Readme file for using Jabp on P800 ================================== Here are some additional notes about using Jabp on a P800 smartphone. 1. Installation. Ensure that you have the P800 PC Suite installed on your computer. Double-click on the file P800Jabpxxx.sis, where "xxx" represents the current Jabp version number. If all goes well, you will see Jabp appear in your Applications list on the P800 2. Due to the quirks of the Java implementation on the P800, you will find it easier to use the on-screen keyboard rather than the handwriting recognition. Jabp uses dialogs extensively to get information from you, the user. First click on the area of the dialog you wish to enter information (for example a Description field) then press the Keyboard icon at the bottom of the screen. Enter your information as needed, then tap the keyboard Done button (do *not* press the keyboard Return key). Then repeat with the next field in the dialog. When you have completed all the fields, then tap on Jabp's OK button. 3. Setting Preferences. I have set Jabp's preferences to the settings that I use on my own P800. You may wish to experiment with different spacings. 4. When you are entering a new transaction and selecting from a large number of categories, the category list may be too large for the screen to display. In this case, use the Jog Dial to move up and down the category list until the category you wish to select is in view. Then tap on this category to select it. 5. The Java implementation on the P800 does not show the titles on Frames (most of Jabp's screens use Frames). You can see the difference if you run Jabp on (say) a Windows PC. Jabp uses frame titles to show which screen is being displayed - for example "Accounts View". On the P800 none of these titles actually display, so it is a little less obvious which screen is being viewed at any given time. Malcolm Bryant December 2002