This is particularly true in the area of life dealing with establishment of personal identity. * This is particularly true in the area of life dealing with self image, self worth, and material security. * This is particularly true in the area of life dealing with communicating to and receiving from the environment. * This is particularly true in the area of life dealing with imagination, fantasies, inner feelings, and domestic life. * This is particularly true in the area of life dealing with finding joy, pleasure, and creative expression. * This is particularly true in the area of life dealing with work and feeling talented and useful. * This is particularly true in the area of life dealing with personal relationships and intimacy. * This is particularly true in the area of life dealing with sex, death, the occult, and other hard to grasp topics. * This is particularly true in the area of life dealing with changes, exploration, and the breaking of routine. * This is particularly true in the area of life dealing with career, social stature, and destiny. * This is particularly true in the area of life dealing with the future, life goals, and association with friends and groups. * This is particularly true in the area of life dealing with things that disrupt or cause disassociation with the personality. *