CrOsborne Currency Exchange Calculator Psion 5 version v5.0c September 1999 ========================================================================== Registration costs £10UK (ten pounds) in cash (no cheques) to Roger Creagh-Osborne, Colloggett Cottage, Landulph, Saltash, Cornwall, PL12 6ND, UK Check for latest version and alternative registration details at: Registered users receive ready made full data file and import export utility ========================================================================== Installation instructions: EXCH5.ZIP is an archive file containing two files: EXCHANGE.SIS - the Psion installation file RDMEEXCH.TXT - these instructions. Use WinZip and PsiWin (or whatever other means you normally use) to extract the files an run the Exchange.sis file to install onto your Psion. Operation of the program should be self evident; if in doubt refer to the help file. The program has only been extensively tested on an 8Mb Psion 5 - there are almost certainly undiscovered bugs and problems - if you are first to find and report one I'll try and fix it and get a new version to you. No warranty is given or implied - you should always back up your data regularly, use of the program is entirely at your own risk. (I use it regularly on my Psion without problems). =============================================================================