MIDHEAVEN IN ARIES Outwardly, you project ambition, confidence and optimism, and you are probably very well aware of your objectives in life. Because of your desires to be at the forefront of things, or the instigator of activity, you should beware of any impulses to be headstrong and impulsive. You are temperamentally suited to any kind of pioneering work, or where you can lead others. * MIDHEAVEN IN TAURUS You are persistent in the pursuit of your aims, showing endurance and a slow but sure striving for security. You are not always very easy to please, and have a tendency to mistrust others. You are temperamentally suited to any type of work which requires a fixity of purpose and determination, as long as this work will have a tangible outcome. * MIDHEAVEN IN GEMINI Throughout your life, your ambitions and aims will probably change many times. However, you vigorously strive for what you want, but if you are not careful you could tend to scatter your energies, or treat matters too superficially. You are also periodically very creative. You are very adaptable, and flexible when it comes to your career, as you like variety, and will try your hand at most things. However, you are very temperamentally suited to careers where you can use your abilities to communicate. * MIDHEAVEN IN CANCER Despite the fact that you strive for independence, you show great consideration for others in this. You have a capacity to work with the public in some way, as you can sense their mood and act accordingly. If you are a woman, you may find that your work in some way centres around your home. Perhaps you work from home, or are self-employed with your home as your office. Or perhaps as a childminder. * MIDHEAVEN IN LEO You have high aspirations and the urge to climb socially. To this end, you will project yourself as a self-confident, generous and optimistic person. However, you should beware of behaving egotistically or pretentiously, or being hypersensitive to the humour of others. You are best suited to a career where you can fully exploit your love of drama (the drama of life, not just the stage). Where you can lead or be the centre of attention. * MIDHEAVEN IN VIRGO You tend to seek advancement in life through simple means, and strive for a secure livelihood which can make your position in life more permanent. Although you have good organisational skills, you may cause yourself problems by having an overly critical attitude. You are also susceptible to flattery or unwarranted praise. You are temperamentally suited to work which requires attention to detail, or that which requires analytical ability. * MIDHEAVEN IN LIBRA You project yourself as a basically harmonious person, who will seek advancement through cooperation with others. You have strong material interests, and success in your life will be brought about through being adaptable and social. However, you should beware of exploiting others with your charm, or through being pleasant whilst at the same time insincere. Other people may pick up on this and see you as selfish or shallow. You are temperamentally suited to any kind of work where you can use strategies to achieve goals. You would also make a good mediator or go between, such as a lawyer, or claimants advisor. * MIDHEAVEN IN SCORPIO You show depth of feeling and strong determination when it comes to your career aims. You are a hard worker, industrious and persevering. You should beware of overtaxing your energies, being ruthless or overestimating yourself. You might be best at work which involves secrets, or research into things hidden. * MIDHEAVEN IN SAGITTARIUS Although very flexible, you have the ability to be very direct in your business dealings. You aim for what you want and go for it, whilst at the same time attempting to enlarge your sphere of influence and material standing. You are somewhat adventurous, and may enjoy work in the area of sport, or with horses, or in the country. * MIDHEAVEN IN CAPRICORN In your work, you will show much practicality, and organisational ability, thus you are suited to working in business management, or of running your own business, especially if that business has anything to do with structures, such as building or civil engineering. You work and progress slowly but surely, concentrating upon yourself and your work, with a simplicity, modesty and sense of reality. You are likely to be very ambitious and active. * MIDHEAVEN IN AQUARIUS You project yourself as an progressive independent person, with an avid interest in innovations and novelties. Periodically you are very creative, and surprise others occasionally by suddenly asserting yourself out of the blue. You are able to grasp opportunities, and cooperate with others as long as they are under your leadership. Work in the modern technological sphere would suit you, such as working with computers, telecommunications, aircraft etc. * MIDHEAVEN IN PISCES You have something of a wait and see attitude, and seek a simple and easy life. You take pleasure from the simple things in life, and need periodic bouts of seclusion, in order to clarify your thoughts, which are often confused and vague. You bring an intuitive and emotional quality to your working life, and want to dedicate yourself to the service of others, because you feel their sufferings and pain. Thus you might make a good nurse, or doctor, home help, or voluntary worker. You like to feel that you are doing something useful and worthwhile, and financial considerations are secondary. *