ASCENDANT IN ARIES You project yourself with intense energy and power. Disliking anything that wastes your time, you tend to act upon ideas the moment they are formed. Competitive, with an urge to excel, you feel the need to continually prove yourself through action. Intelligent and versatile in the expression of ideas, you thrive on being known for your originality and individuality. You need however, to focus and concentrate your thoughts in order to bring them to fruition. Tendency to choose a gentle and vulnerable marriage partner and if married without considering the factors involved, strife will be a likely result. Partner is likely to present a good image to the world. Your individualism will sometimes prevent you having many friends as you tend to be a bit erratic in your associations. However, you are capable of working well and establishing friendships within groups and especially with young people. You have an innate ability to earn money because of your practicality and willingness to adapt to the methods of business or trade, although you have the tendency to dissipate your earnings on luxuries. Likelihood of conflicts developing and secrecy with respect to partner's finances and there may be a problem at some time in your life concerning a will or legacy. You have a constant flow of creative energy and can at times be very lucky in speculation. Care and precision will be a character of your work, yet you will often leave tasks unfinished. This will be due either to your perfectionist tendencies slowing you down, or because your enthusiasm for the task has waned. Ambition is evident and there will be little fear of competition. However you may lack the patience needed to submit to others who could further your aims. You gain a deep emotional satisfaction from your home life and are dedicated to your family. Your home will probably be very much your 'base of operations'. You will identify strongly with your children, wanting to be proud of them. You probably have strong, dedicated religious beliefs and have a natural interest in philosophy and higher education. However you have a constant longing for 'greener pastures' and periodic fits of deep restlessness. You possess an unconscious spiritual wisdom which is not apparent on the surface and yet at times you feel alone. Sometimes, unconscious confusion leads to problems. * ASCENDANT IN TAURUS You are essentially a reliable, careful, steadfast person of pleasant, hospitable ways. You probably have a love for the country or your garden and on the whole you will be contented with your possessions which will mean a great deal to you. Impulsiveness and headstrongness could be the cause of your undoing, but courage and decisiveness are your hidden support. You think carefully and analytically, paying close attention to detail. In love, you will be charmingly affectionate, but probably over-possessive. Jealousy and combativeness should be guarded against, and there is a tendency to be over- critical of loved ones so they may become ill at ease under your constant scrutiny. You will have a maternal/paternal attitude towards brothers and sisters, friends and relatives. In social matters you are a perfectionist, making sure that everything is in its proper place, scrupulously organised to the last detail. You like to associate with prominent and stable, yet unusual and ingenious people. You are able to express your innate compassion and sympathy, by being generous to, and by sharing your aesthetic appreciation with your friends. However,if unwise in your choice of friends, they will often be a source of disillusionment to you. You are able to express yourself through your financial dealings and through the structuring of your material resources. There is a tendency to make money from original ideas and practical thinking with respect to these resources. Also, you are probably not just confined to one financial outlet. Your partner will also be useful in your financial progress enabling you to profit through the use of joint resources. There is a strong likelihood that you will gain through an inheritance at sometime in your life. You are able to work effectively with others in matters of service, seeking harmony and co-operation with your co-workers. You are attracted to power and status. You are often involved in group endeavours, or would like to be. You like to entertain in your home, and generally those who enter your home will be treated with warmth and love. Your home will be a showpiece where you can express your creativity and status. Traditional and conservative in your outlook towards religion and philosophy your progress in this direction is often marred by your attachment to the material. * ASCENDANT IN GEMINI Mental and physical restlessness will be a part of your life, so much so, that you will probably always be travelling around here and there for pleasure, creative purpose or financial gain. In fact, if you are able to combine all these reasons into a journey you will be very pleased with yourself. Self-undoing may stem from your unconscious materialistic desires. You are an original and creative thinker with the power to visualise your ideas and express them intellectually. You probably invest a great deal of energy in creative thinking and often think in large and dramatic terms. You are likely to have lots of friends and acquaintances and probably derive great aesthetic pleasure from all forms of social activity. Marriage will probably be lucky for you. You instinctively know what others need for growth and nourishment, and by responding to these needs, you have the capacity to make money. In fact you will often make money through your adaptability and receptiveness to the people around you. Your emotional and financial affairs are likely to be interrelated. You have a need to regenerate yourself through work and service to others, especially your