative duration / sum display in views - Added time stamp command to context menu - Every view can now be printed - Database info dialog instead of simple compression call (inclusive auto compress feature) - Save As now saves selection or all records on demand 3.22(003) Fixes: - Column width is now saved correctly Enhancements: - Definable category / activity column width - Text file import function - French language support (Thanks to Eric Avrillon) 3.21(004) Fixes: - Using general index repair mechanism 3.21(003) Fixes: - Bug in configuration save/restore mechanism 3.21(002) Fixes: - Defect indices will be rebuild - registration check process corrected (owner info comparison) 3.21(001) Enhancements: - selection mechanism - grid class 3.20b(006) Fixes: - Filter dialog display bug - Saving and display of invoice memo - Invoice / detail record deletion bug - Display of missing invoice dialog items - Removing of invoiced items - Leftmost column now adjustable in width - Bug for only printing page 1 - Some strange column width change behaviour - Status line adjustment problems Enhancements: - Local (per database) and global category / activity / value labels allowed - Extended export possibilities - Enter key functionality is now configurable (w & w/o shift) - Saving page setup (printing) with database - Allowing almost all columns as sort criteria - Introduced horizontal scroll bar - Detail record copying - Context menu (while holding pen onto one record) 3.10f(012) - Removed record deletion bug 3.10f(011) - Accept all date formats - Save filter settings and database subset - Save column width settings - Removed filtering bug - TimeStamp now works correctly on Subsets too - Corrected a subset summary bug - Corrected an update bug 3.01b(005) - Allow edit by tapping onto item - Removed export bug, extended export format - Adjusted date filter button text on date change - Fixed bug for not updating time sum on item change - Jump to cost field on details dialog if cost is to be recalculated - Using temporary table instead of selection, increasing display speed dramatically - Activity filter button on category view (and vice versa) 3.00f(009) - First public release after porting to the Series 5