Mileage v1.3 Introduction Version 1.2 first released as shareware in May 1998 Version 1.3 released July 1998 This application came about as I am one of these company car drivers that have to show how many business miles you cover in a year, as the more business miles you do the less tax you pay! I needed an application that would allow me to enter my business journeys and work out the rest for me. As I am an avid Psion fan with some experience in programming I set about writing my own application, completely in OPL to do this. The system was originally written for my Psion 3a (never released as shareware) that I had, but it has now been adapted to run on the Psion 5 that I now own. This is an application for all you company car drivers that have to show how many business miles you covered in the year. The system allows you to enter your daily business journeys and will then work out your monthly and yearly totals for upto three vehicles. The system has been designed to run from April to March as this is the financial year, however you should be able to start from any month you want to. The system will also record the amount of fuel you put in over the year as well. New Features since version 1.2 * The ability to export the data to a text file that can then be imported into a word processor or spreadsheet. * Output the data to a printer either connected to the Psion or via PsiWin to a Windows printer. Installation Create a folder called C:\System\Apps\Mileage Copy the files to this folder MILEAGE.OPA The main application MILEOMETER.OPO Subsidiary module MILEAGE.AIF Information file MILEAGE.HLP Help file Mile.mbm Bitmaps and icons The application icon will now appear on the Extras bar. If you are upgrading from version 1.2 of the system then overwrite all the files detailed above. Don't delete the *.INI files if you want to keep all your settings. If you have already registered the system make sure you don't delete the MILEAGE.REG file, unless you have your registration code available. No data conversion is necessary. Quick Guide on using Mileage When you run the application the first screen you get is a welcome type screen displaying my information. It also displays a mileometer that will count up as long as that screen stays displayed. As soon as you press a key or tap the screen the main application screen will load. If you tap the black reset button below the trip counter it will reset the trip back to zero. The application will then ask for your name and the start month. Type in your name and select the start month required. The start month defaults to April as this is the start of the financial year which is how you have to record your mileage for the taxman. However you can change the start month to any month you like but most of the testing I have done is where the start month is set to April. The application will then ask for the vehicle information to be entered. At least one vehicle (the first!) must be entered. If you are running an unregistered version of the application you do not have to enter the second and third vehicles as you cannot use them until you register. When you first run the application a data file for the current year will not exist and ask for confirmation that it is to be created. Answer OK. If you cancel without creating the file the application will terminate. The following files/folders are created when you first run the application. C:\System\Apps\Mileage\MileRead.ini Mileometer readings C:\System\Apps\Mileage\MRCFG.ini Name, start month and current settings C:\System\Apps\Mileage\MRVEH.ini Vehicle information C:\System\Apps\Mileage\MRSTN.ini Filling Station Information C:\Mileage Data Folder To setup the rest of the defaults or change any of the above select the option from the Settings Menu or use the shortcut key Defaults Set up your name and start month Vehicles Set up the vehicles Stations Set up the frequently used Filling Stations Before any journeys and fuel stops can be added you must setup the start and finish mileage of the first month. The start mileage is the mileage reading of the car at the beginning of the month and the finish mileage is the mileage reading at the end of the month. Normally the first month for inputting data will be the start month but it is possible to start recording the mileage from a different month. This is particularly useful if you get a new car in the middle of the year. Select the option Month Details from the Month menu or and enter the mileage details accordingly. The first month that you enter this information in, you will be allowed to enter the start and finish mileage. On subsequent months you will only be allowed to enter the finish mileage as the start mileage is taken from the previous month. You can change the finish mileage as many times as you like, but if the next months data has already been entered the application will warn you that next months start mileage will change. When the months start and finish mileage details have been entered you can then enter journeys and fuel data for that month. To add journeys make sure you are on the Journeys view and select the Add Entry option from the File menu, press or tap on the Add Entry button on the toolbar. To add fuel entries make sure you are on the Fuel view and use the Add Entry option. You can only enter one journey per day, so if you make two journeys in one day add them together! Likewise with the fuel entries you can only enter one fill per day. On the Journeys view, as the data is entered the totals are worked out for you giving you how many miles have been driven in the month and how many were private and business. On the Fuel view, as the data is entered the totals are worked out for you giving you the total cost, litres and gallons of fuel that has been put in the vehicle. It will also work out the average cost per litre and gallon. On the Yearly view the application will display all the totals for the data that has been entered for the whole year. On the Totals view the application will display the years total mileage, business mileage, private mileage, the total number of journeys made, the total number of fuel fill ups made and the total cost of the fuel put in the vehicle (frightening!). The Graph view will display a graphical representation of the monthly business and private mileage. To export the data select the option from the file menu or press shortcut. There are three export facilities available, Yearly Mileage, Journey Details and Fuel Details. These can be outputed to a delimeted TXT file, then imported to a word processor or spreadsheet. You can print the data to a printer connected to the Psion or via PsiWin to a printer connected to a PC using the options available under the Printing menu. There are two printouts available, Current Month and Yearly Mileage. Printing the Current Month using

will print the currently viewed month details of both the Journeys and the Fuel. Printing the Yearly Mileage using will print the Years Mileage details for the current vehicle including the totals. Print Preview is also available. Registration There is no limitation on the application except for the nag screens that appear and that you can only use one of the vehicles. The Mileage application is shareware. It is not free, so if you continue to use it you are must register it with me be sending a cheque for £10 (UK Pounds) to Nic Symonds 80 Quarry Road Alveston Bristol BS35 3JP E-mail address Sorry I haven't setup any other payment method yet. Registration gets you: * a clear conscience that you're using paid-for software. * Further development of the application. * a special code that will personalise your copy of Mileage, and remove all the nagging shareware screens. Just enter the registration code provided under the System menu, Register option. * Use of all three vehicles To register * send a cheque for £10 to the above address * include you Psion's unique ID number (displayed when say 'Yes' to the register prompt in the application) * your E-mail address Upon receipt of your payment I will send to you via your E-mail address your registration code Finally Any views or suggestions on this application will be gratefully accepted. This is my first attempt at a major application such as this so I hope you don't have any problems. My thanks to Al Richey at [] for writing S5EVENT, which saved me from writing my own code to process key presses and pen events. My thanks also to all of you that have already downloaded and used the system. I hope it is of some benefit to you. Disclaimer/Other Legal Stuff I the author accept NO responsibility for any loss or damage that occurs by using this application. All source code is the property of the author. Any attempts to reverse translate this application will constitute a breach of copyright. By installing and running this application you agree to the terms above. Having said all this I have tested this application as much as I can and have had no trouble with it. At the moment it will only work on the C: drive but I will try to get it working on a D: as soon as possible.