Teditor.opo a loadable basic editor module for the Psion Series 5. Updated 14th February, 1998. This module can be loaded into an OPL32 program to provide a simple text editor. Load it when required, or at startup, with a LOADM command. You can unload it if you wish, with UNLOADM. The OPL code supplied shows how the module is called. It will return suitable error codes if anything goes wrong within the module. error_code% = ted%:(file$,title$,size&,flag%,thread&) file$ is the full path to a file to be edited or created. title$ is the legend above the editor window. If a null string is used, an extra line will be created in the editor window. size& Make sure the buffer is big enough! Its size is fixed at startup, and cannot grow like a proper editor! flag% Set this to 0 for an existing file, or 1 to create a new file. thread& is the thread id for the main application. The module contains a BUSY OFF command which is executed when the editor appears. It is a good idea to preceed your call to ted: with something like BUSY "Please wait". The module also generates a "Saving..." message when saving a file. If something goes wrong while saving, this may not be cancelled, so use a BUSY OFF after calling ted: It may be desirable to LOCK ON and LOCK OFF to prevent your application being closed from the system screen while ted: is being used. The module also generates standard error codes. Note that the time between loading a text file, and the editor window appearing, is variable and not always related to file size. For example, there may be a delay between the "press UpArrow" message and the editors appearance. A small 1.5k file may take longer to appear than a 10k file! Geofox users: This module is intened for use on a 640 * 240 screen. Contact me if you have a larger screen. Teditor.opo is supplied with no guarantee of suitability for any use. The author disclaims all responsibility for any unwanted effects on your Psion or other computer. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Teditor.opo is freeware. If you circulate an application with this module, I disclaim any responsibility for unwanted effects. Roger Muggleton hzk@cix.co.uk http://www.cix.co.uk/~hzk/