Title: Biorhythms 1.5 Description: Definitive biorhythm calculator for EPOC Author: Richard Smedley Home page: http://www.cix.co.uk/~rsmedley/s5/ INTRODUCTION ============ Biorhythms allow you to predict how you (or anyone else!) will be feeling on any particular date. To make a prediction for somebody, all you need to know is their birthday. Predictions can be made for any date in the past, present or future. This program will even interpret the charts for you, to tell you what they mean in real terms. Also includes a comparison feature, allowing you to compare how two people will be feeling on any particular date to see how similar they are. INSTALLATION ============ This program is fully compatible with all EPOC machines, including Psion S5/5mx, Revo, S7, Oregon Scientific Osaris, etc. The display automatically adjusts to fit the available screen size. Installation uses approx 30K of disk space. Simply select BIORHYTHMS.SIS to install it on your Psion, and everything should be installed for you automatically. Biorhythms uses the following additional modules, which are supplied with the program as SIS files: SYSRAM1.SIS (Sysram1.opx V1.0) If you haven't installed these on your system yet, or if you are using earlier versions of these modules, then you will need to install them before you can use Biorhythms. Again all you need to do is select their SIS files and they will be installed automatically. HOW TO REGISTER =============== This program is shareware, but the unregistered version is fully functional. If you like it then please register. When you register you will be sent a personal registration code to enter into the program. This will make your copy of the program fully registered. After you've registered, all future updates are free. All you have to do is download them. ON-LINE REGISTRATION -------------------- If you want to register on-line by credit card, please fill in the on-line registration form at this URL: http://www.reg.net/product.asp?ID=2949 On-line registration costs $15 US Dollars. Your registration code will be sent to you by e-mail within 24-48 hours. POSTAL REGISTRATIONS -------------------- Postal registrations cost 5 Pounds Sterling. You can also send *cash* in either US Dollars (10 USD) or Deutschmarks (15 DM). Don't forget to say in your letter that you are registering Biorhythms for the Psion S5, and please remember to write your address clearly! Here is my address: Richard Smedley PO Box 59 Sutton-in-Ashfield Notts NG17 3HP England rsmedley@cix.co.uk http://www.cix.co.uk/~rsmedley/s5/ COPYRIGHT & DISTRIBUTION ======================== Biorhythms is Copyright (C) Richard Smedley 1997-1999. The unregistered version of this program may be freely distributed for non-commercial purposes providing all the original files remain fully intact and unmodified. Registered versions of this program, and the registration codes sent to registered users, must not be distributed by any means. You are prohibited from attempting to modify, reverse-translate or reverse-engineer this program in any way. Standard disclaimer applies; you use this program at your own risk. VERSION HISTORY =============== (Most recent changes first...) V1.5 (05.11.99) - Charts are now displayed in full colour on machines with colour screens. - Rewrote the routines which draw the charts, so that they now resize correctly to *any* screen size. - New prefs option: Week separators can now be displayed on the charts. - Changed the short-cut keys for scrolling the charts. Pressing Ctrl-Arrow now scrolls a week at a time, and Func-Arrow scrolls a month at a time. - Minor changes to the interpretation dialogs, for compatibility with the Psion Revo. V1.4 (04.09.99) - Now compatible with Oregon Scientific Osaris. - New prefs option: Age can now be displayed as age in years/months, as well as age in days. - Numerous improvements to the menu layout & GUI. - Minor updates to some of the interpretation messages. - Various minor bug fixes. - Now supplied as an SIS file. V1.3 (22.05.99) - Biorhythm charts can now be printed. - Added some interpretation messages for double-critical days (eg. when physical & emotional critical days occur together). - Bug fix: The program wouldn't accept any dates after 08/12/1999. Oops! This is now fixed. - The "Registration code" menu function is now removed from the menu after you have registered. - The old "compatibility charts" have been renamed as comparison charts. Strictly speaking, comparison is an entirely different thing to compatibility, and it was a little bit misleading for me to call the comparison charts compatibility charts! - Bug fix: There were a couple of minor bugs in the event loop. Fixed. V1.2b (01.09.98) - Bug fix: The menus couldn't be activated using the pen. Now fixed. V1.2a (20.08.98) - Bug fix: Due to a bug in one of the system OPX's, entering certain dates (eg. 15/12/1996) as either the birthday or plot date would make the program crash with an Out Of Range error. Now fixed. V1.2 (15.08.98) - Now supports compatibility charts, allowing you to see how compatible two people are. - Changed the menu layout again, to make it conform more closely to the standard EPOC32 guidelines. - Tidied up the button-labels in the dialog requesters. - Replaced the "Close" icon on the toolbar with a "Chart type" icon, for changing the display between the two types of chart. V1.1 (25.07.98) - Now requires SYSRAM1.OPX (included). - Designed some icons for the toolbar buttons. - Changed the menu layout and keyboard shortcuts, to conform to the standard EPOC32 guidelines. - Bug fix: The program now remembers the last menu item selected. - The weekdays are now displayed on the x-axis of the biorhythm chart, as well as the actual dates themselves. - Changed the format of the birthday and plot date displayed below the chart. In particular, the weekday name is now shown - useful if you want to know which day of the week someone was born on! - Added "OK" buttons to all the message dialogs. V1.0 (16.07.98) - The first release.