UK Pocket Directory v2.6 for the Psion Series 5 ================================================ Freeware (C) UK 1997-1999 Steve Litchfield & Stefan Smith UK Pocket Directory is a complete UK-specific database, covering business, travel, leisure and utility categories, plus many, many others. It uses the power of the Series 5 Data application to provide search and browsing functions. UK Pocket Directory update information and new versions can be found at All information in the database is collected, filtered and compiled from public domain sources or from hobbyists in various fields with their kind permission. If *you* notice an error, please get in touch. Installation. ------------ If you unzipped UK Pocket Directory OK, you should have ended up with 2 separate files. One will be this text file 8-) The other is ukpd.sis. If you know what a .SIS file is, just double-click on it in Win95 Explorer or tap on it on the Series 5 and you'll be installed in no time. If you *don't* know what a .SIS file is, this must be one of the very first third party applications you've ever installed. Don't worry, it's all quite painless: IF you have the older PsiWin 2.01 or if you've downloaded UK Pocket Directory directly onto the Psion 5, the best way to proceed is to copy the .SIS file into a suitable place on your Psion. If the .SIS file appears on the system screen with a question mark beside it, this just means you haven't yet upgraded your Series 5 to accept EPOC install files. Grab a copy of the special INSTEXE.EXE program from the same place as you obtained UK Pocket Directory and tap on it on your Psion. You should now see a nice little icon beside the ukpd.sis file and can tap on it to complete your installation. IF you have PsiWin 2.1 or above, just double-click on the file to launch EPOC Install on the PC itself and to complete the UKPD installation. If all went well, you should now have a new "Directory" icon on your Extras bar. Copying information into another Psion application -------------------------------------------------- Simply highlight the information you wish to copy in UK Pocket Directory and use either Control-C or the silk-screen Copy button. Paste into the other app. Hints and tips -------------- Note that the searching process usually takes place *without* a flashing 'Searching' message etc. This is due to the way Psion implemented the help engine software. You can tell how many matches the software is finding by looking at the record no. legend (bottom-centre of the screen), which will say 1/n, where n is the number of matches so far. Launching STD Database v2.4 --------------------------- UKPD can also launch Stefan's UK STD codes database in parallel. A copy of STD codes in the right format can be downloaded from the same place as UK Pocket Directory. Install the STD database as UKStd.hlp in the main \System\Apps\Director folder and the UK Pocket Directory launcher application will then work with it as well.