****************************************** ****************************************** ** ** ** TIME PLAN ** ** Version 1.1 ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 1997 LHC Software ** ** ** ** www.lhc.co.uk ** ** ** ****************************************** ****************************************** Time Plan is a task and time management assistant for the Psion Series 5. Use it to plan and monitor all of your tasks, maintain progress reports and effectively manage your day by having your days plan to hand. Installing Time Plan ==================== 1) Turn on your Series 5, press the System button, press the Menu key, under 'Tools' select 'Preferences', make sure that the 'show system folder' option is 'OK'. This will make the System folder visible on your Psion. 2) Create a new \SYSTEM\APPS\TimePlan folder. 3) Copy all the files from the TplanXX.zip file, except this readme file, into the new \SYSTEM\APPS\TimePlan folder on your Psion. 4) The Time Plan icon will now appear on your Extra's Bar, ready to use. Getting Started =============== Time Plan has been designed to be very easy to use. Full on-line help is available, and you will quickly find yourself at home with all the main functions. When you first start Time Plan you will be asked to enter at least one task. If you are unsure you can simply enter "Test" and then delete this task later. How to Register =============== Time Plam is shareware. This is a system which allows you to try this product for an evaluation period of 21 days free of charge. If you want to continue using it after this time you must register your copy. Registration will remove the nag messages. Registered users will also be entitled to upgraded versions of Easy Note free of charge, (except any postage charges for registered users without internet access). The registration fee for Time Plan is $15 US / £10 UK. If you are in the UK please send a cheque or money order to: LHC Software 182 Bromham Rd Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 4BP England Please make payable to "Paul R. Law" Please include your e-mail address, postal address or telephone number and which version of Time Plan you are using, so that you may be sent the registration instructions and codes. Registartion codes will normally be sent within one week, however if you include an e-mail address or telephone number you will usually get it the same day! Overseas registration is also welcome this way, in either sterling or US dollors. Registration can also be made online via compuserve SWREG id# 16167, online via the WWW through the LHC Software homepage: http://www.lhc.co.uk More from LHC Software ====================== You can find out more about LHC Software, as well as getting the latest software presentations and technical support by visiting our home page at: http://www.lhc.co.uk or via E-Mail: info@lhc.co.uk or by post: LHC Software 182 Bromham Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 4BP England Disclaimer ========== I have used Time Plan on my Psion Series 5, and it has work perfectly well, however this does not mean that it will work on your machine, and no guarantee is offered or implied. Use this product at your own risk. Please read the important disclainer notice from the Time Plan on-line help file. Paul R. Law LHC Software November 1997