CashCalc ============== By Russ Spooner Overview +++++++++ Well, Here it is, my first attempt at programming for the Series 5... This was more of an exploration into the realms of event driven OPL than a serious development.... CashCalc is a simple windowed calculator that enables you to calculate your monthly wage from an annual salary, taking into account such things as national insurance, and tax brackets/allowances. It will also calculate APR on loans, giving monthly repayments and total repayents. Installation ++++++++++++ Copy all the files in this archive to c:\system\apps\cashcalc ....that's it really. Usage +++++ Once you have started the program you will be presented with the first window containing registration (if you can be bothered....) details. From the toolbar you can select either "APR" or "Income". You will be presented with a dialogue asking for the details of the calculation... easy If you wish you can re-use that window for subsequent calculations or you can create a new one cy clicking new windows on the toolbar. Windows can be selected by clicking on them, and subsequently dragged around the screen- neat, eh? Settings can be changed from the preferences dialogue. The tax info there is correct for the UK 1997 financial year. Change them if you like. Enjoy. Shareware +++++++++ CashCalc is shareware. The details are contained in the program itself, but even if you don't register please drop me an email to let me know *if* people are using the utility.. :-) I promise that I will not turn you over to the spam machines or junk mail you myself. I won't even nag you. Disclaimer ++++++++++ This program is stable and fully functioning, but if it should cause you financial loss, premature baldness, or extreme boredom, you are on your own. Contact +++++++ Russ Spooner, -Linux Forum -Psion Forum