This is Version 1.11 of XTM. These release notes are provided to give late breaking information and upgrade guidelines for XTM. If you are installing XTM for the first time, you MUST READ THE MANUAL (manual.pdf - an Adobe Acrobat file) because these notes do NOT tell you how to get started! 1. Upgrading to Version 1.11 from an earlier release If you have used an earlier XTM any disk images you have created will work under Version 1.10. Performing an install from your PC using the SIS file will update the emulator. 2. Changes from Version 1.09 or 1.10 to 1.11 * This version supports flexible mapping of COM ports. * Series 7 and netBook screens display in colour; other minor appearance changes. * Direct support of serial printers, including Psion parallel adapter. 3. Changes from Version 1.07 or 1.08 to 1.09 * Several BIOS changes to increase PC compatibility. * CRT hardware emulation enhanced. This allows certain games and other low level programs to run. * Problem which caused Series 5 CapsLock to be ignored is now corrected. 4. Known Restrictions * Because of bugs with their EPOC device driver, PC Card ports are not currently available from XTM on the Psion Series 7 or netBook. * The EPOCFS file server interface does not reset all its parameters when XTM reboots, leading to spurious error messages when some redirections are re-established.