------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRetted is for Easy alTernate Tunings on your EPOC Device written by ktkawabe@hi-ho.ne.jp 0: Introduction 1: Features 2: Functions * Play notes by tapping on the screen * Tuning fork (Ctrl+A) * Mini quiz mode (Ctrl+N) * Preferences (Ctrl+K) * Change Instrument (Ctrl+I) 3: Caution! 4: Fretted License Agreement ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0: Introduction FRetted is for Easy alTernate Tunings on your EPOC Device. You can play your psion by tapping on a screen, or you can use it as a tuning fork, or you can enjoy mini quiz where you have to answer the correct position on the fretboard in response to the note played by the computer. You can define almost any fretted instruments, including number of strings, tunings and even the looks. On default, there are 9 tunings for 6 string guitar, one for 5 string guitar, 3 for soprano ukulele and 3 for 5 string banjo readily available. Fretted runs on EPOC operating system, from EPOC Release1 to EPOC Release5 (Psion Series5/ 5mx/ 5mx Pro/ 5mx Pro Japanese/ Series 7/ netBook/ Revo / Revo+/ Mako/ Geofox/ Osaris/ MC218). However, Geofox users will miss the touch-sensitive screen, probably. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: Features The one and only nice feature of Fretted is its powerful ability to define various instruments. * Users can define their own instrument (from 1 up to 10 strings, any tuning) easily. You can even define some odd-looking fingerboard (such as banjo). On default, you can select the followings: 6 string guitar: standard/ Open D/ Open E/ Open G/ Open Dm/ Dropped D/ Dropped G/ CGDGAD/ DADGAD ) 5 string guitar: Open G 5 string banjo : G/ C/ D Soprano ukulele: standard/ Low-G/ American * You can place position markers between any adjacent frets easily. * You can select the shape of the position markers from "dot", "block" and "no" (nothing). Also, though it's not as easy as simply selecting from pre-defined shapes, the users can define their own shapes for markers. Please see readme_def_eng.txt for details of how to write these definitions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2: Functions Well, no so rich for the moment. * Play notes by tapping on the screen. That's it. However, please note that the built-in speaker of Psion devices are not good at reproducing low notes (though higher notes are OK). So, for example in the pre-defined guitar definitions, the notes are 2 octaves higher than the real notes of the guitars. * Tuning fork (Ctrl+A) Plays A. * Mini quiz mode (Ctrl+N) Answer the note that the computer played. First the computer plays some note. You have to play the same note by tapping on the fingerboard within a certain time. The earlier you answer, the larger the points are. However, you cannot answer more than once per one question. * Preferences (Ctrl+K) Pitch Of A: Set the frequency of middle A (A4). 440Hz on default. Volume : Set the volume within the range from 1 to 100. * Change Instrument (Ctrl+I) Select your instrument from the list. 2-1: What is not supported. Instrument-wise: * Multi-course stringed instrument (e.g mandolins, 12 string guitars) * Instruments where distance between two adjacent frets can be different from one semitone (e.g. mountain dulcimars) * Instruments that have more than two scale lengths. * Mechanism to change tuning and/or the scale temporary (e.g. B benders) * Capos Sound-wise: * Guitar-like/ Uke-like/ Banjo-like /whatever-like realistic sound. * Chords. * Choking/ bend/ arming etc. Looks-wise: * Light-colored fingerboard (e.g. maple) Quiz-wise: Actually I'd like to implement some more quiz mode like: * Answer all of the positions on your fingerboard for a certain note. * Play a certain scale within a certain time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3: Caution! Playing notes on your EPOC device drains your battery. When your batteries cannot supply the necessary current/voltage, sometimes you don't here the notes and sometimes Fretted becomes non-responsive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4: Fretted License Agreement Fretted ("this Software") was written by Keita KAWABE (ktkawabe@hi-ho.ne.jp, "the Author"). This Software is provided by the Author "as is" without any warranty. The author is not liable for any consequence that was caused by using (or not using) this Software. Redistribution of this Software is permitted provided that the following conditions are met: A) In redistributing this software without modification, or in redistributing the refined/updated/modified version of this software, this "Fretted License Agreement" should be retained. B) In redistributing an entirely new software that is derived from this software (e.g. by copying several PROCs of this Software), the follwing three conditions should be met: B-1) The name of the Author maynot be used to endorse or promote products derived from this Software. (The main implication of this is "When you have done something, tell people it's you, not me".) B-2) The derived software may not indicate either directly or indirectly that the Author of this software can be liable for any consequence that was caused by using or not using the derived software. B-3) UID of this software may not be reused. C) This software contains two opxs, i.e. buffer.opx and music.opx, that are primarily distributed by Symbian . The following is the notice that the Author is obliged to display by the OPL SDK License Agreement: "This product includes software licensed from Symbian Ltd (c) Symbian Ltd 1998-9." These two OPXs are covered by OPL SDK Licence agreement. In the Author's interpretation, in modifying and/or redistributing this Software, you don't infringe the OPL SDK Lisence agreement unless you don't do the followings: C1: To extract the OPXs to modify and/or redistribute. C2: To reverse engineer the OPXs. C3: To remove the notice that the Author is obliged to display by the OPL SDK License agreement. However, if you're serious please read the OPL SDK License agreement by yourself. You can download it free of charge by applying it for Symbian. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keita (ktkawabe@hi-ho.ne.jp) Doc ver. 010