SUN IN ARIES Although good at starting things, finishing them is often another story. Here, impatience is the likely culprit. Being highly competitive, you will seek to be first and best in whatever you do. You have the ability to make a good leader provided that you constantly reflect upon the overall consequences of your actions, learning to reach out to others with consideration. Much of your strength arises from your refusal to admit defeat. You have a zest for life that never diminishes and you aren't afraid to take chances. Even when you suffer temporary setbacks, you pick yourself up and go on as if they had never occurred. Emotionally volatile, you are quick to respond, quick to anger, and equally quick to forgive. You have a strong inner drive to prove yourself through action. You are never merely satisfied to talk or think about your concerns, you are always impatient to do something about them. If you can learn to think before you act, then your energy will allow you to accomplish much. Impulsiveness and an inability to listen to advice will only tend to involve you in difficulties. In love, you will be passionate, with strong sexual feelings. Compromise however, is not one of your strongest points and is probably one of the most important lessons for you to learn. You tend to be a little indifferent to the feelings of others at times, and because of this, you may not gain their support when you most need it. Bitter conflicts could then ensue. You will be at your best in any sphere where your natural urges are allowed reasonable expression. For example; as a boss, even if only in a small way, where noise and dash are not objected to, where initiative is needed, where cutting tools are used, dealing with metals or machinery. Anywhere, where activity and not routine predominates. Spare time activities should be active and competitive, perhaps even hazardous. Anything that involves the use of cutting tools, such as joinery, woodcarving etc. Possible health problems; Head injuries, cuts, burns, scalds, headaches, kidney troubles. * SUN IN TAURUS You have much determination and power which will tend to be focused on the acquisition of material things. Very possessive, once you own whatever fulfils your needs, no earthly force will persuade you to attach your interests elsewhere. You have ways of seeing to it that nothing interferes with what you want. Endowed with a strong willpower, you are able to make long term plans, even years in advance. You are then able to strive slowly but surely in pursuit of those plans. Success usually follows your efforts. You have your own way of doing things, and people find it wise not to interfere with you or attempt to take you over. You tend to be a taker, not a giver. Thus, life will attempt to show you how, it is just as appropriate to give, as well as to receive. Giving your time and energy will not reduce your tangible assets, and indeed, the investment you will make towards your own future goals cannot be over-estimated. The hub of your universe is security, both emotional and physical. In fact you will withhold yourself from involvement, until you have determined whether a person, situation or relationship will benefit your security. However, because of your strong sense of loyalty, you will often burden yourself with the problems of friends. As a result of your deep inner need for security, you are probably intensely jealous, regarding other's affections as your own property. Since you tend not to be aware of your inner motives as a rule, this jealousy can lead to many emotional upsets. Your thought processes tend to be slow and deliberate, but a little unimaginative. However, you instinctively know how to translate your ideas into tangible assets. Fixed in opinions and ideas, you need to learn adaptability and compromise. In close relationships, you are quite demanding in having your physical appetites satisfied, and become very offended when your attentions and desires are rejected. You are slow to anger, but can react in a devastating way when pushed over the limit. You will be at your best in any sphere where your natural urges can be reasonably expressed. Therefore, you will be better in a position of trusted responsibility, rather than as a "go-getter", better in the open air than inside all day. Investing your time and energies in property and building will be pleasurable to you. Working with the things of the earth, such as farming, growing vegetables, flowers etc. would be a good course to follow. Useful spare time activities might include; gardening, painting, sculpture, music, especially singing. Any hobby that entails sitting still for long periods. Possible problem areas; the throat, thyroid, glands and generative organs. You strive for spiritual truth by working with the practical side of life. * SUN IN GEMINI Your reactions are very much dependent upon your mood of the moment, thus giving a certain duality to your makeup. Probably quite a popular person, this will likely be the result of your witty conversation, mental agility, sociability, courteousness and intuition. Very much a non-conformist, you feel a need to be separate; to remain different from those around you. You never act because someone, or convention tells you to do so. You will break the rules, resist authority, before you would give up your individuality. However, the older you become, the more you will come to realise the value of co-operation