Readme file for Jabp version 1.12 ================================= Computers which can run Jabp ---------------------------- Here is a list of platforms on which Jabp has been tested: Windows PCs (640 x 480 screensize) Apple Mac (640 x 480) Solaris workstations (640 x 480) Compaq IPAQ running Jeode Java (240 x 320) Sharp Zaurus running Jeode Java (240 x 320) Nokia 9210/9290 (640 x 200) Sony Ericsson P800, P900, P910 (218 x 320) Psion netBook / Series 7 (640 x 480) Psion 5mx (640 x 240) Jabp does not run on smartphones running the MIDP version of Java. Installing Java --------------- In order to run Jabp, your computer has to have a Java runtime which conforms to or exceeds the Personal Java standard. Brief details are as follows: PCs running MS Windows: some PCs may already have Java installed. To check, try double-clicking the file Jabp.jar in Windows Explorer. If Jabp does not run then go to the Java homepage ( and download the Java Standard Edition (J2SE). You only need the JRE runtime environment, not the full SDK. It is free. Symbian computers: Older Symbian computers may have the Java runtime distributed on a CD supplied with the machine. Follow the installation instructions. Smartphones such as the P800/P900 have a Java runtime pre-installed in ROM. iPAQ with Pocket PC 2002: Install the Jeode Java runtime, supplied with the machine. Sharp Zaurus: The Jeode Java runtime is already installed. Contents of distribution zip ---------------------------- The distribution zip should contain the following files: * Jabp.jar (this is the main program) * (a "skeleton" installation for Psion computers which creates the appropriate directories and an icon in the Extras section - you must also copy Jabp.jar as explained below) * (a "skeleton" installation for "Communicator" computers such as the Nokia 9210/9290 which creates the appropriate directories and an icon in the Extras section - you must also copy Jabp.jar as explained below) * (a full installation for "UIQ" computers such as the Sony Ericsson P800 which creates the appropriate directories and an icon in the Applications section * (a "skeleton" installation for the Sharp Zaurus machines which creates the appropriate directories and an icon in the Applications section - you must also copy Jabp.jar as explained below) * (a shortcut for the HP iPAQ which will create an entry in the Programs>Jeode section - you must also copy Jabp.jar as explained below) * JabpUserGuide.htm (the user guide in html format) * JabpChanges.txt (recent changes to Jabp) * ReadMe.txt (this file) * P800_ReadMe.txt (supplementary notes for the P800) Installing Jabp --------------- Once you have a Java runtime on your machine, you can install Jabp as follows: PCs running MS Windows: copy the file Jabp.jar to any directory. Double-clicking on this file in Windows Explorer will launch Jabp. You can set up a Windows shortcut to launch the program from the main screen. Symbian computers: if you have a Psion machine (netBook, Series 7, Series 5mx, Revo Plus) then unzip If you have a Communicator machine (Nokia 9210/9290) then unzip Install the file Jabp.sis and then copy Jabp.jar to the directory \system\apps\Jabp\ on the c: or d: drive where you installed the sis file. Note: once Jabp has been installed, then for subsequent upgrades you only need to copy the new Jabp.jar file. You do not need to re-install the Jabp.sis file. Special note for UIQ machines (for example the P800): I have included a full implementation since there is no easy way to manually copy Jabp.jar to the correct directory. iPAQ running Pocket PC 2002 with Jeode Java runtime: Create a directory c:\Java\ on your Pocket PC and copy Jabp.jar there. Follow the instructions supplied with the Jeode runtime to create a shortcut that can launch the program. The command line for the shortcut is as follows: 18#"\Windows\evm.exe" -cp \java\Jabp.jar Jabp.Jabp You can place Jabp.jar in a different location than c:\Java\. If you do, then change the command line accordingly. Alternatively, just unzip and copy Jabp.lnk to the IPAQ in the c:\Java directory. Note: once Jabp has been installed, then for subsequent upgrades you only need to copy the new Jabp.jar file. You do not need to re-install the Jabp.lnk file. Sharp Zaurus with Jeode Java runtime: unzip the file and install the file Jabp.ipk. Then using File Manager copy Jabp.jar to the machine in the directory: /opt/QtPalmtop/java/jabp or /mnt/cf/opt/QtPalmtop/java/jabp (if you installed to Flash disk) or /mnt/card/opt/QtPalmtop/java/jabp (if you installed to SD card) Note: once Jabp has been installed, then for subsequent upgrades you only need to copy the new Jabp.jar file. You do not need to re-install the Jabp.ipk file. System requirements ------------------- Jabp requires about 700K of free memory to run, in addition to the memory required for the Java runtime. For example on a Nokia 9210, a total of about 3 megabytes is needed. Known problems -------------- There are a number of minor problems mainly due to differences and/or bugs in the Java runtimes on the different machines. Please refer to the User Guide for details. File compatibility ------------------ Jabp data files can be freely moved between different machines - the file formats are identical. For further details, see the User Guide. Questions or comments --------------------- I can be contacted at the following email address: Enjoy the program :-) Malcolm Bryant August 2002