3.03 - Finally managed to fix a long-standing problem, which stopped MyNotes from running on a Series 5. Added a Find by Date... option, which allows notes to be located by to their date, without having to sort the file according to date. 3.02 - First version released under FreEPOC. Fixed problems with printing; it is now possible to print attached sketches. Fixed various other minor issues, and improved the "Open Embedded File..." and "Open URL..." options. 3.01 - Minor improvement to the properties bar. 3.00 - added a small sketch module, which allows sketches to be added to a note. Fixed some small bugs. Added more support for colour screens. 2.50 - added an extra scroll bar, so that the bottom lines of long notes can be seen when a large zoom ratio is used. Note: this feature is not available when editing a note, due to problems with implementing a scroll function in the editor module. 2.49 - uses my new OPM, VScrollBar. 2.48 - added a "Send To (ticked notes)..." option. Also added the possibility for a specific file to appear at switch on. It is now possible to use mixed case letters in filenames, although the first letter is still always changed to upper-case. 2.47 - added a Recent Files option (File|Recent Files or Shift+Fn+R). Uses a new version of ProgBar.opm. 2.46 - All OPMs are now installed using a single SIS file. Fixed bugs in the paste, dialling, new note and screen handling routines. Improved the keyboard handling again. 2.45 - added an encryption algorithm; files which are password protected are encrypted when saved and decrypted when opened. This provides better protection of private or confidential data, as password protected files could be opened in the past with a text editor or hex editor. 2.44 - the scroll-bar buttons are now animated. Several small bug fixes. 2.43 - fixed bug in paste, which caused note to have wrong priority. Fixed bug which could cause all of the buttons in the "details" bar to appear be pushed in when one button was tapped. Fixed problem with changing the priority using Shift+0 to Shift+5 on non-English machines. Tidied up the way the progress monitor works during sorting. Added a popup menu option to the "double-tap" possibilities. It is now possible to show faint lines, which may increase the legibility of text. The colour of a note is now displayed correctly during editing. 2.42 - it is now possible to change the priority of notes using Shift+0 to Shift+5. 2.41 - added a Trash folder; all deleted notes are automatically copied here, and remain there until the Trash is emptied. It is now possible to combine styles and priorities. Also fixed a bug which caused the preferences to be reset when 'None' was set as the priority for new notes. 2.40 - added a proper "progress monitor". 2.39 - modified the screen layout, so that files containing more than 1000 notes are displayed correctly. One or two bug fixes. 2.38 - added an extra zoom level, so that there are now 4 zoom levels. Notes are now word-wrapped using the characters !?.,:;-@/\ as well as spaces and carriage returns. There is now a popup menu, which can be shown by tapping in the right window. Fixed a bug which caused the filename to disappear if Save as... was cancelled. 2.37 - it is now possible to enter filenames in upper- and lower-case, although the first letter is still converted to upper-case. 2.36 - modified the display routine, so that notes containing carriage returns are displayed correctly in the left-hand window; ie. they are truncated at the first carriage return. Also fixed a bug in the editor, which allowed the end of the text to be lost when it disappeared off the screen. The maximum number of lines for a note has been increased from 10 to 20. Improved the Copy URL function. 2.35 - it is now possible to format a note by entering carriage returns, using Shift+Enter; to save the note, use Enter or File|Save and Close Editor (Ctrl+S). Fixed bug in initialisation routine. 2.34 - moved the scroll bar to the left-hand side of the screen, which seems to be a more logical location for it. Also fixed bugs in the "Open 'Embedded' File" and Zoom routines. The status of the 'Details' toolbar is now saved on closing. It is also possible to change the layout of the screen by tapping on the "spiral" area of the screen and dragging. 2.33 - added an Import File option; this works best from text files, but may be used to import data from other file types as well. 2.32 - MyNotes now uses a new .ini file format, which is more flexible. 