for your self-fulfilment. Variety is the "spice of life" as far as you are concerned. However, this 'restlessness' can play havoc with your nerves, leading to depression when things don't go your way. You will be happiest when you have more than one dominant interest going on at any one time. Your constant state of nervous awareness rarely allows you intellectual or physical tranquillity. As a 'compensation', you are good to know in an emergency, rarely losing control, finding ingenious, unsuspected solutions. You think and act swiftly. Speech is especially important to you, giving a framework to all your activities. Probably thirsty for knowledge and eager to study, you have a highly developed capacity to learn. Your versatility allows you to soak up information on a wide variety of subjects giving you a good all round general knowledge. However, as you need a constant supply of different experiences, you may find that you are unable to sustain a deep interest in any one subject for too long. In love, you tend to be coolly affectionate, but very expressive. To maintain harmony in your relationships, your partner must be willing to grant you the freedom to pursue your 'coming and going' lifestyle. Although you maintain no special attachment to material belongings, you tend to see money as giving power and freedom and therefore feel an attraction to it. You tend to be quite thrifty with your own money, but not quite so, with other people's! At work, you will be at your best in any sphere where your natural urges and talents can be expressed. Therefore, you would be better in any job which allows a large amount of freedom of movement. Better where you are dealing with people, where your skills of communication can be put to good use. Better at mental work especially if this is combined with light manual work requiring dexterity. Your spare time activities should be widely varied and mentally stimulating. Anything which combines your agility of eye, hand, foot and brain, dexterous rather than boisterous, will be enjoyable to you. Reading, writing, drawing, painting, fencing, judo, karate, all spring to mind. Alternatively, you may just prefer to stay busy, visiting friends and relatives, generally travelling around, dropping in on people for a chat whenever you are able. You become easily bored by inaction. Possible health problems could be; nervous complaints, problems in the respiratory system. * SUN IN CANCER You possess highly developed, protective and defensive instincts, aimed primarily at domestic security. You will do whatever is necessary in order to establish and serve that security. Noted for your diplomacy, you seldom fail to achieve your goals. With kindness, others will find you very amenable, but if forced, you become immovable.You are a master of the art of passive resistance. You have a very complex nature, at times having the strength of a giant, at other times displaying the weakness of a child. This is generally the result of inconsistent emotions. At one moment, you can be very outgoing, and at others, introverted and distant. Being very sensitive and fearful of ridicule, it is likely that through the course of your life you will have developed a protective shell around you, hiding your real nature from others. When hurt, you tend to withdraw, unable for a time to communicate your feelings. Your inner thoughts and feelings are difficult to fathom and, since few people ever really comprehend how you feel, you rarely get the necessary understanding from others, that you feel you need, in order to remain emotionally tranquil in testing situations. You tend to react to your emotions rather than to reason. Thinking tends to be clouded by mood. Ideas tend to be instinctive although you will seek to understand them in a rational way. You tend to say "I feel that", rather than, "I think that". Memory is probably strong. In love, you are emotional and tender, protective and maternal, but easily offended. Because your need for security is so strong, you will rarely take risks with money or possessions. You like to have some "rainy day" money, pay your debts, and expect others to do the same. You will be happiest when working in any sphere where your natural urges can be expressed. Therefore any occupation where you can look after others will be enjoyed. For example, catering to the public, either literally or figuratively. You are averse to being told how to do things, preferring to complete tasks on your own. This is because other people's ideas tend to confuse you. If working on a project which promotes or requires responsibility, you will be punctual, exact and efficient. Family instincts are extremely strong. You need a family upon which you can lavish your protectiveness.Your family will feel secure in the cradle of your love, but you should guard against smothering them with love. You may make strong claims that you wish to stand on your own and be reasonably independent, but situations, circumstances and events in your life will hardly support this claim. Spare time activities will probably involve collecting in some way, whether for a purpose, such as stamps or antiques, or randomly, where you just find it impossible to throw anything away. Happy domestic evenings at home will be enjoyed, as will anything to do with water such as swimming or sailing. There may be a tendency toward digestive troubles. * SUN IN LEO Dignified and proud, you are also