The object of the exercise was to produce a program for an EPOC32 machine to convert Psion Series 3x OPL database files into their OPL32 equivalent. It does not produce files for the Series 5/Geofox Data applications. These programs are really meant for database programmers who wish to convert a Psion Series 3x database application into a Series 5 or Geofox version. The program CONV_DBF.OPO was designed to read a straight .ODB file produced by an EPOC16 OPL program. It should also read files from the EPOC16 DATA application. Initially the application will list the total number of fields in the database, and the types (string, integer, long, and float), and then process each record. A text file is produced in the form: "Apples","","3.6","10779","","" "Prunes","Dried","4.2","23119","","" The above example, there are six fields, the values are surrounded by double quotes ("), and the fields delimited by commas. In the case of OPL database files, all fields are shown, even if they contain no data. For DATA files, which have 32 string fields by default, all empty fields after the last non-empty field are omitted. There are two ways this file can be used. Firstly the file is suitable for importing into OPL32 DATA (File->More->Import text file), as it conforms to DATA's default import layout. You need to create an empty DATA file with field types and names to suit the file. In the above example, all fields might be strings, or the third field could be a float, the fourth a number, etc. Secondly the files could be converted into an OPL32 database file. I have included a converter for this purpose, text2odb32.opo, which reads both the binary log file and the CSV text file produced by conv_dbf.opo. The main CONV_DBF.OPO program should be copied to a suitable folder on your Psion 5 or Geofox. It will initially look in the same folder for OPL16 database files, so you can put them there as well. Series 3x database files should be copied to this folder - there is no need to try any sort of file conversion before or during the copy (e.g. with PsiWin). The dialog produced on running the OPO will have a file selector, and at the bottom, a choice field: View file or Write CSV file. View will allow you to examine each record without writing any files, Write will process each record without stopping. After making your choices, you will first see a list showing the type of each field in the database. For EPOC16 DATA files, there will normally be 32 string fields, although not all may be used. For OPL database files, the actual number of fields will be shown - which can be either string, integer, long integer, or floating number. Pressing Esc will abort here, or any other key will read through the data a record at a time, step by step (View), or continuous (Write), as selected earlier. In the View mode, you can stop by pressing Esc at any time. If the records are large, they might overflow the screen. At the end of the file, a short summary is shown, which lists the total number of records found, and the highest number field used. This data is written to a *.log file. TEXT2ODB32.OPO This file should be copied to the same folder as CONV_DBF.OPO. I am grateful to Otfried Cheong for his OPLDB1.OPX which this program uses. On running the program, a dialog will request the name of the *.log file. Only these log files are shown in the file selector. Next, you will be prompted for a table name. The default is "table1", but you may enter any name up to 12 characters. Next, you will be asked for a name for each field. A short name is advisable as there is an overall limit of about 230 characters for the total list of names. Note the table and field names you enter. These will be needed when you write code to use the new database, although you may be able to read the names with Otfried Cheong's OPX. There are a couple of limitations to this program. The size of each string field will be limited to the maximum found for each field in the initial OPL16 database. This means that if you write any more records to the new OPL32 database, you cannot write string data above these limits. Furthermore, the new file will have only those fields actually used in the original. So if you start with a 32 field Series 3a Data file, and only the first 10 fields are used, then the new file will have only 10 fields. The limits are stored in the *.log file, so I have included a small program EDLOG.OPO which allows you to increase the size of the text fields, and add new fields. Note that this program may crash if the log and CSV files are invalid. The output file name will have the extension .odb32 and so you may need to rename your file to something sensible. FILES The files in the archive should be: CONV_DBF.OPO the program file. TESTDB.ODB an example OPL16 database file. TEXT2ODB32.OPO which reads the CSV and log files, and writes an OPL32 database file. EDLOG.OPO a log file editor. All the above files should be copied to the same folder. It is a good idea to create a folder for you file conversions, where all files used and produced will be kept. OPLDB1.OPX Copy this to c:\system\opx\ LIMITATIONS These limitation apply to EPOC16 DATA files: Only text fields of less than 256 characters are handled. Addresses from a Series 3x DATA files will separate into one field per line of orginal address. This may result in data in the wrong fields! These programs are really intended for use on OPL16 database files! Only type 1 records are handled (these are normal records). Field labels will be lost. DISCLAIMER These program are fairly rudimentary, and not guaranteed to be suitable for any task. The user installs and uses the programs at her/his own risk. The author will not be held responsible for loss of data, or any ill effects on any computer it is held or used on. I apologise for any mistakes in this readme file, hopefully the programs will be self explanatory. SOURCE CODE The source code may be obtained by email from the author. COPYRIGHT OPLDB1.OPX is Copyright Otfried Cheong and RMR Software 1998. Without this file, it would not be possible to create TEXT2OPD32.OPO. CONV_DBF.OPO, Edlog.opo, and TEXT2ODB32.OPO are Copyright Roger Muggleton 1998. You may use and distribute the files in the archive freely. COMMENTS Comments etc. to the author: Roger Muggleton email: