PLEASE READ THIS FILE BEFORE RUNNING FNUPGRADE The program FnUpGrade is for upgrading FreeNote v2.xx database to the new v3.00 database structure. If you are upgrading to FreeNote version 3.00, and you wish to transfer your existing notes to the new database, you will need to run FnUpGrade *once only* for each of the files you wish to convert for use with FreeNote v3.00 USING FnUpGrade The upgrader program is a zero instal program. Just copy FnUpGrade.opo to any folder, and double tap on the file to run. Select the file you wish to convert from the dialog box (with an .fn1 file extension) and tap the Y button (or press keyboard Y). The notes held within the selected file will be transferred to the new database for use with FreeNote v3.00 You are required to run this program *once* for each file you wish to convert. If you have not yet run FreeNote v3.00, FnUpGrade will create the new database for you. If you have already been using FreeNote v3.00, and now wish to transfer your notes from FreeNote v2.xx, FnUpGrade will add your notes to the existing v3.00 database. Your original database will be left intact after running FnUpGrade. After your files have been transferred, it is no longer necessary to have FnUpgrade on your computer, and can be safely deleted. AUTHOR NOTES I have made the upgrader a simple console program, because I didn't consider it worth spending a lot of time and effort developing nice fancy graphics for a program that for many users will be probably run once for just a few seconds. During tests on a Series 7, the upgrader converted 20 records in just one second! Philip Bister 26th April 2003