Read me file for abp - a banking program Freeware (c) Malcolm Bryant 1997-2001 Email Instructions for setting up abp version 5.22 (ER5 version) ========================================================== Note: this version runs on all Epoc Release 1 to Release 5 computers. It does not run on ER6 computers such as the Nokia 9210. The file should include the following files: 1. abp5.sis (installation file) 2. changes.txt (recent changes to abp) 3. sample5.abp (an example abp data file using investments) 4. sample5.txt (instructions for sample.abp) 5. readmeER5.txt (this file) 6. abpfaq (a Psion Word file with Frequently Asked Questions) 7. abpinvestments (a Psion Word file with info about new investment functions) 8. abpInternetImport (A Psion Word file with info about importing QIF/OFC/OFX files from the Internet) 9. abp4to5.opo (program to convert version 4.xx data file to version 5.xx, see below) There may be some additional explanatory files for non-English users When you have unzipped to your PC, then double-clicking on the sis file will start the standard EPOC Install process. Alternatively, copy the file abp5.sis to your Psion, highlight it, and press Enter. On your Psion, you should create a directory c:\abp which is the default location for abp data files. Don't copy any of the above files into this directory - abp will automatically place your data file there once you run the program. Once you have completed the abp installation procedure, you will see a new icon (called ABP5) in the Extras section. When you installed abp, you were given the choice of installing to c: or d:. However I recommend that you keep your DATA FILES on the c: drive whenever possible. This is because the abp writes to disk frequently - good for the security of your data, but slow on a flash disk. Holding your data files on the c: drive will result in better response time. For features of abp and instructions, please take a few minutes to read the help file (press CTRL+SHIFT+H from within abp) Note for upgraders from abp version 4.xx to version 5.xx ======================================================== abp version 5.00 contains many new features. Unfortunately, I have had to modify the abp data file format and included in the zip file is a program abp4to5.opo which will update your existing data file to the new format. As a safeguard, the program will ask you for a new filename, so that your original data is left intact. To use this program, copy it into any convenient directory on your Psion (it does not have to be in the same directory as specified for the main abp program above). Then run the program and follow the onscreen instructions - it's easy! In version 5.00 you can set up multiple investment accounts. When you run the program abp4to5.opo, if you currently have any investments then you will be asked whether you want to place those investments in an existing account, or set up a new account. You will be asked this question for each investment. For example, you might want to keep any foreign investments in separate accounts from your home currency investments. Once the conversion is done, you should select abp5 from the Extras bar, or alternatively select the name of your updated data file from the System screen. IMPORTANT NOTE: Since ABP5 is a major version upgrade, it will NOT overwrite your previous version ABP4. You will therefore see both an ABP4 icon and an ABP5 icon in your Extras Bar. When you have successfully upgraded your data file to version 5 and you are happy that everything has gone smoothly, you will probably want to delete ABP4. To do so, go to the System Screen and select Control Panel, Add/Remove. Then delete ABP4 from the list. Enjoy abp - the freeware banking and investment management program! Let me know if you like it. Malcolm Bryant