family. Good relations with the general public is likely, however, you possibly tend to be a bit dreamy and not always practical with regard to your work and public reputation, often being elusive and 'hard to pin down' in professional matters. There is probably some element of mystery in your professional activity. You like to render service to your family and will be fastidious and discerning in the home. The expression or repression of your desires will strongly influence your health, and so there is a necessity to use your mind in such a way as to improve your health. Only by making your ideas effective in a practical way, can you transform yourself and create new starts in life. To have the tendency to be progressive, unusual, and free thinking in matters to do with religion, philosophy and higher education. * ASCENDANT IN CANCER You have a tendency to be an emotionally volatile person, as you expend a great deal of energy through your feelings, which are romantic and dramatic in their expression. A capacity for acting is shown. You have a need to be precise in speech, letter writing and in the formation of ideas. These ideas nearly always being practical and workable. Your hidden support comes from your ability to keep your ideas secret, thus providing your own impetus for growth. Problems could arise however, from a self-destructive habit of discussing emotional problems, verbalising what should remain concealed. You will have a tendency to be cautious and reserved in forming partnerships and to be rather shy in public. There will be a dislike for large crowds. Once a relationship is formed, you will be extremely sensual in your romantic life, but you will have a tendency to be jealous of loved ones. You are best able to earn money if placed in some position of authority. Earning money in this manner enables you to express power. However, once earned, you will wish your money to be used for your children, family and home. You have an instinctive need to work hard, indeed you will channel an immense amount of energy into your jobs. However, if employed, you can easily be hurt by harsh or unfair treatment from those in authority. You will be happiest in a job which will allow you freedom to follow your own inspirations. You work hard and selflessly for all, believing that by helping one, you help all. You identify strongly with your family and with familial concerns. You consider the family to be a partnership, insisting on strict justice for all members, otherwise emotional problems arise, putting everything out of balance, affecting the peace of the household. Your children may be subjected to intense emotionality, and although you are very generous towards your children, excessive concern may lead to domination if not properly controlled. As you are naturally generous in helping others, your spiritual self is able to mature through service. You understand the power of positive thinking. Religion of some sort will probably play an important role in your life. Whether or not you practice a religion, inner beliefs will probably have a mystical connotation, and insights that seem to come from heaven may help to solve many problems. You are probably quite interested in the spiritual side of life. * ASCENDANT IN LEO You will project yourself with dignity, energy and will. However, being so determined to express yourself whenever you see fit, you sometimes enter into, and dominate situations without being invited. Although you appear strong and unaffected by criticism, underneath, you are actually quite moody and emotionally vulnerable. If rejected or rebuffed, you will rarely show how deeply hurt you are. You enjoy creating an image of altruism and to live in luxury is one of your aims. You need to be 'king of your castle' with all the trappings that go with your 'royal' status. You will express your ideas gracefully. You are friendly, just and outwardly altruistic towards brothers, sisters, friends and neighbours. You choose friends who are intelligent and ingenious and whose ideas can help you achieve what you desire. You will cultivate diversity and intellectual stimulation in your friendships. Within your partnerships, you like to be free, but find it difficult to accord the same level of freedom which you give to yourself, to your partner. You have a compulsive need to know what your loved ones are 'up to' at all times. You have a tendency to be exacting when it comes to money matters. Your primary motivation for earning money is to achieve and support a high standard of living, which you feel, should be yours almost by right. About work, you are intensely serious, and anyone who scoffs at your endeavours will be given short shrift. When you work, you work hard in an organised way. Home will be extremely important to you. It is your 'den', where you can be undisputed king. It is in your nature to do a lot of 'growling' around your family, but feel that the privilege to 'growl' is confined to yourself. Should an outsider step on the toes of any member of your family,they would soon wish they hadn't when you are around. You feel it is important to provide the best for your children, even to the extent of spoiling them. You have a love of drama, especially if it has religious or philosophical connotations, as they give you insights into life's significance. You instinctively know that all things originate in the Eternal. As a result, you probably do not wish to be suppressed by traditional religious forms. You will tend to be a crusader for your ideals if you feel strongly enough about them. Your home is the ideal place for spiritual contemplation and soul searching, as there you are able to find the seclusion and privacy to be who you are. * ASCENDANT IN VIRGO You possess strength of character which is not always apparent until tested. Depth of willpower is your hidden support, whilst problems may arise from pride