CMELog by Kimo Hirayama & Palmaris Medical CMELog is an extremely configurable program allowing professionals to easily track continuing education credits. The program may even be easily customized to track distribution requirements for univer- sity students. If, like me, you've always wished for an easier way than using "Data" or "Sheet" to log your continuing education credits, then wish no more; and you can't beat the price! The initial settings for CMELog are primarily oriented toward medical professionals, though these may be changed through the "Tools...Setup Preferences" menu option. After selecting your preferences, define your continuing ed goals. Now, all you have to do is enter the continuing ed events and let CMELog do the monitoring. Don't be put off by the size of the .SIS file. The program itself is only 23K, but makes use of the fantastic nMPD.opx by Neuon, systinfo.opx, data.opx, dbutils.opx, and sysram1.opx. If you have these OPXs already installed on your Psion, then the actual disk space used by the installation will be closer to 30K. If you have any suggestions for improvement or find any bugs, please contact the author at: Kimo Hirayama