by Richard Wakelin. Released as public domain software January 1998. Thanks to and for examples of how to copy strings to the clipboard. GetPath is a simple app will make life a little easier for OPL programmers (and others possibly). While programming I sometimes need to type a full file specification into my code, usually for experimental or testing purposes. This means (for me) switching to the system screen, navigating to the folder that contains the file, writing down the path on a scrap of paper, switching back to the OPL editor and finally typing the path into my program. GetPath simply displays a standard Open File dialog box. Navigate to the file you want and close the dialog. The full file path is copied to the clipboard, ready for pasting into your source code. Place and GetPath.aif in a System\Apps\GetPath folder and start GetPath from the Extras bar. The Opl source code and GetPath.mbm are supplied for anyone who wishes to customise the program. Feel free to use any of the routines that you find useful.