generous, strong-willed and reliable. Fixed in your opinions and principles, you have the capacity to be a good leader. Your abounding vitality makes you very able in many ways, quick at work or play. You often get ahead by relying on an innate self assurance that the top is the only place for you. You like to do everything in a big way. You have a good sense of the dramatic, being very aware of the effect you have on others often using this ability to create your own sense of reality. You are at your best when you have a large number of people gathered about you. It is important to your well being, that other people think well of you, and you will expend a great deal of energy towards this end. Warm hearted and usually cheerful, most of the time you display a sunny disposition. However, in public, you tend to keep your inner emotions to yourself, as pride will not allow you to show any kind of vulnerability. You feel hurt when others fail to show their appreciation of your efforts. You are a good conversationalist, and sometimes inspired in how you are able to capture an audience's attention. You are rich in creative potential that must be cultivated and developed before it can be rewarding to others and to yourself. Therefore, you instinctively recognise the benefits to be derived from education in giving you a much needed edge over your competitors. Strongly attracted to the opposite sex, in love, you are whole-heartedly and sincerely affectionate, although you show a tendency to be the dominant partner in marriage. You have strong sexual needs resulting from an innate desire to create children. Difficulties with friends or loved ones may result from an over-confident, frank, or outspoken attitude. Money is important to you, but only as a means of achieving your goals. However, as your goals probably include a desire for a luxurious lifestyle, much time will be spent in its acquisition. At work, you will be happiest where your natural urges can be reasonably expressed. Therefore occupations to choose would be where you can lead rather than follow, where a broad sweep is required rather than too close an application to detail, where your organising ability will be appreciated, or where a little showing off and publicity will be appropriate. You look upon your home as your castle, where you can be undisputed king [queen]. Being head of a household, with responsibilities, gives you a feeling of power and self-confidence, giving a basis for your creative potential, which will, almost inevitably result in either, children of the body, or children of the mind. Problems may arise if you always insist on your own way. Your spare time activities will probably be gay and cheerful, possibly games or amateur acting. You will enjoy spending money on your amusements and entertaining friends. Any kind of activity where you can enjoy the "spotlight" will be enjoyed. Possible problem areas are illnesses affecting the heart or the back. Practical, philosophical and spiritual, you have a reckless courage, where even in defeat, you stand unconquered. * SUN IN VIRGO You like to bring order out of confusion, subjecting your world to a microscopic analysis. There's very little that escapes your notice and this is the secret of both your successes and your failures. On the one hand, you are capable of paying a great deal of attention to detail, striving for perfection in all you do. On the other, you may have difficulties in looking at things as a whole, unable to discriminate between the essential and the trivial. However, as your powers of distinction evolve, so will your capacity for true personal fulfilment. Truly emotional responses are difficult for you, as you are very much a creature of the mind and intellect. Indeed, you probably become very nervy and irritable when impossible emotional responses are demanded of you. You probably dislike being in too close a proximity with others, or to be touched too much. On the other hand though, is a deep desire to be of service to others, as you care very much for your fellow man. Practical and intelligent, you constantly strive for knowledge. Learning, is one of your greatest pleasures. You have excellent faculties of criticism, but care needs to be exercised, if a persnickety, fault finding attitude is to be avoided. Words well said, are as music to your ears, and you prefer them to less subtle expressions of affection. You seek to bring all matters under the control of your mind. Somewhat "cool" in outward expressions of affection, you maintain a traditional attitude towards mutual roles within a partnership, believing in patterns and modes of behaviour that have stood the test of time. You like to feel that you are very special to your partner. There may be times, when the painful demands of others, will intrude into what you feel is, the ideal situation that exists between you and your partner. You probably find it difficult to accumulate large sums of money, because there always seems to be something to spend your money on. Whilst you often embark on saving "sprees", they never seem to last. Material progress is one of your aims in life as you feel that you have enough problems to cope with, without having to worry about money as well! However, unemployment is unlikely to ever be a big problem in your life, as you are very versatile and can turn your hand to most things, should the need arise. At work, you will function at your best in any sphere