ATMOS5 V 2.2 ******************************************************** * For the Psion Series 5(mx) and Revo/Mako * ******************************************************** (Copyright, Jaap Laméris. December 2002) INTRODUCTION ============ ATMOS5 is a program made for students, engineers or other professionals, who deal with the physics of the standard atmosphere. It is based on the 1976 STANDARD ATMOSPHERE, as it is documented in the following reference: 'US Standard Atmoshere, 1976' published by the US Government Printing Office, Washington DC. This program was derived from my original program ATMOS3 developed for the Series 3x. After porting to the series 5 it has been extended with printing options. I have tried to make the program to be user friendly as far as possible, and included the use of different units for the different parameters. Preferences for the type of units are stored in a separate configuration file. This program is freeware, not because I don't need the additional income or fancy the merits of this program, but charging for something I wrote as a hobby and for fun is not my style. Further by making it freeware (or better said postcardware, see the section REGISTERING) I will not be forced to spent considerable time in maintaining and supporting it just for the sake of getting a small additional income. That doesn't mean that I will not support it anymore. As an user of ATMOS myself and as a perfectionist by nature I will keep improving the program and supporting any users of it. Another reason to release it as freeware are some bad experiences in the past with shareware (PSION and PC) programs for which I paid the registration fee, after which the author did not support it any more, released it as freeware or kept charging for updates despite his earlier promises... . THEORETICAL BACKGROUND The 1976 standard atmosphere describes the "average" air properties of the first seven layers of the atmosphere. It is mostly suited for regions at moderate heights, thus not for polar or equatorial regions. The three lowest layers are implemented in this program. These are: the troposphere (0-11 km), and the two lowest sublayers in the stratosphere (I:11-22 km and II:22-32 km). Sometimes this last layer is also called the mesosphere. The temperature is assumed to be lineairly decreasing in the troposphere, constant in the first sublayer of the stratosphere and lineairly increasing in the second sublayer of stratosphere. The pressure and density are both a function of the altitude and temperature. In reality, actual values will differ from the standard conditions due to local effects on the ground and due to weather conditions. But the Standard Atmosphere is quite a good tool for engineering use in the field of aerodynamics and flight mechanics of aeronautical vehicles. It is common to express the values of the pressure and density as relative values against the sea-level values. Altitude is normally expressed in terms of geometric altitude, e.g. the distance above sealevel, while the actual altitude in the Standard Atmosphere is defined as the geopotential altitude, which is an imaginary unit independent on the value of the gravity constant. For low altitudes there is not much difference between both units. INSTALLATION ============ Below is a list if files supplied in the distribution ZIP file (The file atmos522.ZIP). atmos522.sis SIS installation file atmos522.txt this file If using Psiwin 2.x within windows then just click on the atmos521.sis file. The program will appear in the "normal" Extras Bar after the installation. Alternatively, you may copy the ATMOS522.SIS to your EPOC machine and double tab it. If installing from somewhere other than Windows then you will need to obtain INS_TE.EXE and install that on your EPOC32 machine. This will enable .SIS files to be decoded using the EPOC32 machine. After installation you should have on your machine the following files: C:\system\apps\atmos5\atmos5.APP Main application file. c:\system\apps\atmos5\atmos5.AIF c:\system\apps\atmos5\atmos5.MBM C:\system\apps\atmos5\atmos5.HLP ATMOS5 help file. C:\system\apps\atmos5\atmos.ini ATMOS5 ini file c:\system\apps\atmos5\efm.mbm USAGE ===== Most of the information you may need on how to use ATMOS5 is included on the on-line help. If you do not install the online help here is a description of all hot-key presses. Ctl+S Singular output Output of standard atmoshere properties for a singular input. This may be: altitude; relative density or relative pressure. Units are those specified in option Preferences. Ctl+T Tabular output Same as singular input but now for a range of input altitudes. Input is the lower altitude level, the number of steps (max. 10), and the step size. Units are those specified in option Preferences, Ctl + C Veas -> Vtas Converts the equivalent air speed to true air speed for a given altitude. The mach number and dynamic pressure will also be calculated. Ctl + SHFT+ C Vtas -> Veas Converts the true air speed at a given altitude to equivalent air speed. The mach number and dynamic pressure will also be calculated. Ctl+V Preferences The units of the input and output parameters may be defined here. SI or British units may be choosen for altitude, density, pressure, temperature and speed independent of the other parameters. Shft+Ctl+A About Info on program Shft+Ctl+H Help Invokes the help screen Ctl+E Exit Exit the program In addition the printing option lets you invoke the regular Psion 5 printing mode. Please note that you must have invoked first the tabular output mode to be able to print the tabular data. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ================ Thanks to Jezar for providing the Help generator, Neil K Bee ( for the use of one of his icons, and all other PSION programmers, especially Steve Litchfield and Al Richey with their RMREVENT program, who gave me examples of goord working programs. REGISTRATION ============ WHY REGISTER ? Although ATMOS5 is freeware, I would be very happy if you let me know that you are going to use my programme. First of all to satisfy my curiosity, after putting some time and effort in creating this program. Secondly it will encourage me to continue further with this program and extend it if you indicate a need for this. Thirdly I will be able to keep you informed on next releases of ATMOS5, if you registrate it by me. HOW DO I REGISTER ? Preferably you can send your name, adress and/or Email adres by Email to: Jaap Lameris Else you can send a postcard to: Jaap Lameris Richel 10 8303 KX EMMELOORD Netherlands. Please include in your registration note, the version number, you got, your postal adress and Email adress. Additional information on ATMOS5 will be also available on my homepage: DISCLAIMER ========== Use this software at your own risk. I will not be held responsible for any loss of data and/or any damage caused to users or hardware caused by this software. COPYRIGHT AND CONDITIONS ======================== I reserve copyright on this material, any reproduction in part or whole is strictly prohibited. Additionally, reverse translation of any of files included in the file "ATMOS522.ZIP" is strictly prohibited. You are permitted to distribute the file "ATMOS522.ZIP", as widely as you see fit, under one condition. That condition being; That the file is not in any way altered, and is sent on in an unchanged state. FEEDBACK ======== If you have any comments or suggestions for me I would be pleased to hear from you ! You can mail me at the above address or you can email me at these email addresses; or HISTORY ======= Version 2.2 (Dec ´02) Conversion between true and equivalent air speed now included + calculation of dynamic pressure. Small bugs fixed. Version 2.1 (May '02) Now also availble for the Revo/Revoplus and Mako. Version 2.0 (Nov. '99) Ported from the series 3 version, ATMOS3 V1.1, and extended with printing possibilities. Version 1.1 (Feb. '99) for the series 3: Better events scheduling applied based on RMREVENT code. Extended help text. Version 1.0 (Dec. '98) for the Series 3: Original release.