Calendar Notes Version 3.00 for EPOC Copyright (C) UK 1999-2001 Philip Bister Release date: 31 Jan 2001 FREEWARE Introduction Calendar Notes is the Freeware 'easy to use' agenda program for Psion computers and most compatibles. Aimed at users who need an agenda, but do not require the complexity of Psion Agenda as built into your machine. Calendar Notes enables you to manage your day-to-day To-do's, reminders, appointments and general day-notes in a simple one screen layout with a monthly calendar. Yearly UK calendar events such as New Year's Day and Easter Sunday are supported with the use of text displayed alongside the date to which it refers - just like a real calendar! Learning to use Calendar Notes will take just a few minutes of your time. Disclaimer This software is Freeware and is supplied 'as is'. The author/programmer makes no warranties whatsoever on it's stability or performance. USE THIS SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Quick start The main control for Calendar Notes is through the monthly calendar. It's through the selection of a date on the calendar that all notes are entered and deleted from the system. Calendar Notes will always start up showing today as the highlighted date in the calendar. Notice also that the main notes screen shows today's date on the left, and tomorrow's date on the right. You may enter daynotes etc for today by pressing Enter, and typing your daynote in the dialog. In the Note type field select the correct note type. Tap on the confirm button and your daynote will appear on the screen for the currently selected day. Alternatively, daynotes can be entered for any future date simply by tapping a selected date in the calendar and entering a note as before. Months can be advanced in the calendar by tapping on the FWD indicator. A note may be deleted by tapping on it and pressing the delete key. Monthly Calendar The highlighted date is today's date. Week numbers are shown in bold on the left-hand side. Upon start-up the highlighted date is also the active date to which all new notes will be entered against. Another date can be made active by tapping on a date. A cursor will be shown around an active date. A month may be advanced by tapping on the 'Fwd' indicator, or go back a month by tapping on the 'Back' indicator. Show/Hide monthly calendar If the calendar is obscuring your view, pressing Tab will show/hide the monthly calendar. About the note screen The main screen displays all the daynotes for the current active date and the following date. The day being viewed is always shown at the top of the main screen. If a yearly UK calendar event is applicable to a date being viewed, this will be shown next to the date (Good Friday, Christmas day etc). The foot of the screen on the right displays the note-type indicator (All Notes by default). When specific note types are being viewed - the note-type indicator will change. The left-hand side of the note screen relates to the calendar cursor and therefore all notes are added and deleted from here. Deleting a note Highlight the note to be deleted by tapping on it in the left-hand side of the note screen. Then press the delete key. A dialog to confirm the deletion will be displayed. Auto note deletion Calendar Notes will automatically delete old notes 14 days after their expriry date. The user is therefore relieved of any manual tidying-up, and ensures that memory will not fill up with unused data. Viewing specific note types By default Calendar Notes displays all note types, but we may choose which note types are displayed. Select view note type from the menu. How can I view more notes? If the viewing screen is full, it may be best to view only specific note types to free up space on the viewing screen. Also,whenTo-Do tasks have been completed - delete them to leave more space for other notes. View time Displays Today: current date and time.