2.31 - added the ability to open 'embedded' files (filenames entered in a note, starting with C:\ D:\ or E:\), using Note|Open 'Embedded' File (Shift+Ctrl+L). 2.30 - improved the print routine; different fonts are now supported, as well as printing in Bold and Italic. Numbered priorities are also printed. 2.29 - improved the action of the scroll bar; it is now possible to scroll by dragging the scroll bar cursor. 2.28 - changed the "autosort" routine, so that the file is now sorted according to the preferred sort method rather than by priority. 2.27 - fixed bug in the "file select view" routine. 2.26 - fixed bug in "Export as text file" procedure. 2.25 - fixed stupid bug in initialisation routine. 2.24 - added the ability to hide or show the toolbar using View|Show Toolbar (Ctrl+T). If the toolbar is hidden, it is possible to display a clock using View|Show clock (Shift+Ctrl+C). The lock-up screen now shows a clock as well. 2.23 - three zoom modes are now available, using the silkscreen buttons or View|Zoom in (Ctrl+M) and View|Zoom out (Shift+Ctrl+M). File Merge is now Ctrl+I, while Make Note...Normal is now Shift+Ctrl+W. 2.22 - added the option to create a new file in the "select file" dialog when opening a file or "sending to...". 2.21 - a few small changes. 2.20 - added "Dial Out" option to the dialling routine and a "File Status..." option (shows the size of the file, how the file was last sorted and the password settings) to the file menu. It is now possible to choose whether pressing a letter key starts a new note or jumps to a note starting with that letter. 2.19 - replaced "Save as..." by export; "Save as..." now used to save open file under different name. Also re-arranged the buttons in the toolbar. 2.18 - added the option to dial any telephone number listed in a note. 2.17 - screen and 'details' toolbar buttons now "animated". 2.16 - moved the "default sort" button from the top of th scroll bar to next to the filename at the bottom of the screen. 2.15 - tentative notes can now be displayed grey instead of black, and notes with priorities can be shown in colour on a Series 7 or netbook. 2.14 - MyNotes can now be configured to appear at switch on. Improved the file-protection routine and password routines. 2.12 -the Italic style has been changed to Tentative (the note is still displayed in italics, but is preceded by a ?); the "sort by priority" routine has been changed to deal with this. Improved the preferences dialog, to make better use of a larger screen, and added a "Restore Default Preferences" button. For added security, the names of files that MyNotes creates have been made obscure, now having the form C:\System\MyNotes\Fxxxxxx. The Rename File and Copy File procedures have been improved, to deal better with new filenames which already exist. 2.11 - improved the "Save as...CSV" procedure; it is now possible to define which characters should be used as the text-qualifier and label-separator. 2.10 - improved the double-tap routine, but removed the ability to change the note style by double-tapping, as this has never worked well. Added a "Tick all Notes" (Ctrl+A) option. Tidied up the menus (consistent use of ... after menu items) and the help file. Improved the "Save as..." and "Copy URL" routines. MyNotes now uses RexxUtils.opm for certain string handling functions. 2.09 - tidied up the display slightly. Added Boolean feature to search all files. Added "Copy URL" (Crl+U) option. 2.08 - fixed "open file" bug (at last!). Added sort option to "file select" dialog (Crl+Tab or tap on dialog heading). Increased maximum number of files from 99 to 250. 2.07 - EpocEdit is now installed as an OPM. 2.06 - added password protection for individual files. 2.05 - added extra option to preferences (change date after editing). Tidied up various menus, so that certain options are greyed-out when the file is empty. 2.04 - screen layout changed slightly. Added 'goto' option. Added 'sort by date' option when note date tapped. Added message when note being edited. 2.03 - notes can now be started using characters entered with Fn key. Added a "open previous file" option. 2.02 - added an Insert Heading option. 2.01 - fixed a bug in the priority sort routine. 2.00 - made MyNotes available in the form of a .SIS file. 1.94 - fixed a couple of small bugs to do with striping out notes using the pen. 1.93 - in file selection, pressing tab opens a window showing the first few notes in the file. 1.92 - in file selection, pressing space shows the full filename. 1.91 - tapping on the filename shows the whole name.