where your natural urges can be reasonably expressed. Best at productive, practical work, requiring attention to detail. Better as the "power behind the throne" rather than on the throne yourself. You will probably function well in a career or role that is related somehow to service, as you are capable of great self denial if you think your work is worthy of it. However, you are much too practical and intelligent to allow anyone to make a martyr of you. When demands from others become excessive or unreasonable, you know how to say no, with considerable conviction. Essentially a worker, your home probably reflects your attitude towards life in general. Hence a neat home is a happy home as far as you are concerned. Sometimes, the emotional demands of family and children can be quite wearing on your nerves, so you often feel the need of a quiet place where you can rest and recuperate. Your spare time activities should be busy, practical, intelligent and varied. Any hobbies that require detailed construction work, or writing, gardening, or anything that requires the careful collection of data about a chosen interest. Quiet reading is another possible interest, as is membership in clubs or societies which meet for study, criticism or service to society. Illnesses are often intestinal, caused by worry and an over-concern with detail. However, if your mind can develop discipline, you will have a good, all round, general resistance to disease. You are capable of great spiritual growth because of your need to be of service to others. If you search for spiritual truth, you can harvest much wisdom in the fields of experience. * SUN IN LIBRA Generally kind and mild mannered in disposition, you strive for harmony in your affairs and dealings with people. In fact, you will go out of your way to compromise, if it will maintain peace and order. Often it is difficult for you to make decisions, because you can always see both sides of a question and you don't wish to offend anyone. You have a desire to be popular and need approval from others, before you feel confident, or comfortable at tackling anything. However, you have a strong sense of justice and fair play, never compromising deeply held principles in order to gain friendship or approval. You are very much concerned with the present and will readily initiate activities, but you usually seek the co-operation of others in order to complete them. You have a need to keep your emotions on a steady level. Rarely expressing anger, when you do, it will leave you feeling shaken and ill. In view of this, you probably count yourself lucky in the fact that you are not a deeply emotional person. You actively seek knowledge, new ideas and mental stimulation. Especially adept at analysing what is occurring in society around you, all matters pertaining to psychology and human relationships will be of special interest to you. For this reason, you are often called upon to help people with their personal problems, to play the role of peacemaker. You have a special need for companionship in order to feel fulfilled. Lost without your "other half", what you desire most, is a warm, understanding companion, who can give you moral support and encouragement. In love, you will be charming, longing to attract and in love with love itself. You avoid quarrelling if at all possible, as this would upset the "balance". At work, you would be best in situations where your natural urges can find reasonable expression. Therefore, any occupation where you can work in co- operation with others, preferably in clean, harmonious surroundings, will be enjoyed. You have a talent for public relations, as you are skilled at saying the right thing at the right time in order to achieve your objectives. Because of your desire for "company", your home will be a pleasantly furnished place, where you strive to create an atmosphere of pleasant, welcoming, delight. Spare time activities will probably be lazy, happy occupations, sunbathing, chatting with friends, drawing, painting, dancing, reading in comfort etc. Generally, health will be good, although headaches and kidney problems are possible. * SUN IN SCORPIO In your life, there can be no half measures. Never dealing with life superficially, whatever you deal with, is dealt with seriously. Sometimes, your desire to do everything perfectly, makes you unable to delegate responsibility. Thus, a tendency to overwork is shown. However, you have tremendous staying power, able to see any matter through to the bitter end, regardless of the required effort or sacrifice. You have intense emotional force, and deep feelings, that few people can detect, because you keep them to yourself. Extremely sensitive and easily disturbed, when any one deals harshly with you, you bide your time until you can settle the score. You never forget, and only rarely forgive. Emotional desires are strong, and should never be allowed to get out of control, if problems such as jealousy, possessiveness and violent outbursts are to be avoided. Such strength of feeling tends to drive you to extremes of behaviour. You sometimes find it hard to be diplomatic, often preferring to remain silent, than to give a watered down version of your true feelings and opinions. Intuition, is probably quite well developed, giving you an ability to penetrate the innermost thoughts of others. However, for yourself, you tend to remain highly secretive. You have an inner drive to investigate