and hidden egotism.The serious and the contemplative will bring you much pleasure. You have an inner desire to leave your mark on the world, to be remembered for your genius. You have a mental acuteness which is best expressed in practical affairs. Systematic and well organised when developing and executing ideas, no detail is too small for you to notice or explain. You strive for perfection. Your success in this is due to your careful attention to the fine points and details which are often overlooked by others. Energetic, resourceful, and creative in thought, succinctness and frankness characterise your speech and communication. Words well said, are beautiful music to your ears. A little prudish concerning sex and romance, you may appear to be a little cold, whilst in fact you are quite highly sexed. You have a tendency to attract people who are not so highly organised as yourself. Your partner will enhance your human understanding and emotional involvement, and may well be the avenue by which you expand into new fields. Friends will be treated as family members, and you develop unusually strong emotional attachments to them, as well as to any groups or organisations to which you may belong. Although you have the ability to attract the money necessary to provide the good things in life, your pattern of acquiring these things is irregular, since you tend to alternate between periods of frugality and extravagance. You insist on the just handling of finances. As you will tend to become involved in ventures with a partner, disagreements may arise over matters relating to joint finances. You will be cautious in the realm of speculation and rarely enter into "wildcat" schemes. You will be happiest in a job which will allow you to be creative, utilising both your mind and hands to implement your original ideas. Throughout the course of your life, you will probably become involved in several different professions. The field of communication will be especially attractive to you. Since opportunity to regenerate your life comes through your ability to take decisive action, your pattern in life is to initiate projects, as well as to complete those already begun by others. You treat co-workers as friends and enjoy group projects, provided that all group members are willing to see the project through to the end. Otherwise you tend to lose interest. Space and comfort will be important to you at home, with a place for everything and everything in its place. Visitors will be generously treated. You take a down to earth view of social concepts, religion and spiritual matters, the philosophy of which is probably based upon the beautiful and the practical. You will be unlikely to change your views easily on these subjects. * ASCENDANT IN LIBRA You have a strong sense of justice. The ability to see any matter from the other person's viewpoint is one of your strongest virtues. This can have the awkward effect however, of making you 'sit on the fence', unable to make difficult decisions. Most of your endeavours will be well planned and organised, as you have an ability to devote meticulous attention to the secondary details that others may well overlook. Problems may arise however, by worry and nagging over trivial points. A great source of pleasure comes from the study of unique things, friends and group activities. You are philosophic and visionary in the expression of thoughts and ideas. Communication of all sorts will be important to you throughout your life. You probably hate to be alone, and feel lost when forced to rely totally upon yourself. Your individuality needs to project itself through co-operation with others.To feel whole, you need your "other half!" You can be aggressive in order to gain the co- operation and attention of others. You also have the power to motivate others into action without their being aware of it. Your partner will probably come to understand that, if he/she wants a peacefull life, they must maintain a high level of activity and work hard. There is a need to establish an external source of strength and security, therefore you will cultivate friends through whom you can project your own creative self- expression. Resourceful and energetic in your means of making money, you have the ability to transform worthless materials into things of real value. However, you have the tendency to spend the money earned from your ingenuity at a rapid rate. Nevertheless you are more concerned with the aesthetic value of your possessions rather than their monetary value. You will co-operate to help your partner earn money and you have the power to generate money from sources unknown to others. In matters of work and service, circumstances in your life will often demand your unselfish devotion. Sometimes you may assume more work than you can effectively handle, thereby creating confusion and problems. You are very sensitive to your reputation and standing in the world and it is important to you, that you be considered responsible and respectable in the eyes of the others. Since you desire everything to be in its proper place, you will be a great disciplinarian and household organiser. However, nothing is ever systemised to your satisfaction. Much work and responsibility will be concentrated in your home, which you probably wish, to be recognised as contributing to the life of the community. Your children will be a peculiar mixture of originality and mental discipline, but perhaps not as physically strong as the will they possess. Your health is very dependant upon your emotional well being. Concerned with religion and social values you rate ideas in terms of their usefulness in the larger social order. For you, religion and philosophy should be practical in their application and logically comprehensible. * ASCENDANT IN SCORPIO You project yourself to the world with energy and willpower, and you are willing to stake your