Emu48E v1.5 : A freeware HP 48/49 calculator emulator for Epoc32. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Author : Raphael MASSOT, based on the Emu48 sources of Sebastien CARLIER Date : 04/01/2004 1) About Emu48E. 2) Installation. 3) Downloading the ROM (not included) 4) Using the emulator. 5) Menus. 6) Versions. 7) Bugs. 1) About Emu48E. ---------------- Emu48E is a port of Emu48 on EPOC32, it works on Psion Revo, series 5 (ER3 and ER5), Netbook, Ericsson MC218 and Osaris (and perhaps other ones). It's an Eikon application programmed in c++. Now works on Nokia Communicator 9200 series (Symbian 6.0) and Sony-Ericsson P800 (Symbian 7.0, don't work in some P800, I don't know why for now). 2) Installation. ---------------- WARNING : The ROM files are no more included see 3). Installation is done by the .sis file (language : french, english or german). Removing the program don't delete .bak files, you don't have to use the .bak of a Sx with a Gx Rom and vice versa (I haven't test it but I think it can cause strange behaviours). The program can be installed on drive C, D or E into \system\Apps\Emu48E\ : - Emu48E.app : the application. - Emu48E.aif : application aif file. - Emu48E.rsc : application resources. - annunc.mbm : annunciators picture. - main*.mbm, main2SGx.mbm, main5*.mbm : calculator pictures. - keya2SGx.mbm, keyl2*.mbm et keyr2*.mbm : keys pictures for the medium view. and after the first use : - chipset.bak : Saturn processor backup (480 bytes) - ramP0.bak : RAM port 0 backup (32KB for a Sx, 128KB for a Gx) - ramP1.bak : RAM port 1 backup (1 byte if empty, 128KB if used) - ramP2.bak : RAM port 2 backup (1 byte if empty, 128KB if used) - Emu48E.ini : settings backup The three files groups (application, pictures and rom) can be installed separately on drive C, D or E. Note : The files .bak can be backed-up and restored in case of big crash. 3) Downloading the ROM. -------------------------- The Rom files are no more included and have to be downloaded then copied in a directory of your choice (the first time you run the emulator, you have to select the .rom file). The ROMs are available at www.hpcalc.org at: http://www.hpcalc.org/hp48/pc/emulators/ for HP 48 http://www.hpcalc.org/hp49/pc/rom/ for HP 49G * For an HP 48 Sx : - download the file "HP 48Sx Revision J ROM" (sxrom-j.zip) - unzip - rename the file in sx.rom * For an HP 48 Gx : - download the file "HP 48Gx Revision R ROM" (gxrom-r.zip) - unzip - rename the file in gx.rom * For an HP 49 G : - Download the file "Unsupported Beta ROM 1.19-6" (beta1196.zip) - unzip rom.49g in a temporary directory - copy the utility conv49.exe included in Emu48E in this directory - run utility in command line : conv49 rom.49g 49g.rom 4) Using the emulator. ---------------------- Memory use by the differents versions (without backup and with ROM) : Version On the disk Free memory to work ------- ----------- ------------------- 48 Sx 500 KB 1 MB 48 Gx 800 KB 2 MB 49 G 2.3 MB 5.3 MB At startup, the backup files (*.bak) are loaded if the emulator find them, otherwise the RAM is zeroed. If chipset.bak is not found and ram*.bak are here, only the chipset is zeroed. When the application is closed, the settings and backup files are saved automatically. Psion Keyboard: - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 - A, B, C, D, E, F (HP48 menu keys) - *, /, +, - - cursors arrow - . -> . - , -> . - j -> *, k -> /, l -> +, m -> - (azerty) - y -> *, u -> /, i -> +, o -> - (qwerty) - Esc -> On - Enter -> Enter - Space -> Space - Backspace -> "<-" Special keys for the Nokia 9210: - Alphabetical keys are mapped to the HP48 alpha-keys. - Shift-A -> HP48 Alpha - Shift-LeftArrow -> HP48 left shift - Shift-RightArrow -> HP48 right shift - Shift-BackSpace -> HP48 Del 5) Menus. --------- File menu : ----------- - New : delete all backups and zero the RAM. - Reload : reload the last backup. - Save : save the calculator RAM to file. - Reset : calculator reset (the RAM isn't zeroed) - Settings : . display * Bitmap real : display is updated every time the display memory is writed. The update is slow especially whith games. * Bitmap fast : display is updated only when the HP48 processeur goes to shutdown. It's faster than bitmap real. * Frame buffer (for Psion only): write directly in screen memory. It's the fastest. . Keyboard : * normal * simulated : simulate key up event if other keyboard application delete it. . Key pressed : minimum of time for which the key must staying down. . Grayscale sync (on Psion): screen scanning synchronisation for grayscale display. . Backup : save Ram to disk on exit. - Exit : close the emulator (in option: backup RAM on disk). Edit Menu : ----------- - Save object : save the first object of the stack in a file. - Load object : put a object on the stack from a file. - Copy : copy a string from the stack to the clipboard. - Paste : paste a string from the clipboard to the stack. View Menu : ----------- - View select : * small : simple Lcd bitmap, for the Psion Revo * medium : Lcd bitmap doubled, large keys, the keys picture change with the mode (shift and alpha), for Revo and large screen. * large : Lcd bitmap doubled, large keys, labels above the keys, for large screen. 6) Versions. ------------ * v1.5: ------- - ROM file selector at startup. - Copy/paste real number. - Copy/paste big integer HP49. - Keys *,/,+,- are language depended. - German install * v1.4: ------- - HP 49G ROM support. - Port P2 support for HP 48Gx (128 Ko). - New item : Save RAM. - New item : Reload last backup. - Bugfix kern-exec 3 in bitmap mode and in frame-buffer mode with the Netbook. - Bugfix in loading backup files on C: if the program is installed on drive D: or E: * v1.3: ------- - Use of frame buffer for a fast display (problem with Netbook : see 6) Bugs). - Grayscale renderer is acceptable (adjustable in the settings). - Minimum of time for key pressed in ms than in ticks. - Time display is correct (timer bugfix) - Settings are saved. - RAM Backup in option - several keys can be pressed at the same time - Bugfix : error at backup if all files are installed on drive D: - Default skin more readable. * v1.2: ------- - We can now load and save object from files. - Clipboard support for strings. - We can use the psion keyboard for + - * /, Enter, cursor, On, space, and backspace. - Bugfix : too short pen click on a key can cause the key not to be detected. - The keys picture are changing when the mode is shift or alpha in the 'medium' view. - Installation on C, D or E or the three. - Bugfix : the port P1 was zeroed at each start. - Bugfix : one day was missing to the date. - Skins with white background for the screen with low contrast. * v1.1: ------- - There is now 3 views whith differents sizes for the Revo and lage screen. - Bugfix when the program is installed on drive D. - Bugfix of the dark screen when the calculator is turned off. - Bugfix of the E32User-CBase 42 error at startup after the program was closed with a blinking cursor. * v1.0: ------- - It's the first release, then it's minimal comparing to Emu48. - The emulation speed is lower than the speed of a real HP 48. - The copy from/to the stack from/to the clipboard is not yet implemented. 7) Bugs. -------- - Don't run on some P800 (error when creating/loading CFbsBitmap) - no access to 1MB flash memory with the HP 49G - No beep support -- Raphael MASSOT Besancon, France Mail : psiomas@free.fr Web : http://psiomas.free.fr