the nature of things, thus often bringing to the surface things that usually remain hidden. This causes many transformations in your life, but although your aims and expression may change completely, your drive, depth and passion endure. In love, you will be passionate with strong sexual feelings. Within your relationships, your deep emotions are ardent and forceful. At times, you become far too intense for those around you. Other, less close relationships, are not quite so important to you. In fact, in many respects, you tend to be a "loner", preferring solitude to "trivial" social activity. As in all areas of your life, if you direct your energies towards acquiring money or possessions, then you will experience little difficulty in this. You work hard, and expect to be well paid for it. You will probably enjoy a career where you have freedom to use your own talents in your own way, where you can deal with real life, not trivialities. Any job where you can transform a thing, into something better, especially when done in the service of another, would be ideal. A job using cutting tools, or where you can penetrate or probe would also be of benefit. You have an interest in medicine, psychology, and have an affinity with the sea. Any spare time occupation where you can use energy or intuition, will be greatly enjoyed. Active sports, such as boxing, martial arts or water sports spring to mind, as does occult studies, or hobbies involving detection, science, research or investigation. Tendency towards rheumatism, difficulties with the generative organs, ruptures and abscesses. Although often at war with your inner self, your desires opposing your spiritual inclinations, you do have the power to rise above all earthly considerations, by directing your energies in service, loving others above yourself. When this has occurred, you are then better able to tap into your great creative resources, becoming a positive and powerful, source of good, in the world. * SUN IN SAGITTARIUS Generally jovial in disposition, you are always ready to widen your scope and broaden your experiences. Your tendency to constant movement, urges you to take many journeys. You like to explore, both physically and mentally, and especially love the freedom of the great outdoors. Your objective in life seems to be to cover distance, the curious thing being that you care little for what is attained at the end of the journey. Your attitude is, "It is better to travel than arrive". You are noted for your honesty and straightforwardness, achieving your goals through the power of positive thinking. You rarely look back at what you have missed, preferring to look to the future with anticipation. On the whole, you are naturally, a serious thinker, quite at home with abstract ideas, principles and beliefs. However, since you do not have a subtle attitude to life, there may be a tendency to jump to conclusions, failing to take all factors into consideration. Despite this, you have an ability to see the future, through an understanding and insight into current trends of thought. In love, you can be difficult to understand. Although ardent and enthusiastic on the one hand, on the other, you are very changeable, demanding much freedom. A wise partner will allow you "plenty of rein". Often evident in your conversations with others,is your tendency to say things simply for the sake of making conversation, often without any real interest in the replies you prompt. This tendency towards lack of diplomacy and real interest, causes you not to notice when a chance remark has caused some hurt. You are eager to take advantage of any opportunity, that will allow you to use your knowledge and creativity to make financial gains. Being restless in nature, stimulates you to be aware of any situation you can benefit from. At work, you will be happiest where you are free to express your most natural urges. Never content to stand still, you enjoy activities which give you mobility and freedom. You dislike routine occupations, becoming easily bored with repetitious duties. Not the most physically ardent of workers, you dislike heavy manual labours, and are more suited to a job where this kind of effort is not required. You need greater organisation in your life, if you are to capitalise on your talents more effectively. Spare time activities should combine both your physical and mental attributes. The creative urge is strong, thus anything creative or active, without being strenuous, will be enjoyed. Walking, hiking, exploring country villages or other places of interest, or sowing, knitting, model making, or perhaps study of a more serious nature. Reading will be much enjoyed. Although basically healthy, possible problem areas are nervous and respiratory complaints, liver troubles, accidents, mental overstrain and psychological upsets. Although something of an idealist, you may be inclined to blindly follow established philosophies and dogmas. There is a need to expand and widen thinking in these areas, especially if the social standards, of the particular corner of society to which you belong, are narrow ones. Morally aware of what is right, you may at times, prefer to take certain liberties with your ethics, especially if you feel it necessary to preserve your freedom. * SUN IN CAPRICORN Practical, cautious, responsible and ambitious, you probably have a persistent feeling that you must develop into something. You cope very well with