====================================== MathsHelp V 5.0 for the Psion Series 5 ====================================== A useful little program which can solve quadratic and simultaneous equations, convert degrees into radians and also add times together. This program is Freeware. ============ INSTALLATION ============ Installation requires 6k. With this zip file you should have found a .SIS installation file. To install MathsHelp just open this file in Win95 explorer. If you get an "open with" dialog come up when you try and open the SIS file then you must be using the older version of PsiWin (v2.01). To sort this out all you have to do is go to Psion's website (http://www.psion.com) and download the latest version of PsiWin (Version 2.1). You should then be able to install as explained above. ====================== Problems/Bugs/Comments ====================== If you have any problems installing or using this program, you find a bug or have any comments, then please do not hesitate to email me at gary.ewer@earthling.net Alternatively you can visit my website at http://come.to/prosoft Have fun. Gary Ewer 5th May 1999