PsiShop ----------------- Shareware V 2.0 - June 2001 By Jean-Baptiste Lernout (Business/Stock management software) Installation : -------------- To install PsiShop, open the PsiShop.sis file on your PC and check that your Epoc device is connected. then follow the instructions Or, copy the PsiShop.sis file on your Epoc device, open it and follow the instructions. ATTENTION : For the users of the version 1.1, before installing PsiShop 2.0, Make a backup of your business, and launch the 1.1to2.opo utility to convert you business to the new format. Once the conversion donne, a folder with the name of your business is created on the C drive. After the installation of the version 2.0 of PsiShop, copy this folder in the system\apps\PsiShop\ directory on ht edrive where PsiShop is installed. Shareware : ----------- PsiShop is a Shareware (100 Fr or 15.24 Euros), if you want to use it without limitations, you must register. To register, two possibilities : - Using Internet : Go on web site : and follow the link to Yaskifo (Top right) Choose PsiShop and follow the instructions. - Using Postal Mail Send me a cheque of 100 Fr to Jean-Baptiste LERNOUT Join the identification code given by the software in the "What is my identification code ?" option of the menu Give your address, and a phone number or an e-mail addresse to enable me to send you your registration code quickly What is PsiShop : ----------------- PsiShop is a powerful business and stock management software. It enables the user to enter the sales as a cash register, and has a complete items management system. The software is also able to manage suppliers, customers and to maintain a sales book. For a complete business management suite, a statistic analysis system can make a business report in a few seconds with several graphs. Easy to use, you can control the software with the keyboard or the pen. The functioning of the software is very simple. First, you create a business, you give it a name and optionally assign it a background picture. Then, you define the different VAT rates you use. Finally, you enter the items in stock. Once those things realized, the software will help and assist you. The following options are available : Items management - This module allow you to manage your items available in the business. You can add, modify, delete, find, print items or obtain informations about them. Moreover a filter option is able to show you the items which match certain criteria. Suppliers management - This module allow you to define the suppliers and the items they distribute. You can add, modify, delete suppliers, print informations about a supplier or a list of all suppliers. It's possible to view the items distributed by a supplier (It's possible to manage those items like in the items management module). Customers management - This module allow you to manage a list of customers. For each customer, in addition to the add, modify, delete, find and print options an option is able to show you the items bought by a customer. Each sale can be associated to a customer. Sales book - This module allow you to mange a sales book. You can view a list of every sales made between a precise period, print a list of sales displayed on the screen, delete, modify and also add entries. For each sale, You have access to a list of items sold that you can update. Moreover, an option allow you to print invoices. Statistical analysis - This module display a report concerning the business datas, like the number of sales, of customers, of suppliers, of items, the turnover … You can also view several graphs… In addition to those modules, PsiShop have several insteresting avantages. The 11 currencies Euro converter which allow you to convert each currency to Euros and vice versa. Back up and Restore options allow to save all business informations in a single file and enable you to restore those informations at any time. Three VAT rates can be used. If you update one rate, all the items using this rate will be updated. You can change the background picture of the software to use your own one. It's possible to create up to 50 business with PsiShop. All the business files are automatically compacted to use less memory. Psishop is able to manage up to 50 business with for each business more than 30000 items, 30000 suppliers, 30000 customers and several years of sales. Each business has its own name but you can also define the address of the business. This address will be used when printing invoices. PsiShop has a small notepad where you can save up to 32 pages of text. Obviously, this is just a small overview of the software. Try it, if you want to know what this software is realy able to do. Contact : --------- E-mail : Web site : Phone : 06 82 67 75 10