limitations and frustrations, since your nature is conditioned to them. For the most part, you are quite realistic in your goals and objectives, and rarely bite off more than you can chew. For yourself, you realise that success comes through a willing acceptance of necessity, and this is often what enables you to win through despite the obstacles. It is possible, that you have a delightful sense of humour, playing "the giddy goat" from time to time, and yet, even in a humorous mood, you are never trivial. Beneath your seemingly controlled exterior, is a very sensitive heart. You are far more vulnerable to criticism than it appears, wanting very much to be appreciated. Your knowledge of practical affairs is attained, not through formal study, but rather from just living your life. You have the ability to utilise everything you see and hear, and you are extremely apt at finding solutions to even the most difficult problems. In love, as in everything else, you tend to be cautious. To you, love is a serious business. Before marriage, you tend to take your time, needing to be sure in your choice of partner. Marriage is likely to be happy and fulfilling, provided your partner shares your eagerness and desires. Your capacity for hard work is linked with the notion that success means material security. Thus, you are not afraid of hard work, provided you are paid accordingly. You desire money because you fear being dependent upon others when you are old. Naturally a good provider, you know how to look after your resources in an economical manner. However, there may be times when this is taken to extremes, frugality, becoming stinginess, acquisitiveness becoming greed. You will probably feel most comfortable in an environment where your work can be organised upon routine lines, and where there is ample opportunity and scope for steady advancement, with a decent pension at the end. You expect employers to live up to contractual agreements and offer you any promotion you feel you deserve. You will never voluntarily step backwards, preferring to move upward by alternating your goals between security and ambition. You are willing to make many sacrifices for your children, so that they can enjoy the benefits and advantages that you've worked so hard to give them. Though a strict disciplinarian, you are usually fair when exercising authority. In your spare time, you probably enjoy serious reading, music and practical hobbies. You are also able to find happiness in solitude. Generally strong and robust, you may at some time in your life be subject to illnesses that are in some way limiting, such as rheumatism or orthopaedic troubles. Skin eruptions may follow nervous shock. You have a love of "law and order" and you are probably of the view, that "a rule is a rule", and "an order is an order". Everything needs to have a "sensible reason" for it to be accepted into your life. * SUN IN AQUARIUS Independent and progressive, you can also be at times, eccentric, determined and stubborn. You derive your security from being in the company of others, rather than from your environment, but you often feel misunderstood. You find it annoying when people are unreceptive, or fail to comprehend your ideas. Very individualistic, you find that you must follow your own instincts, and "do your own thing". You are unlikely to be influenced into following anyone else's footsteps, and often find it difficult to accept advice, preferring to find your own way. Your generally calm appearance can be very deceptive. Underneath, you often have feelings of anxiety, apprehension and nervousness, which can at times make you feel quite ill. When under strain, you may exaggerate problems out of all proportion. However, generally, you are an unemotional person, able to detach yourself from your emotions, allowing you to view things objectively. This does not imply an unsympathetic attitude, but is just your way of dealing with challenging emotions and feelings which are, to your mind, irrational. Mentally inventive and original, your thinking is often far ahead of the times. This is the reason why you are so often misunderstood. You have a quick mind and can learn anything of interest very easily. Your mind tends to turn towards the study of unusual subjects, often to do with either the very old, or the very new. You often seek to circulate your ideas, and for this reason, probably belong to a group, society or club, where you can exchange views and define your position. Although you can relate to all kinds of people, regardless of class, creed, colour, life direction or interests, you only respect people who are, like yourself, basically honest and sincere. You can easily detach yourself from situations with others, when you decide you do not want to be involved. In love, you are very faithful and caring, but can at times seem cool and unemotional. Your physical desires are probably not very intense, and you are able to thoroughly enjoy your partner's company without much physical contact. Money probably means little to you. You enjoy the freedom it brings, but you are able to keep this in perspective. Ideally, your job would allow you considerable freedom of choice, with flexible working hours and the minimum of routine. You are temperamentally suited to working with the public, where you can utilise your talent for communication. You need a work environment that is stimulating, and become something of a rebel when