TASKNOTE For Psion Revo, Revo Plus, Diamond Mako, Series 5mx, MC218, Series 7/netbook, netpad. Version 1.01 25th Dec 2002 Copyright UK (C) 2002 Philip Bister E-mail: philipbister@ukonline.co.uk This program is Freeware. INTRODUCTION Use TaskNote to store your To-Do items and general notes. TaskNote has seven categories to help you organise your to-do notes for home or work. * View each days tasks as they become due. * Show urgent, overdue, in progress, completed, deferred flags. * Automatic clean-up * Monthly calendar display and clock. COPYRIGHT TaskNote is copyright (C) UK 2002 Philip Bister. All rights reserved. Reverse engineering/translation is prohibited. DISTRIBUTION You are free to distribute this program providing all the original files remain intact and unmodified. DISCLAIMER This is supplied on an 'as is' basis and comes with no warranties whatsoever. Every effort has been made to ensure that the application is stable and free from errors. However, no software author can guarantee it. The author takes no responsibility as to the suitability of this products intended purpose, or for any consequences which may result from using this software. ** You must use this software at your own risk ** SUITABLE MACHINES TaskNote is suitable to run on the following EPOC machines: Psion Revo, Revo Plus, Diamond Mako Series 5mx, Series 7/Netbook and netpad. Ericsson MC218. INSTALLATION TaskNote is supplied as a SIS installation file, containing the following: TaskNote.aif application information file TaskNote.app the application TaskNote.hlp help file TaskNote.txt is also supplied with TaskNote.sis To install TaskNote, copy the TaskNote.sis file to any folder on your EPOC machine. Double tap on the TaskNote.sis file to start the installation process. Once installed, the program will be accessible from the extras bar. GETTING TO KNOW TASKNOTE TaskNote will create a default file upon start-up - so the program can be used straight away. The top of the screen displays a row of seven category tabs, whenever a TaskNote is created it will be filed under a highlighted tab. When you have some TaskNotes stored, header text to each of your notes will be displayed under whichever category tab is currently active (highlighted). This is an index to all of the notes stored in the current open file in TaskNote. Categories are highlighted by tapping its tab with the pointer. Whenever a category is active (highlighted), TaskNote will display all the TaskNotes relevant to that category. Create a new TaskNote by pressing enter and typing into the dialog. A TaskNote consists of a header and a memo. You do not have to type a header if you don't want to, but if you do, the header text will appear as an index to the notes for the highlighted category. Otherwise TaskNote will use some of the text from the memo as the index. When you have more than one TaskNote, you will be able to highlight a note by just tapping on it. View the TaskNote by highlighting it and pressing the spacebar, or tap the view note command button at the bottom of the screen. Return to the index screen by pressing escape or tap the memo. You may mark your task notes with an urgent symbol !, or if the task is in progress, mark it with the In Progress flag (choose these option from the task menu). When the task has been completed, mark it with the Completed flag. All tasks that have the urgent symbol and the date is after the date the task was due to start, TaskNote will automatically flag the task as overdue. TaskNote will clean-up its system of completed tasks, and also old notes which are greater than 3 months old, although this option can be changed. So you don't have to manually delete old notes. That's the basics of using TaskNote. You should now be able to Start using the program to store your tasks and notes. BACKUP FILE TaskNote automatically backs up your file for you. A separate copy of your files can be found in the apps/system/tasknote/backup folder. You may never need to use the backup, but should the worst happen, and a file becomes corrupted, just copy the backup copy from the backup folder and paste it into the notedata folder. CONTACTING THE AUTHOR Comments and queries are welcomed. I can be reached by e-mail at: philipbister@ukonline.co.uk If you are using TaskNote, please let me know by e-mail. Your e-mail address will then be entered on the TaskNote user list. This will enable me to advise you of any updates that are released. VERSION HISTORY v 1.01 25th Dec 2002 • Added automatic file backup function. • Added error code for new note proc. • Corrected code error - file name extension. • Open file bug corrected. • Tabs labels now update correctly. v 1.00 19th May 2002 • First release.