ChartNote v3.13 by Kimo Hirayama & Palmaris Medical *********************************** Website: DESCRIPTION: ----------- ChartNote is a simple patient record program for the Psion 5 and 5mx handheld PC that allows easy, quick entry of clinic notes. Notes can then be printed out with a number of different options for entry in the patient's "hardcopy" chart. If you dictate your notes, ChartNote may still be useful to track your productivity, keep track of age and sex breakdown of clients in your practice, log and track procedures, or to keep basic patient information such as medications, problem lists, contact information, and referrals at your fingertips when you are on-the-go. NEW FOR VERSION 3.13: ---------------------- *"Print letter" function has been moved from the "Tools" menu to the "File...Printing" menu where it more logically belongs. * Letters may now be printed directly to a Psion Word template so that your letters can be on your own letterhead. Also, additional formatting commands for letter output have been added to change text alignment ([[all]] for left-aligned, [[alc]] for center-aligned, [[alr]] for right-aligned, and [[alj]] for justified). * ChartNote now includes another powerful option called "Shortcuts" to help automate entry of your notes. These are user definable replacement texts similar to "Find & Replace" on a word processor. Users of prior versions of ChartNote may wish to install "CNExtras" when prompted for a brief tutorial on shortcuts. (NOTE: if you have modified any of the original scripts included in ChartNote, then you will want to copy these to another location and then copy them back to the "\Chartnote\" folder after installation. If you do not do this, they may be overwritten by the installation.) * Last used info type is remembered by the program for quicker info type access. * Password protection on return of the program to the foreground has been added. * Patient ID# can now be edited. * Patient visits may now be duplicated with a "Copy visit" function. * The program icon has been redone. * A few minor bugs have been fixed. CHARTNOTE FEATURES: ------------------ ChartNote allows free-form entry of clinic notes in standard SOAP format, but it's true power lies in the ability to use customizable plug-in scripts and "shortcuts" that allow even easier, quicker input of notes.  Features: 1. Scripts allow stylus input of notes. They can be easily created using the standard Psion Data program. Script-writing is surprisingly flexible, limited only by your creativity. It is even possible to create your own mini-formulary! 2. User-definable "Shortcuts" ease entry of commonly used phrases. They can even be used to enter an entire normal exam. 3. Patient record size is very compact with each encounter occupying on average slightly over one-half kilobyte per encounter. That means you could store 4000 encounters in just over 2 Megs of RAM! 4. Users may define the section headings, in case you don't like the Meds:, S:, O:, A:, and P: format. 5. Printing preferences are extremely configurable. Notes may be printed using the standard Psion 5 Print and Page Setup routines. In addition: a. Font for printing can be customized. b. Selected records may be marked for printing, allowing easy batch printing with either one record per page or as many records as will fit on each page. c. Various sections of the note may be selected or deselected for printing. 6. A simple, but very useful ToDo system is included to remind you to check on the lab for that patient that you saw yesterday. 7. View a report of all your encounters, or perhaps only your diabetic patients, broken down by age and sex, visits and unduplicated patients. Also, now you can know instantly how many patients you saw in the past week or month. 8. Patients may be marked with labels for easier sorting and data manipulation. For instance, all patient with hypertension may be marked and easily recalled; or labels could be used to keep track of patient race/ethnicity in your practice. 9. Patient records may be selected for viewing by visit type or text string. 10. Easily print out referral letters or other customizable letters based on patient information. They may be printed to a Word document text file or directly to your printer. 11. Archive patients and visits if your file is becoming too big and unwieldy. 12. Set ChartNote to automatically backup your patient file whenever you exit the program. 13. Compatible with both the Psion 5 and Psion 5mx ChartNote is a bargain at only US $50. Similar-type programs for Windows CE cost several hundreds of dollars! The unregistered shareware version is fully functional, except that all records printed will have "Unregistered version - please register" where your name would normally be printed. Also, a reminder to register the program will pop up occasionally. LIMITATIONS: ----------- The known limitations of ChartNote are: 1. Only 38 patients per day may be viewed or accessed. 2. Each SOAP section may not be longer than 765 characters, though I think this is enough for most notes. 3. A patient cannot have a birthdate before January 1st, 1900. Sorry, to all you geriatricians out there! CHARTNOTE313.ZIP CONTENTS: ----------------------- ChartNote313.sis Installs ChartNote v3.13 Readme.txt This text file INSTALLATION: ------------ TO INSTALL THE PROGRAM FROM SCRATCH: 1. If you have a PC, you can install ChartNote using the 'Install New Program' command in PsiWin 2.1 or newer, or clicking on the file ChartNote313.sis to launch EPOC Install. If you have a Macintosh Computer, you can install the program similarly using Psion MacConnect. Alternatively (my personal preference), you may copy the .SIS file to your Psion. Once copied, select the ChartNote.sis file icon to install. If you do not have EPOC Install on your PC, you may obtain it from Psion's web site at: 2. Once the program is installed, select the ChartNote program from the Extras button to launch the program. REGISTERING: ----------- This shareware version is fully functional with the only limitations being that any notes that are printed will have "UNREGISTERED VERSION - PLEASE REGISTER" where your name would normally appear, and an occasional reminder to register popping up. If you find this program useful and wish to continue to use it, please register. To register ChartNote v3.13, see the ChartNote web page: If you have problems installing the program, or have any other questions, comments or bug reports on the program, please contact the author at: Also, if you write any good scripts that you would like to share, send them to me and I will post them on the ChartNote website.