forced to submit to traditional rules, regulations and ways of doing things. Although not a very "domestic" person, you love your home which you regard as a retreat. However, you are also fond of using your home for meetings and gatherings of friends. You will treat your children as "little adults", communicating, and giving them the freedom needed to grow into independent beings, whilst at the same time protecting them as much as possible from life's knocks. Spare time activities, will be mental rather than physical. Study, is very appealing. You often combine your interest in any particular subject, with your work, hobbies becoming jobs, and jobs becoming hobbies. You are probably interested in all things scientific, ancient history and pre-history, music, astrology, palm reading or other occult subjects, electricity, telecommunications, computers and aircraft. Circulatory problems are likely, the ankles and shins being most affected. Although not predisposed to much physical exercise, fresh air and long walks will be helpful and invigorating. When being true to yourself, you will have an intense dislike of snobbery, prejudice and bigotry, as you instinctively know that all men are equal. Your ideal world is where all men live together as brothers, in a spirit of freedom and equality. * SUN IN PISCES You are a very sensitive person, extremely responsive and receptive to the thoughts and feelings of others. You unconsciously absorb the ideas and mental outlook of people around you, and you are easily influenced by external factors. You have charm, humour and enormous amounts of sympathy, keenly feeling the pains and joys of others. Extremely selfless, you identify with those less fortunate than yourself, constantly seeking ways to help, eager to sacrifice for the sake of others. Somewhat dual in nature, your temperament can swing from being strongly optimistic, to being acutely pessimistic. Also, on the one hand you are prone to letting things drift, whilst on the other, you can be very exacting and efficient. You like to envelope yourself in a dream world, where you can forget the self, escaping into your imagination. Not very combative, your aversion to struggle will generally cause you to suffer injury, rather than fight for your rights. However, once your supply of patience is exhausted, you can become so provoked, that it is impossible to calm you down. In this state, you can be very stubborn, allowing no-one to reason with you. Emotionally, you have much in common with the sea. Although constantly moving, you can appear calm on the surface, yet capable of sudden change and the wildest of storms. There is a hiddenes and a depth, which is hard to fathom, inoffensive at first sight, yet with hidden undercurrents that can be subversive and dangerous. Being so emotionally sensitive, enables you to derive immense aesthetic pleasure from the most simple experiences. In this way, you are able to notice much of what often goes unnoticed by others. Although not intellectually inclined, formal training and education will be extremely beneficial, in that it can help you to derive the most benefit from your creative potential, helping to focus dreams, turning them into realities. Often, you find it hard to be decisive, unable to make up your mind, due to conflicting emotions which arise from your spiritual inclinations opposing your physical inclinations. In love, you become intensely emotional, lost in a dream, and not very clear minded. You love with compassion and tenderness, but tend to be blind to all defects in those you love and trust. Not very astute with money, you can easily get lost in the "business" of living, which can at times be extremely annoying to those around you who are more absorbed in the material world. Generally not ambitious for material or monetary acquisitions, there may be times however, when your aims appear to be very materialistic. This is usually because, you instinctively feel, that if your search for "the self" is to be successful, then your physical needs and wants, should not be a source of worry. Ideally, your career should place you in a position where you can be of help to those who are unable to help themselves. Some sort of service, where you feel you are giving or contributing something of yourself. You are happiest where you are free to follow your own instincts, perhaps working behind the scenes. You need work to which you can "devote" yourself. For you, "home is where the heart is", a place where you can escape, to dream and plan, reflect and recuperate, when outside pressures become too much. Very much devoted to your family, you are eager to sacrifice your own needs for the sake of other family members. Your spare time activities should be anything which appeals to your emotions rather than to your reason. Therefore, music, poetry, drama, art, messing about in boats or, activities by water, or which are gay, or reflective, will be much enjoyed. Being a sensitive person, you tend to be prone to digestive or nervous upsets. You are sensitive to medicines. Drugs of all kinds affect you very easily. Spiritually, you tend to travel through life carrying a simple but strong faith, which maintains your vitality and sense of personal significance. This faith, which is more of a feeling, than anything which can be put into words, functions as your preserver, especially at those times when you feel chained to a destiny not of your own making. *