SUN IN HOUSE 1 You show a strong determination to choose your own course in life. You probably have a clear view of want and the ambition and energy to achieve it. You are extremely individualistic, and will work long and hard to achieve personal distinction and esteem in the eyes of others. An intense self awareness is shown, together with abundant vitality and a strong will. * SUN IN HOUSE 2 You probably have a strong desire to attain financial independence and your life's pattern will force you to learn how to use money and property in ways beneficial to life, constructively, not merely for personal satisfaction. Money is likely to be earned through energetic, physical means, and spent in a similar manner. However, there may be the tendency to squander money or resources on expensive luxuries, merely for the purpose of ego gratification or display, as you tend to believe that you can achieve prestige in the eyes of others, merely through wealth. * SUN IN HOUSE 3 You show a strong drive to achieve distinction through the intellect or mental accomplishment. You have an inbuilt curiosity which makes you eager to investigate new things, so that you can gain a more thorough understanding of life's inner workings and processes. The ability to express and communicate your ideas is very important to you. A desire to travel is shown. Problems may arise through a tendency of believing yourself to know better than others, thus forcing them to only accept your ideas. Brothers, sisters and neighbours, probably play an important part in your life. * SUN IN HOUSE 4 The first part of your life, will probably be an uphill struggle, but you can look forward to increasing prosperity and security as you become older. You have a strong interest in establishing a secure home and family. Proud of your family heritage, it is probably important to you that you own the family home, giving you long term security and responsibility. Problems may arise, or have arisen, with an inability to get along with your parents, through having an excess of family pride, or through a desire to dominate the domestic scene. * SUN IN HOUSE 5 You have a love of life and a powerful will towards creative self-expression. You seek pleasure and love to be noticed and appreciated. You project yourself in a dramatic way and will attract many friends. However, your self confidence sometimes blinds you into taking risks. An ardent lover, a love affair can be all-consuming. However, you are capable of extreme loyalty to your chosen partner. You have a great love of children and are probably actively interested in their development and education. In fact, children will play an important role in your life in some way or another. * SUN IN HOUSE 6 You seek distinction in your life through work and service. Your self-esteem and dignity is very closely linked to the work and service you do. However, you seek outward gestures of appreciation from your employer and if this is not forthcoming, you are likely to become disillusioned with your work, and are likely to change jobs. You may be interested in a career related to health in some way, and there should be few difficulties in obtaining suitable employment, although you could find yourself going through long periods of unemployment. There is some possibility of delicate health, with lengthy recuperation required after illness. However, you intuitively know how to care for your health, and there should be few problems provided that proper care is exercised over dietary habits. * SUN IN HOUSE 7 You tend to express your potential through close, personal relationships, attracting strong, capable and loyal friends. Marriage will be of paramount importance in your life, your partner being strong and loyal, with enduring affection. You can expect increasing success in your life after marriage. However, there may be some danger of domination within your marriage or other partnerships, either from yourself toward your partner, or vice-versa. If this be the case, then situations within marriage or partnerships, will attempt to teach the value of co-operation and respect for the individual self-expression of others. Your self-confident manner helps promote your popularity at work. You will be especially adept in dealing with superiors and in public relations. * SUN IN HOUSE 8 There may be a possibility of a legacy at some time in your life, or gain through the utilisation of the property of others. On the other hand, though, there is a possibility of trouble or litigation, at some time in your life, with regard to jointly owned property, a legacy or joint finances. An interest in the deeper mysteries in life is shown, such as death and the survival of the consciousness after death. If this interest is not present in your life at the moment, you will probably find it will become so, later in life. You feel a need to experience directly, a deep level of spiritual reality which transcends outer material circumstances. If this experience has already been realised, then you will remain fearless throughout your life, confident, that if you adhere to the principles of justice, then nothing can harm your fundamental being. Life will not always be easy, but you have much to gain. * SUN IN HOUSE 9 Your chart indicates an interest in spiritual and religious matters, higher education, law and philosophy. Interested in the larger social order, together with the laws and traditions governing it, you will have developed strong moral convictions by which you guide your life. At times, you have visions of the future that border on prophecy and frequent flashes of inspiration, that help you to solve problems. On the other hand, you may be the type of person whose religious beliefs are classed by others, as somewhat eccentric. * SUN IN HOUSE 10 Generally, you are a person who is ambitious for responsibility, power and authority, within whatever sphere of life you operate. You have a talent for politics, which you will use, whether you be at home or at work. As you have a strong desire to achieve honour and recognition, and the will to succeed, you will work hard to attain the necessary knowledge and skills. You have good managerial abilities.A strong sense of morals is shown and you often feel required to set a good example to others. There may be occasions however, when your desire to achieve power and recognition overshadows your moral standards resulting in you taking a dictatorial attitude with others, or use of unscrupulous means in order to achieve your aims. If this is true in your case, then care should be exercised if reversals of fortune are to be avoided. * SUN IN HOUSE 11 There is a strong drive to gain recognition through mental achievements and inventions, together with an interest in occult subjects and scientific endeavours. Much interest in friendships and group activities is shown. The friends you make, will hold you high in their esteem and will generally assist you in your life's endeavours. This is because you have strong humanitarian feelings, a respect for human dignity, and lack bias or favouritism. You tend to see things in terms of universal laws that apply impartially to all. In some instances however, you may find yourself being let down, used, or led astray by your friends. If this be the case, then it may help to examine your own motives in the particular situation. You may find that you have ulterior motives, (not necessarily conscious), or a selfish attitude, which has backfired. * SUN IN HOUSE 12 As an individual, you are somewhat retiring and shy, tending to direct your energies towards exploring the resources of your own unconscious. Any leadership potential you have, will normally be displayed behind the scenes. You may also display mediumistic tendencies. However, you may have strong unconscious desires for power and recognition, which may lead you into situations where you attempt to control others through secret means, which can result in you becoming your own worst enemy. You may find that you achieve your best means of self expression through working in large institutions, such as hospitals, prisons, asylums, or other places of spiritual or physical retreat, as you recognise that fulfilment largely comes through dedicated service to others. *