Logbook : Anaesthetists Logbook for the Psion Series 5 ------------------------------------------------------ v0.61 September 1999 Shareware by Chris Hopkins -------------------------- Email : gasdoc@hotmail.com Web Site : http//:www.gasdoc.freeserve.co.uk -------------------------------------------- Changes since version 0.60 -------------------------- This version corrects a small problem with the export process. The File Maker Pro Logbook does not add to your logbook on importing but starts a fresh. My system allows you to keep more than one logbook, e.g. one for each year. All these files must be converted into a single text file before importing to File Maker, this version supports this. Changes since version 0.51 -------------------------- This version represents some major changes. To try to become compatible with the PC Filemaker Pro logbook, I have had to make changes to the data set. To do this I have had to redesign the file structure. This means files created by versions less than 0.60 will no longer work. I am sorry for this but it became unaviodable to allow file exporting to the RCA logbook without this. If you are using an older version then send me your logbook file via email and I will upgrade it. Changes since version 0.50 ------------------------------- This version corrects the small problem with responding to screen taps. Previously areas of the screen which responded to taps remained active in certain circumstances even though they should no longer respond. It also stops the program from halting if the date typed in is not in the correct format and corrects some spelling. It is still labelled as a beta version for now but appears stable so far. The full version will be released soon. Tutorials on using the program are now starting to be released on my web site at http://www.gasdoc.freeserve.co.uk Introduction ------------ The program Logbook v0.60 is Shareware. You may try it, but should register if you continue to use it. This is currently provided for FREE. I take no responsibility for any damage done to your files through this programs use. You should always backup regularly. In using this program you agree to its terms of use. This is a beta version and may still have some bugs. Please let me know if you find any. Installation ------------ On unzipping the program you should have 3 files. logbook.sis, sysram1.sis and readme.txt (This file). The first two files are Epoc install files. IF YOU INSTALL FROM THE PSION, FILES MUST NOT BE SET AS READ ONLY Upgrading ? ----------- If you are upgrading from an older version then simply run logbook.sis again and the process is automatic. PLEASE NOTE THAT LOGBOOKS CREATED BY OLDER VERSIONS ARE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THE NEW FILE SYSTEM. PLEASE SEND ME YOUR OLD LOGBOOK FILE WHICH I WILL UPGRADE FOR YOU. On running the logbook you must create a new file to use as a logbook by going to create new file in the file menu. Installing for the first time ? ------------------------------- Read on. If you are familiar with this file type : ----------------------------------------- After connecting your PC to your Psion, simply double click on the file logbook.sis, and when this has been installed double click on sysram1.sis If you are not familiar with this file type : --------------------------------------------- Full instructions can be found at my web site at www.gasdoc.freeserve.co.uk and are included below. Will my Series 5 accept these files ? ------------------------------------- If you have a version of Psiwin on your PC greater than 2.1 or more then the answer is yes. If your version is less you will need an upgrade first which you can get from my web site. What do I do now ? ------------------ If you are running Psiwin 2.1 or more via a PC, ----------------------------------------------- the first time you run an Epoc install file ( a .sis file ) on your PC ( by connecting to your Psion with Psiwin and double clicking on the .sis file on your PC ), a new option called Add/remove will be added to the control panel on the system screen. Once this Add/remove option has been added you will, in future, be able to run a .sis file from either your Psion or PC. To start with however, you have to install for the first time from the PC to add the Add/remove option to your Psion. Look at your control panel, if Add/remove is already there you will be able to install from either the PC or Psion already. If you are running a version of Psiwin less than 2.1 on a PC, ------------------------------------------------------------- you will first need to upgrade your Psiwin to accept .sis files. To do this, download setup.exe from my web site and run this on your PC. All you need to do now is connect your Psion to the PC and double click on the .sis file to install. In doing this the Add/remove option will be added to your Psion's control panel, and, in the future you can run .sis files from the PC or the Psion. If you don't have Psiwin or would like to install via the Psion, ---------------------------------------------------------------- look at the control panel, if you have the option Add/remove on the control panel, then simply copy the .sis files to the Psion and tap on them to install. If you don't have Add/remove then you will first need to add this to the control panel. To do this download instexe.exe from my web site and copy it to the root directory of your psion. MAKE SURE THAT THE FILE IS NOT READ ONLY THEN, Tap on it to run the program and add the Add/remove option to the control panel. Once you have done this, all you need to do is copy the .sis file to your Psion and tap on it to install. You need to install logbook.sis and sysram1.sis to your Psion. If you have sysram1.sis already, you don't need to reinstall it. For more information, see my web site at http://www.gasdoc.freeserve.co.uk Technical Stuff --------------- After installation you should have the files : \System\Apps\Logbook\logbook.app \System\Apps\Logbook\logbook.aif \System\Apps\Logbook\icons \System\Apps\Logbook\titles.mbm \System\Apps\Logbook\log.hlp all installed to the drive you selected, during installation, on your Psion. You should also have the files : \System\OPX\sysram1.opx Installed on the drive you selected. Registration ------------ This program is Shareware and represents a great deal of work. To encourage me to continue to program, and to obtain technical support, I would encourage you to register. Registration is currently provided for free by sending an Email marked registration request to me at gasdoc@hotmail.com Troubleshooting --------------- Please note that you should read the Help File accessible through the program after running the software for the first time. At this time, only the General Printer Driver produces reports that are lined up correctly. I will aim to fix this with time. Before sending an Email to me with a problem, I would encourage you to read the help file and check out my web site first. ( http://www.gasdoc.freeserve.co.uk )