life to accomplish an important aim, or when defending a cherished principle. Once your mind is made up, it is futile for anyone to try to convince you that something cannot be done. You strengthen your objectives with a tremendous, fixed, emotional intensity. You have the ability to draw upon hidden sources of power to attain your ends. Careful in the expression of thoughts, you never say or write anything unless there is a definite reason for doing so. You are innately secretive. Since your words tend to be carefully calculated for maximum impact, problems may arise through others finding you harsh and exacting in your speech. Your sting tends to be in your tongue! You are intellectually interested in the mysterious. You are surprisingly sentimental in affairs of the heart, serving your loved ones without thought of self. You will exert yourself for your friends, especially if they need your help. However, you expect the aided individual to absorb from you, the strength and self-sufficiency needed to carry on unaided. Rather than visit friends, you prefer that they visit you. Generally, you can expect good fortune in financial matters. You are able to expand your activities through money, which, most of the time, will be adequate to further your aims. You are able to tackle tasks that would seem impossible to others. You are probably ambitious in your profession. It is possible for you to achieve positions of leadership and authority, or to be admired for your accomplishments. There may be something unusual, distinctive or out of the ordinary about your home or family or both. Emotional and tenacious in the areas of religion and philosophy, you have foresight by means of a kind of 'psychic perception'. It is likely that you cling to the 'family' religion. * ASCENDANT IN SAGITTARIUS You present yourself to the world with optimism, appearing friendly, interested and jovial. However you have a tendency to take things for granted and to think solely in terms of your own affairs and frames of reference. Nevertheless, your optimism is a source of inspiration to those with whom you have contact. You expend a great deal of energy in creative activity. Your hidden support is in your resourcefulness. You are able to perceive as valuable, things that others have overlooked. You also know how to cultivate hidden talents in others. Problems may arise from a harbouring of hidden resentments or secrets. You have the ability to communicate your ideas in exciting and ingenious ways. Although your ideas tend to arrive in flashes of inspiration they are usually suitable for practical application, based on values that have stood the test of time. You think in humanitarian terms. You are likely to be passionate and aggressive in the realm of love and romance. Primarily somewhat of a loner, you attract people who are intelligent and versatile, and who can aid you in practical ways. A likely marriage partner would be a friend, a friend of a friend or a friend of long standing. In public, you prefer to have yourself and ideas represented by your partner. Despite this, you can be very astute when it comes to public relations. Practical, responsible and ambitious concerning money, you do not spend foolishly, feeling it should be used for things of lasting value. You are often quite frugal. In joint finances, your partner probably earns the money which you then use to bring about your joint betterment. Work for you, should be practical in its nature. If monetary gain is in prospect, you will work extremely hard. In your spare time, you enjoy projects which are beautiful, artistic and functional. At work, you will appear efficient and organised. You will be good at jobs which require close attention to detail. Your home is probably a place of retreat, where you can enjoy privacy and retrospection. You are generous, but dominant in your relationship with your children. Your health, should in general, be quite robust, as long as you do not overeat or become too self indulgent in any way. You will hold your own particular philosophy on life, which you will keep dear in a very emotional kind of way. You will travel far in your mind, your eyes often on distant goals. It will be important to you that you be remembered fondly after you die. Thus, much of your later life may be geared into making sure that your affairs are kept in good order, so as to provide ample provisions for the loved ones you leave behind. * ASCENDANT IN CAPRICORN Disciplined, systematic, hardworking and patient, you like everything you do, to have a definite purpose designed to achieve some practical end. You tend to be somewhat serious and reserved. You gain pleasure from luxurious surroundings, good food, appreciate art, sculpture and music. Problems may arise as a result of setting goals which you are unable to fulfil due to circumstances. You are surprisingly cryptic and highly emotional in the way you think and communicate. Often, your ideas are based on intuitive insights. You like to be alone when doing mental work and like to organise your plans and ideas secretly. You have an awareness of detail and a capacity for research. Sensual and romantic in affairs of the heart, you will be strongly emotionally attached to your spouse. Problems may arise from the fact that quite possibly your spouse is emotionally, very dependant upon you! You seldom choose weak individuals to be your friends, preferring to surround yourself with dynamic, aggressive people who can handle many of the difficult jobs which you would be too reserved to tackle. You have the ability to make money in unusual ways, especially through groups or organisations. Even though you are generous, you like to have control of joint finances. You will be versatile and ingenious in organising your work, and can handle several jobs at once. You have good management ability and can be very efficient. You have the ability to win over people who are in a position of power, thus gaining benefits and promotion. With regards to work, a strong sense of ethics and a good reputation, will be important to you. You can sometimes be quite aggressive in matters relating to your home and family. However you are very consistent in your love and affection towards your children. You have a great deal of pride in your children's achievements, especially if they exceed your own. You want your children to have the good things in life. Your philosophy on life will have its basis in efficiency and hard work. To respect any particular philosophy, it must be consistent in its every detail. When alone, and removed from the business world, you are very philosophically oriented. This is your hidden support through life, guiding and inspiring your thinking. * ASCENDANT IN AQUARIUS Original, creative and independent, you wish to make your own unique contribution to the world. Usually modest, you do not like to call undue attention to yourself, as you would rather be loved than admired. Despite appearing sometimes quite revolutionary, you are actually more conservative than you care to admit. Although sometimes limited by unconscious fears, your hidden strength is the discipline that enables you to work hard behind the scenes or under the surface. You can be trusted with secrets. You may become aggressive and argumentative with regard to your pet theories and ideas and you can easily get onto a "hobby horse". You are intellectually creative, always looking at new avenues of expression and the means to apply these. You are very much a forward thinker. Passion in love, is not one of your characteristics, as you derive your greatest pleasures from intellectual pursuits. You prefer intelligent companions with whom you can develop brother-sister relationships. However, you have the tendency to attract passionate, more dominant people as partners. Being a very independent person, you would never allow this domination to be carried to the point of suppression. You are probably a bit lax and impractical when it comes to money matters, possibly due to excessive generosity. However, this generous spirit is very often the factor which brings you good luck financially. You love the good things of life, but this appreciation is unlikely to make you greedy. Because you have a 'group' instinct, you are best working in an environment where there are people and constant activity. Joining groups or organisations in which everyone works toward a common goal for the good of others, will help you to grow in a personal sense. Very often, opportunity for self renewal will come through your job or profession. Much of your financial resources will be channelled into your home, as you enjoy creating a personal environment that suits your individual tastes. If you have children, it is likely that they will have much intellectual ability. Your health is very much dependant upon your emotional state. If nervous or upset, your stomach is likely to develop similar symptoms. You have an inner concern for matters of health and are always alert in situations of danger where accidents could occur. Your philosophy of life is based on 'brotherly' love, freedom and equality. These are the truths by which you try to live your life, often finding the need to rebel against others in order to achieve them in reality. * ASCENDANT IN PISCES Sympathetic, adaptable, ethereal and visionary, your achievements are often the result of your sensitivity to the subtle undercurrents of your surroundings. You have an insight that allows you to penetrate the subtleties of human nature. You are likely to have some form of artistic or musical ability. You feel deeply for others especially when they are in a worse situation than you. You wish to be considered a philanthropist, and are in the main, very generous. Problems can arise through a tendency to burden your associates with problems and alienating friends by requiring constant sympathy and support. You are slow and deliberate in the formation of ideas, and once a decision is made, stubborn about changing your mind. Your thinking tends to concentrate on moneymaking ideas or artistic endeavours. In your love life, you will be highly emotional and sentimental, tending to place loved ones upon a pedestal. You attract hard working, efficient partners who are able to help you manage your practical affairs. Since your hopes and wishes are dominated by an inner desire for security, you will tend to choose stable, conservative people as friends and close associates. You tend to make money by starting new projects, and you are constantly searching for new avenues of financial endeavour. Considerable energy will be spent in the monetary area of your life, as you tend to spend money impulsively, sometimes in excess. Although usually meek by nature, with regard to work and service you tend to have feelings of authority, and can at times become quite domineering with co-workers and subordinates. There is a tendency to glory in the sacrifices you are called upon to make. You enjoy the experience of working with others, but although you have a great deal of vision, you are not always practical. You are likely to change your residence many times, in fact on some occasions you may even have two homes at once! You will derive a great deal of pleasure from your family life and children. A great deal of thought will be given to domestic affairs and you tend to communicate extensively with other family members. You have a tendency to be low in vitality, because subtle influences tend to dissipate your energies. When feeling depressed, you will experience psychosomatic symptoms of illness. Your state of mind strongly influences your health. You have an unconscious desire to serve humanity and a universal awareness of the human condition. Spiritual growth will be achieved through service. *